A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.265: Character introduction――Outside Alberan (Includes spoilers)

A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

C.265: Character introduction――Outside Alberan (Includes spoilers)

***Chapter 265 Character introduction――Outside Alberan (Includes spoilers)***

- Attributes

Order----Values rules and discipline, universal concepts, and emphasizes a well-organized society and law.

Chaos----Values individuals and their emotional thoughts, valuing will over social discipline and morality.

Neutral----Does not lean towards either Order or Chaos.

Good------Altruistic disposition. They put more importance on the morality they believe in than their own profit and martyred for it.

Evil------Selfish disposition. Places importance on one's own interests and is willing to kick others down the road to achieve them.

Neutral------A moderate temperament that does not swing either way.

- How to read the names of the nobles of the kingdom

Example: (1) Gildanstein, (2) Kalnaros, (3) Vel, (4) Sarcarinea, (5) Alberan

1. Name: Gildanstein

2. The largest land in the area under his management: Kalnaros.

(This is simplified, originally, it's very long as it includes all of the areas under one's management.)

3. Male royalty with the right of succession to the throne: Vel, Female royalty: Vera.

4. Honorary title: Sarcarinea

5. Family (house) name: Alberan

Officially, between (4) and (5), military ranks such as Marshal or General, or words indicating royal court positions such as Prime minister, are added, or words indicating titles such as Grand Duke are added after the family name. However, since the horizontal letters are already too long, the necessary ranks and titles are written in kanji (Chinese characters) at the end of each sentence for the sake of clarity.

Basically, other than the family name, the title is not necessarily inherited by the child, but unless there is a particular problem, the legitimate son will customarily inherit the land and the title.

However, only the honorary title of no. 4, which indicates military exploits as a warrior, is not inherited.

When a person without a surname receives title quasi-knighthood of Nea, they often name their place of birth. (Example) Gallen Nea Kalka.

- Height Profile Glossary (in cm)

The average height for men is around 175cm, and for women is around 160cm.

+No entry: average height

+Medium build: average height

+High stature (tall/large): About 10 cm taller than average. In the case of men, if it is written as 6 shaku, it exceeds 180.

+Small stature (petite): About 10cm lower than average.

+Comparatively: Tall/petite is below average.

+Extremely (very): Tall/small is above average.

- Character - Height - Roughly - Vague Imagination (author's)

Krische - 140, latter half - 147

Bery - 150, first half - 152

Selene - 150, latter half – 159 fɾeewebnoveℓ.co๓

Kreschenta - 140, first half - (I-I’m still growing)

Kalua - 160, latter half - 168~169

Mia - 150, latter half - 158

Elvena- 160, latter half - 161~162

Anne - > 160 < - > 160 <

Lira - 150, latter half - 157

**Midyliarize- 150, latter half – 156**

**Calshe - 160, first half – 163**

**■ Those who Remain

■ Thoe who are Departed**

- ----Other Kingdom Nobles (Military). - ----Kreisharana

■ Alkierence Sharana -- Neutral Good

A chief who loves Holy Spirit. He is the chief of the Kreisharana tribe.

He is a powerful man who once held the position of warrior chief of Kreisharana, and was appointed as the chief by his predecessor and elder, Beekirs, and became the chief of the tribe.

It seems that the other warriors had no objection to him becoming the clan leader, as he was a man of character as well as his skill, and he was promoted smoothly without being challenged to a duel for the position.

Although he no longer wields a spear for hunting, he is still the top-ranking warrior in Kreisharana, and there are only a few people who can exchange spears with him properly.

He is always thinking about the future of the village and is a pacifist in Kreisharana.

In its current form, he believes that it is impossible for Kreisharana to continue to exist, and he is seeking a new path while respecting the customs of the past.

For this reason, he has made efforts to improve his relationship with Arna since becoming chief, and is not well-liked by the conservatives, with the exception of Beekirs.

If the Kreisharana customs, which place emphasis on improving the individual, are truly good, they will remain in the future even if it wasn’t forced.

However, the arrival of Krische, who was born in the kingdom that was supposed to be covered in conceit and falsehood, but is superior to anyone else as an individual, made him feel a new wind coming.

Sensing a new wind, he decided to re mend relationship the kingdom and began steering toward a new future.

**Although he considers eternity that Krische wished for to be a dangerous idea, he learned that reincarnation really exists, and thought of his wife who went before him.

Hoping that someday he'll meet her again.

He continued to negotiate with the kingdom and watched over the village and Lira's decisions so that he could depart with his head held high in this life.

△ Historically

He is known as the Kreisharana chief who broke the 500-year isolation.

He told the elders who showed resistance to Alberan's culture that the Holy Spirit saw things as they were and did not despise anyone, warning them of the foolishness of inheriting hatred and passing it on. He also granted the last Holy Priestess, his own daughter, Lila Sharana’s wish.**

?Battle Command

Through years of experience, he understands the strengths and weaknesses of the griffin cavalry and is skilled in the art of unilaterally defeating opponents from an advantageous position.

The tactics of avoiding danger and unilaterally aiming for the enemy's life are not very interesting, but for them, fighting is hunting. He values the idea that hunters should be as calm as possible, rather than something that should be enjoyed, and the calmness that allows him to do this can be said to be his strength.

Appearance: Shaved head. Brown eyes. Muscular. A face with deep wrinkles. A rich white beard.

Armor: Leather cuirass, gauntlets, and leg armor. Pants with bulging thighs.

→Krische: A warrior who has attained the Holy Spirit with the body of a man. The embodiment of Kreisharana’s ideal. A frightening girl who spouts nothing but verbal gaffe.

Strong points: Griffin control. Spear. Throwing spears. Taijutsu.

Likes: Honey. Training.

Dislikes: Lazy.

**Concerns: The future of Kreisharana and Lira.**

■ Vinthril Sharana -- Neutral Good

A seeker-type boy who loves warriors. Kreisharana’s Chief Warrior.

The warrior chief candidates are made up of 12 people selected by recommendation from warriors who have been recognized for their ability and personality, and the one who competes in martial arts and comes out on top becomes the chief warrior.

He is the son of the current tribe chief Alkierence and holds the position of Kreisharana’s Chief Warrior, but that position is not hereditary and is based on his ability.

He can be said to be the best warrior in Kreisharana, both in name and reality, and is respected by the warriors.

He has a beautiful and good-looking lover, whom he has promised to marry after this battle, and her father has repeatedly threatened to kill him if he makes his daughter unhappy, even if he is dead.

Having grown up under Alkierence, he has similar views about Kreisharana and hopes that the restoration of diplomatic relations with the kingdom will bring about a new future for them.

Quite a sis-con.

He witnessed a war that was too one-sided, created by Krische, and felt a huge disconnect from his ideals, but he understood her reasoning and feelings and once again decided to cooperate. **After the war, with the blessings of many people, he successfully married his lover, started a family, and had two children.

When his younger sister, who had devoted her entire human life to the Holy Spirit at a young age, expressed her wish to become her final priestess, he was opposed to it and tried to dissuade her.

**After the war, he successfully married his girlfriend and started a family with the blessings of many people.

He is now praying that his child will be born safely.

Having started a family and knowing normal happiness, he felt sad for his younger sister who spend her time alone in the Forbidden Area and cuts off all contact with outside to prove that her motive was selfless. He tried to convince her as an older brother rather than the warrior chief of Kreisharana, but she didn't listen.

He finally decided to admit it in the face of her will, and bowed to Krische as an individual when she visited, and entrusted her with the hope that her sister, who had spent her life in solitude, would be able to find true happiness as a normal person in the future.

And for the sake of his sister, who was determined to do just that, he himself vowed once again to devote his life to the future of Kreisharana.

△ Historically

Chief Kreisharana.

A person who built a village on the edge of a mountain, on the border between Kreisharana and the plains.

As a place where people from the villages and kingdoms could move freely, it was recognized that there was no need to abide by the rules of Kreisharana, and it developed as a trading stop with the kingdom.

The number of immigrants to this place, which was created as a place to spend time and learn about the culture of the plains, was small, but after the disappearance of Yagernaus during the Kleinmeer era, the number of immigrants gradually increased, and it became larger than the village of Kreisharana itself.

Eventually, Kreisharana itself was transformed into a formless place of worship that preserved and transmitted its teachings, and a temple was built within.

He left behind his name as a great person who created a new home for the people of Kreisharana and separated the Kreisharana as a people and the Kreisharana as a faith, and even today, practitioners from all over the world come here and connect with faith of the former Kreisharana.**

?Battle Command

He excels at instantaneous decision-making and is good at three-dimensional griffin cavalry operations.

Compared to Alkierence, he has defeated countless Suiko through aggressive tactics, such as using decoys and taking out opponents from behind.

If Alkierence is a hunter, his thinking is similar to that of a military man, and rather than relying entirely on the beast, he often uses the griffin as a strategy piece.

Appearance: Short black hair. Brown eyes. Tall and muscular. Well-rounded face.

Armor: Leather cuirass, gauntlets, and leg armor. Pants with bulging thighs.

→Krische: A warrior recognized by the Holy Spirit. The pinnacle to aim for. Sloppy in various way.

Strong points: Griffin control. Spear. Throwing spears. Swordsmanship.

Likes Dueling. Training. Little sister.

Dislikes: Not formed abs.

**Concerns: Lira.**

■ Vervas -- Neutral Good

I'm a warrior type of guy. Chief Guardian of Kreisharana.

A warrior who was chosen as a candidate for warrior chief upon the appointment of chief Alkierence.

At one time, he was considered a sure-fire for chief warrior, but was defeated in a duel with Vinthril and became the chief guardian.

If the best warrior in Krei Sharana is the Chief Warrior, then the next best warrior is the Chief Guardian.

It is a prestigious position, the gatekeeper of the path to the Holy Spirit, and he is not dissatisfied with the position, partly because it was the result of a duel, and now he and Vinthril have a private and public relationship.

However, perhaps because of their relationship, his beloved daughter, who he dotes on, has developed a crush on Vinthril, and lately he has been poking Vinthril as a thief who is trying to steal her daughter away from him.

He hates Vinthril for taking his daughter away, but he's happy to see his happy daughter who has had a child so early, which is rare in Kreisharana, and he can't say anything about it.

**He respects Lira's role as a Holy Priestess, but at the same time, he is deeply worried about her as his best friend's younger sister.

He realized that there she didn’t need to sleep outdoors just to prove that she was selfless, so he built a hut for her with Vinthril and the others, and every time they patrolled from the sky, they he made sure to keep an eye out for monsters around it. Sometimes he left the village's crops in front of the hut, on the pretense that he occasionally dropped them.

After building the hut, they never met in person except for an audience, and even when they did, they never mentioned it.

However, whenever Lira saw him, she always smiled bitterly and quietly bowed her head.

After he passed away, the next guardian took over the hut, and even after Lira was gone, the hut remained a shrine, and flowers and nuts were offered to it every time someone visited.

△ Historically

Warrior of Kreisharana. Guardian of the forbidden area.

Chieftain, Warrior chief, and Protector of the Forbidden Region’s names were carved in stone after their death as great warriors.**

?Battle Command

Like Alkierence, he operates with a focus on the Griffin's flight characteristics above all else, and has a cold-hearted attitude that focuses only on pure victory rather than a competition of skills.

Though he prefers fair battles, as he is in a position where he cannot afford to lose, he places emphasis on winning and does not go on adventures.

Although his command ability is not outstanding, his individual ability is high, and in a fight between a small number of people, he will be able to utilize that strength to gain the upper hand from beginning to end.

Appearance: Short black hair. Brown eyes. Large and muscular. A rugged yet well-groomed face. Scar on cheek.

Armor: Leather cuirass, gauntlets, and leg armor. Pants with bulging thighs.

→Krische: A great warrior. A transcendent person who he can’t reach. A strange girl.

Strong points: Griffin control. Spear. Taijutsu. Archery.

Likes: Contest skill. Training. Warrior. Daughter.

Dislikes: Bug (around his daughter).

**Concerns: That first grandchild would be born with both the mother and the baby safe.**

- ----Arna Imperial State

■ **Himemi (Princess Shrine Maiden)** -- Order Neutral

A type of girl who hides herself with thick costumes clother. Former leader of the Arna Imperial State. The Princess Shrine Maiden's advisor.

She has been in power for 40 years and is the de facto leader of the Arna Imperial State, as well as the head of the priests.

In the Imperial State, the faith that worships the ancient dragon Yagernaus is more respected than anything else, she became a Miko at the age of 15, at which she gave up her name and assumed the role of a Miko princess.

Counted from Kreschenta and many generations ago, she has been associated with King of Alberan since the one before the last (two generation) and is the leader of the pro-kingdom faction.

In the Imperial State, there is a division between the northern faction and the kingdom faction, which believes that the relationship with the northern island countries should be deepened and developed rather than the kingdom, but she values harmony and stability above all else, and since her reign, the Imperial State has been very stable and has adopted a policy closer to the Kingdom.

She suspects that Kreschenta may have caused the current civil war in the Kingdom but does not consider it important in and of itself and is simply trying to determine whether or not she is in the best interest of the Imperial State.

**Due to her own aging, when she found her next successor, she immediately passed down the princess shrine maiden. She went from a Princess Shrine Maiden to her Himemi (姫見 = Princess + See/watch).

She spends her time as the Princess Shrine Maiden and advisor.

She believed that Alberan would undoubtedly see the greatest development in history after surviving the Five Great Nations War, and she emphasized to Miko Hime the importance of maintaining a friendly relationship with the kingdom.

After the unification of Alberan, he feared the annexation of Arna, which he thought was possible because of Crescenta's character and nature, but it did not happen, and after seeing the enigmatic reforms that followed, the establishment of the Parliament, she left this world with words of advice for the Princess Shrine Maiden.

‘From now on, keep your eyes on Kreschenta, not Alberan, and follow the trends that follow.’

The cunning Queen of Alberan. Cursed Child who seeks power.

Kreschenta who she feared and watched than anyone else.

She didn't know what she was thinking or what she wanted, but her actions, of letting go of her power even though she had gained everything, somehow felt strangely fitting.

――Perhaps her pursuit of power was merely a means to an end, and not the end itself.

△ Historically

She is said to be a famous ruler of the Aana Empire.

Although Alberan had the power to unify the continent, she continued to maintain their national identity without hesitation, and for a long time she advised Imperial State as Princess Shrine Maiden.

She was not swallowed up by the founding of the Kleinmeer nation, and it was said that the reason why Arna was able to survive until the dragon hunting era in the middle of the Kleinmeer period was largely due to the various teachings that she passed on to the Princess Shrine Maiden.

--Arna was like a leaf floating on water.

It is said that the leaders of small countries learned a lot from the diplomacy of the Arna Imperial State, not from the great powers.**

Appearance: Long black hair. Long, slanted blue eyes. Tall and slender. Mole under the eyes. Graceful (beautiful).

→ Krische: Same as Kreschenta, a Cursed Child. Would like to meet her once.

Strong points: Magic Crystal Technique Engraving. Public Face. Etiquette.

Likes: Basking in the sun. Taking care of flowers.

Dislikes: anything that disturbs the harmony of the Imperial State.

**Concerns: What Crescenta desires from the bottom of her heart.**

■ Zanaribea -- Order Good

Unexpectedly, a man who loves honey. High Priest of the Arna Imperial State.

He is the oldest of the four High Priests, aged over 90.

He is the person most trusted by the Miko princess and is a pro-Kingdom figure.

In the empire, the faith that worships the ancient dragon Yagernaus is valued above all else, and when he became a priest, he abandoned his family name and devoted himself to the empire as a priest.

He has been involved in national politics for a long time, often serving as an emissary to the Kingdom, and has met Kreschenta before.

However, he was unable to see her true nature, and she had the lead in negotiations.

He has a big, sweet tooth and his taste buds are similar to Krische and Kreschenta.

Because of Kreschenta relationship with Bery, he considers Kreschenta to be a Cursed Child, but not a bad one.

He realized that tariff relief related to magic crystals is a bigger problem than expected, and is busy negotiating related technology.

**After the War of the Five Great Powers, he collapses in a carriage heading to the royal capital and spends his final moments in Alberan.

Even against Kreschenta who had come to visit him, on he deathbed, he didn’t change and still continued to make diplomatic negotiations while eating Bery’s cookies, making Kreschenta laugh saying ‘I don't dislike people like Zanaribea-sama’.

△ Historically

High Priest of the Arna Imperial State.

He is said to have been active in the diplomacy of both countries during the final years of Alberan.

In his final moments, he collapsed in Alberan, and it is said that he negotiated with Queen Kreschenta on his sickbed, and they concluded a cooperative relationship by dispatching magicians to the Magic Research Institute and producing magical weapons in Alberan.

Afterwards, the Pishune was imported and partially deployed to the Arna Navy, demonstrating its overwhelming strength in naval battles and landing battles during the War of Continental Unification, supporting maritime trade, which was the pillar of Arna's economy.

It was said that the reason why Arna was granted exclusive access to cutting-edge magic technology and magic weapons, even if only in a small portion, was to seek the technical cooperation of Arna's excellent craftsmen for the defense of the continent. Even though Arna paid a large amount of money, in the end, overall, it could be said that the deal was advantageous for Arna.

It is also said that this transaction, which was uncharacteristic of her, as she always had the upper hand in foreign negotiations, might have been a personal ‘Farewell Gift’ from her to Zanaribea.**

Appearance: Gray hair brushed back. Brown eyes. Thin build. Deeply wrinkled face.

Krische → A girl who exudes the power to push through the impossible. Sweet tooth. A poor child. **A helpless being who repeatedly made genius inventions as if breathing.**

Strong points: Negotiation. Diplomacy. Etiquette.

Likes: Tea. Honey. Cookies.

Dislikes: Bitter things.

**Concerns: None. Finally able to truly enjoy Alberan's last cookie from the bottom of his heart.**

- ----Gulshan Republic

■ Orugan -- Neutral Neutral

A man who is hopelessly unsuitable for formal appearance No. 2. The vice-chancellor of the Republic of Gulshan. Former royalty.

Although he was born into the Gulshan royal family, he disliked the widening disparity between rich and poor and the appearance of the royal family drowning in luxury, he stood up for the people and led a rebellion to establish a republic.

Having given up his status and power as a member of the royal family and fought for the people, he was a hero of Gulshan and had the power to take over anything he wanted, but he turned down the offer to become chancellor because he felt he would lose his original ambition if he himself, as a royal, was in the highest position.

His words were half true, but they weren't correct, and there was a strong part of him that simply hated being tied down by authority.

He preferred the battlefields where warriors fought with their pride above all else, and his subordinates, who knew him to be a war-mad maniac, believed that he rejected the position of chancellor because he didn't want to miss the battlefields.

Dougleen, a general in the southern part of the kingdom, is his favorite opponent, but their sympathetic upbringing and personalities make them friends, and they drink with each other after every skirmish.

However, they are war fanatics, and once they get into a fight, they can smile and kill each other.

Seeing the overwhelming power of Krische Christand, the maniac fell off, and he watched the progress of Alberan and Gulshan's negotiations.

**There is no one in the Gulshan Council, which is made up of mostly civilians, who has the political acumen to attack Crescenta. Due to the crushing defeat in the war and the military actions of the surrounding small countries, unfavorable negotiations continued, and it looked like Gulshan itself would eventually be annexed.

Orugan, who had been on suspension due to the defeat in the war, was increasingly consulted privately by the chairmen, and a few years later he was released from suspension and returned as chairperson. However, their diplomatic defeat was also painful for Orugan, and they maintained their national integrity by temporarily forming a military alliance that was close to vassalship.

Afterwards, he proposed and introduced a citizen elementary school system modeled after Alberan, and poured all of his power into developing human resources with an eye on Gulshan's future.

Even though he complains to Zalvaag and Dougleen that it's too much trouble, he guides them toward a new era.

After fighting side-by-side with Dougleen in the final battle of the Continental Unification War, he completely left the military to Zalvaag and devoted himself to politics. He held study groups himself, had many young members study politics, and wrote many books for posterity.

And a few years later, he too falls asleep, laughing at his troublesome friend who died as a guest in his own country while playing as he pleased.

He dreams of new fruit sprouting on the dry land of Gulshan.

△ Historically

A person who established a republic in Gulshan.

He was skilled not only in warfare but also in politics, and greatly contributed to the subsequent development of Gulshan.

Although opinions are divided as to his ability as a strategist and tactician due to the fact that he was often at the mercy of Dougleen Garhka and his crushing defeat against Alberinea, at that time, Alberinea was an unparalleled genius in warfare, and Dougleen Garhka was also one of the continent's leading generals.

Many military historians say that he was a powerful man who should be called a great general due to his skills in the Gulshan Civil War, the War of Dismantling Elsren, and the War of Unification, and Dougleen Garhka himself wrote that he was a worthy opponent who could not be defeated.

Shortly after his crushing defeat against Alberinea, he returned to the position of chairman and decided to submit himself to Alberan before Gulshan weakened.

Alberan's overwhelming victory in the War of the Five Great Powers. Afterwards, the criticism from the assembly members who were overwhelmed by Kreschenta was small, but it was written that the people were greatly disappointed, saying, ‘The brave Orugan had his fangs broken by Alberinea’.

However, he took credit in the later Elsren Dissolution War and Unification War, and as a result, he negotiated with Alberan and raised Gulshan's diplomatic status. The people apologized for their foolishness and turned to him, praising his skill and saying, ‘He bows down to the storm and seizes the fruit’.

He came back as a hero in both name and reality, and it was said that he was the embodiment of the rain-worship religion that was worshiped at the time, and that people adored him and called him Gulshania, the ‘Chief of the strong rain’, and many notes and books praising him still exist today.

His teachings gave Gulshan the strength to judge the times, and when Kleinmeer was founded, he gave up on Alberan, and after that he prospered as an ally of Kleinmeer.

At the end of the Kleinmeer era, they parted ways due to their magician supremacy and entered the war on the allied side, resulting in their destruction, however he is said to have greatly contributed to Gulshan's continued maintenance of the national polity until then, and he is still spoken of today as the father of the Gulshan republic.**

?Battle Command

He is a masterful commander of elephants and other beast soldiers in the army.

He prefers a bold head-on breakthrough by disrupting the enemy line with an elephant, but if that does not work, he will use surprise, ambush, and any other means to win the battle.

He believes that war is fought to win, and he uses all kinds of tactics to hunt down his enemies, but he does not surprise attack (foul play).

He is a hero in Gulshan, and his army maintains extremely high morale, even among conscripts.

Appearance: Stiff black hair. Dark brown eyes. Muscular build of less than six shaku. Bearded. Hairy. Sweaty. Tanned skin.

Armor: Lion carved plate mail.

→Krische: The embodiment of a storm that sweeps everything away. A changer of the times. Got dumped.

Strong points: Great curved swordsmanship. Operation of beast soldiers.

Likes: Drinking. Fighting. Personal combat. Strong man.

Dislikes: surprise attack (foul play).

**Concerns: The fruit of the rain.**

■ Zalvaag -- Neutral Neutral

A hard-working man with a very difficult boss. He is the chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Gulshan. Formerly a shoemaker.

He used to be the son of a humble shoemaker, but when his young sister was killed by a nobleman, he swore revenge and joined the rebel army.

He had never held a sword before, but his prodigious talent with the sword awakened on the battlefield, and he became the head of the Gulshan army and its commander countless times on the front lines.

As the best swordsman in Gulshan who came from a commoner's background, he is known in Gulshan as the Orugan’s Sword.

He is mild-mannered and does not like to do rough things, but he has sworn allegiance to Orugan, who rebelled against and defeated the royal family and nobles of the time, and after the war, he continues to work to support Orugan as he has done before.

He is a man of ordinary appearance and lacks flair, but he has a brilliant mind and can speak four languages other than his native language Shaan.

**While Orugan was unable to move, he made various arrangements for his return, and eventually assisted him in becoming chairman. He waits for an opportunity to join him, accompanies him in the War of Dismantling Elsren and the War of Unification, achieving many feats of military prowess, and contributing to the revival of Gulshan.

After that, instead of Organ, who worked hard to train the people and politicians, he followed Alberan and toured the military school built in Gulshan, carrying out military reform and military training.

Although he was annoyed with Dougleen who died there, Zalvaag struggles until the end, running around to explain the situation, until he falls asleep following Orugan.

Wondering if he could have built a country that his sister could be proud of, together with him.

△ Historically

Gulshan’s Chief of military affairs, later commander-in-chief of the army.

He is said to have been Orugan’s right-hand man, and it is said that Orugan always kept him by his side as he had greater military talent than himself.

Unlike Orugan’s, who was a general, his suspension was lifted early, and he made a great contribution by making arrangements for Orugan’s return to politics.

There are many personal anecdotes about him, and it was said that even though he joined the revolutionary army as a soldier, he was a hero who cut through more than 1,000 enemies with. Despite this, he is known as a genius in both literary and military arts who is able to use a variety of languages.

His original origins were said to have been as a shoemaker, and there are several shoemakers called Zalvaag, named after him.**

?Battle Command

Although he is more gifted as a commander of a century than as a commander of a large army, he is competent enough to command and operate an army.

He usually spends most of his time as Orugan’s assistant and bodyguard, which gives him a wide field of vision.

He hates to see his troops die in vain and is cautious by nature, but when he leads his own troops, he shows a different kind of aggression.

Appearance: Black hair. Dark brown eyes. Tall and slender. Bearded. Thin face (presence).

Armor: Half plate with lion carving.

→Krische: A mad Absolute. A strong man who cannot be touched.

Strong points: Curved sword swordsmanship. Shoe maintenance.

Likes: Sweet food. Self-discipline.

Dislikes: Those who trample on the weak through their power.

**Concerns: Will his sister forgive him?**

■ Gal Bilkace -- Order Good

He is an experienced and sensible commander. He is the captain of the main army of the Republic of Gulshan and Commander of the Ground Dragon Cavalry.

He was born into a noble family that produced the best of Gulshan’s cavalry during the Kingdom of Gulshan and lived a comfortable life, but he could not stand the corruption of the royal family and nobility, so he joined Orugan for the people.

He is renowned as the commander of the rebel army's ground dragon cavalry, and in the civil war, he personally killed his own brother, who was the commander of the kingdom's ground dragon cavalry.

His achievements and character have earned him the respect of the ruling class, even among the commoners in the military, despite his former noble status, and he is respected as the legitimate leader of the nobles.

He had the misfortune of encountering Kolkis and Aleha during the battle against Alberan, and was decapitated by Aleha as he evaded Kolkis’s attack.

△ **Historically

Although he was a noble of the Gulshan Kingdom, he joined the revolutionary army for the sake of the people.

He was respected by the commoners as a noble among nobles, but he was killed in action during the War of the Five Great Powers.**

?Battle Command

He has a deep knowledge of the operation of the earth dragon cavalry, and is tactful and flexible in his thinking.

Because he commands expensive cavalry, he basically avoids overreaching and strives to maintain his forces, but his commanding nature is more suited to attack, and he is also good at feats of strength, such as successfully launching a seemingly foolhardy assault.

Appearance: Black hair. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. Dark skin. Beard. Chiseled face.

Armor: Plate mail that represents a dragon with its mouth open..

→Krische: A transcendent outside of the ordinary. A monster among monsters.

Strong points: Cavalry spearmanship. Curved sword swordsmanship.

Likes: Polishing the scales of sand lizards. Sword collection.

Dislikes: Coward. Those conceited in their authority.

Concerns: Facing monsters a never seen before monster.

■ Elkar -- Neutral Good

A bold, bald, giant-like man. First-class military officer of the Republic of Gulshan. A General.

Born in a small town as the only son of a carpenter, he was blessed with a superhuman physique but was clumsy and had a quarrel with his father, so he became a merchant escort.

He spent several years doing so, but his anger gradually dissipated and he returned to his parents' home, concerned that they had no heir other than himself.

As the best swordsman in Gulshan who came from a commoner's background, he is known in Gulshan as the Orugan’s Sword.

However, when he returned, the town was burned to the ground as an example for failing to pay taxes, and this led him to join Orugan's revolutionary army.

He used his size and strong arms to make a name for himself, and gained an unshakable position in the revolutionary army.

When they were outnumbered, he always stood at the front of his soldiers, and his appearance wielding a large iron hammer was feared by the Gulshan Kingdom's army, and he earned the respect of his allies, earning him the nickname Elkar, the Bloodstained Giant.

Although his blood tends to rush to his head, he doesn't unreasonably criticize others, and has a lively but refreshing personality without any sarcasm.

He is Kilrea's best friend, and they have known each other since their days as caravan escorts.

He is also good friends with Orugan and Zalvaag, and he forces Zalvaag to be with him when he tries to escape from the banquet for some reason.

He was concerned about his thinning hair from an early age, so he shaved it off, and was often teased by Kilrea, who grew his hair in a ostentatious manner.

He fought valiantly against Kolkis, Aleha, and the Black Flag Special Forces, but was ultimately defeated.

△ **Historically

General of the Gulshan Republic.

He has a superhuman physique and is nicknamed the Giant, and has fought as Orugan’s confidant since the days of the Revolutionary Army.

His line of battle was destroyed by Jarea Gashea's charge, and Kolkis Argand pierced his chest and killed him.**

?Battle Command

He used to be a man of valor standing at the front, but he has perfected himself as a general by learning from his many experiences in the Gulshan Civil War and acquiring wisdom and strategy..

He is skilled in the art of raising morale, and has no equal when it comes to breaking through head-on with the elephant soldiers.

He leads the most powerful troops in the Royal Army of Gulshan and is also known as the "Shield of Gulshan.

Appearance: Shaved head. Dark brown eyes. Superhuman physique of 7 shaku tall. Dark skin. Large face.

Armor: Full plate in the shape of an elephant.

→Krische: A female warrior beyond comprehension.

Strong points: Self-style hammering. Elephant operation..

Likes: carpentry. Making small things (not very good at it). Drinking..

Dislikes: Being called a coward.

Concerns: Whether or not his last words were understood by Orugan and the others.

■ *Kilrea -- Chaos Nuetral

A slightly mischievous, strong swordsman. First-class military officer of the Republic of Gulshan. A General.

He is not a Shaan, but comes from a small nation further east, in the vassal state of Elsren. He was born as the youngest son of a noble, and ran away knowing that he could not hope for a successful career in his home country, which was oppressed by the military. He was traveling across the desert east of Gulshan on a journey to sharpen his sword as a caravan guard.

He learned a lot from fighting the Sand Bandits, and when he became a first-class swordsman, he met Elkar.

He is a little older than Elkar and is his mentor in battle, but after spending several years with Elkar and deepening their relationship, they became close friends before long, probably due to Elkar's personality that does not care about hierarchical relationships.

He had some regrets about his departure and encouraged Elkar to return to his hometown, but when he learned that his hometown had been burned to the ground, they both joined the revolutionary army.

With his well-trained swordsmanship, he and Elkar have continued to achieve great deeds together, earning the respect of the soldiers, earned him the title Kilrea the Swordsman.

He is a seeker, proud of his own swordsmanship, and somewhat haughty, but when he saw the genius Zalvaag, he lost his obsession and devoted himself to training the next generation of fighters.

He was killed in a surprise attack by Krische’s descent.

△ **Historically

General of the Gulshan Republic.

Like Elkar, he was a confidant of Orugan, but was attacked by Alberinea using a griffin and was killed by her.

He was known to be the best swordsman in Gulshan, but it is said that he was unable to do anything in front of Alberinea and had his neck slit, which became one of the anecdotes that showed Alberinea’s overwhelming swordsmanship.**

?Battle Command

A general with many years of caravan escort experience, excellent decision-making ability, and a wide perspective.

He likes detailed strategies and advanced tactics, and is good at using beast soldiers in general, but he has a prideful and nervous side, and always imagines the worst――he hates being outwitted by the enemy.

Although he has an excellent intellect, he tends to be too prepared for unexpected situations, and although he shows excellent fighting against intelligent generals, he often lags behind against simple and straightforward opponents.

However, his sword skills are nothing short of admirable, and the way he cuts into the enemy camp with a small group of elite soldiers is brave and courageous. He has used his ability to overturn predicaments caused by tactical mistakes, and he is definitely considered one of the great generals.

Appearance: Black hair mixed with gray hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender with long limbs. Dark skin. A face with deep wrinkles.

Armor: Rugged half plate..

→Krische: A female warrior beyond comprehension.

Strong points: self-styled swordsmanship. Maintenance the sword.

Likes: Alcohol. Make fun of Elkar. Compare arms. Training.

Dislikes: People who underestimate his abilities.

Concerns: Defeat that tarnishes one's honor at the end.

■ Alcazaris – Neutral Neutral

A monstrous girl who came out to be killed. Elephant magical beast.

An elephant magical beast that was accidentally born in the process of elephant breeding in Gulshan.

It was once used by the rebels in the civil war in the Kingdom of Gulshan, and was one of the reasons for the rebels' victory.

It was named Alcazaris, "the one that laid waste to everything," Because of its appearance of trampling and crushing the lines of battle, and after the war, it lived peacefully in the back for breeding.

Tearful trial and error was made to create a special pedestal for the male elephants to hoist them up for breeding, but the breeding did not go well partly because of her huge size, and seven of them died rousing her anger, and dozens of people also deaths.

Because of such damage, the elephants were pulled to the front by the order of Orugan, who saw no reason to save her for the decisive battle against the kingdom, but she was killed instantly by Krische spear throws.

It was a monster that would have performed well in a battle without Krische, but in the face of Krische, who had fight against a dragon, it was only a large, pitiful beast.

△ **Historically

A monster who led the revolutionary army to victory. Elephant magical beast.

It was said to have been so large that it could walked across fortress walls, and the bones still preserved today prove that this description is not an exaggeration.

There is a well-known anecdote in which Alberinea killed the beast from a ri away with a javelin, and the thick, damaged skull was used to verify whether magic had been used.

However, no matter how much we investigated, there were no traces of magical power, and the damage to the skull revealed that it was physical damage caused by an extremely high-speed projectile colliding with it.

It is said that scholars looked at each other in shock when they realized that the numerous anecdotes of battle lines being broken, large stone trebuchets, and castle walls being destroyed were not exaggerations, but were simply the result of javelin throwing due to body strengthening.**

Appearance: Green eyes. Deep blue-gray skin. A huge body that could easily fill a two-story mansion. Long fangs and snout.

→Krische: Don’t know.

Strong points: Back kick. Stomping.

Likes: Eating.

Dislikes: Mating.

Concerns: something flying over here――.

- ----Elsren Holy Empire

■ Baszlar Elmend Erslan Lukazan - Order Evil

‘This is how you use your power (authority)’ type of man. Grand Duke of the Holy Empire of Elsren.

He is the head of the Lukazan family, one of the three major duchies with the right to inherit the throne and is among the top five in the monster nation of Elsren.

He has been skilled at scheming since childhood, and although he was born as the youngest brother of the Lukazan family, he politically eliminated or killed his three older brothers and ascended to the position of head of the family.

He was well versed in politics and power, and was adept at building intelligence networks, and was considered one of the people in Elsren who should never be made into an enemy.

He was also responsible for concentrating the blame for the defeat on Aleha and the Sarchenka family.

He is extremely talented as a politician, but compared to his political ability, his abilities as a strategist and tactician as a general are mediocre.

Although he is extremely capable as a warrior, he lacks the talent to lead an army, and leaves most things to his lieutenant, Linkara, the only person he trusts.

He was killed by Krische having his head chopped off.

△ **Historically

Elsren’s supreme commander during the War of the Five Great Powers during the eastern march of Alberan.

He was the head of Lukazan, one of the three major duchies of the great nation of Elsren, and ruled the entire western region of Elsren.

He is good at politics and takes advantage of his father and brother's crushing defeat against Gildanstein to gain the position of head of the family. He overthrows the other two families through his schemes, and grows the Lukazan family to the point where his heir is seen as the next emperor.

However, he failed to advance to the east, suffered a crushing defeat in the War of the Five Great Powers, and was defeated by Alberinea, which led to his downfall.

As a result, the western part of the country was disrupted, leading to the war to dismantle Elsren, which is said to have triggered the downfall of Elsren. There are many who say that even Elsren, who was fully equipped with military equipment, was no match for Alberan at the time, which had Alberinea and magical weapons.**

?Battle Command

He has extremely high fighting ability that could be called a monster.

However, this is only the ability of a warrior who wields barbaric courage, and he is like a barbarian hero who is not blessed with tactical or strategic abilities.

However, what makes him great is his ability to understand his own weaknesses and use others as a ruler, and as a general of a large army, he is extremely capable.

He is unparalleled when it comes to using carrots and sticks to make his subordinates perform beyond their abilities, and can be said to be a conductor worthy of the name of Grandduke.

Appearance: Swept back blonde hair. Bue eyes. Large and muscular. Fearless. Trimmed beard.

Armor: An elegant full plate engraved with light shining from the clouds..

→Krische: Alberan's mas Cursed Child. unpleasant monster.

Strong points: Folka style swordsmanship. transaction. Candy and stick. Alcohol tasting. Using people.

Likes: Looking down on things. Stomping on the opponent's head. wine. Collection of swords.

Dislikes: Being looked down on. Being disrespected.

Concern: Died without even being a match against Krische.

■ Vynal Clef der Sarchenka - Order Nuetral

A boy with a Cain complex (Cain from the bible) against his excellent younger brother type of man. Duke of the Holy Empire of Elsren. Aleha's older brother.

Although he was born as the eldest son of the Sarchenka family, he possessed a talent that befits that, and was originally a person with an excellent personality and a gentle disposition.

However, everything goes awry when his younger brother Aleha, who is about 10 years younger, is a genius who far surpasses him, and when he learns that his father's love is poured into him, he becomes extremely jealous of him. Becomes to view him as enemies.

It was frightening to see him easily acquire everything Vynal had mastered through such painstaking efforts, whether it be in studies or swordsmanship or command.

However, Aleha continued to achieve great results there, gaining the title of Holy Knight and Schindel, and to Vynal, he become not his younger brother but an existence that continued to make him feel inferior.

When Aleha made a mistake, he did not protect him and disowned him, and he threw him out of the house. Vynal’s rest was only for a short time――at the end, with his younger brother's watching him, he ended his life.

When Aleha was little, Vynal was the ideal person as a noble to him, a kind and respectable older brother, and Aleha still remembers him from that time.

**The nobles were intent on dismantling the Lukazan family, and the Sarchenka family was downgraded to viscounts and had much of their territory confiscated, but they overlooked it as they lost Aleha and Vynal and were no longer their competitors.

The debt was temporarily resolved by selling off the money and personal belongings, and the rest of the life was spent slowly. His daughter, Rechelle, fell in love with the second son of a baron who is known as a coward, and they took him in as a son-in-law, and she becomes the mother of one child.

Less than twenty years after the War of the Five Great Powers, only soldiers were sent out during the war to dismantle Elsren, but the Elsren Western Defense Force was defeated in the first battle. The emperor orders all the feudal lords in the west to defend the situation and buy time, and as a result, Rechelle's husband ends up cooperating with the surrounding small feudal lords and leading a motley army of less than 5,000 men.

However, his life was saved when General Alberan, Aleha, appeared with an army of 20,000 men, raised a blue flag, and ordered them to surrender based on the Holy Spirit Covenant. After a long time, were are reunited with Aleha and Vynal’s sword, which had been kept in storage, was finally handed over to them.

‘――Ani-ue, As the head of the Sarchenka family, my met his end without shame.’

Aleha spoke those words to the two who shed tears.

After the War of Demolition, the Gatangoton net spread to Clauzella, the former territory of Aleha, which was close to their territory, and the Sarchenka family, who was later given the title of Baron Alberan, also benefited from it.

From then on, it never took off again, but instead, its name would be passed down step by step for many years to come.

△ Historically

The head of the Sarchenka family, the birthplace of Aleha Remin.

He is said to have survived the failed Eastern Alberan invasion by sacrificing his younger brother, who was popular with the people at the time, and was a person who has a lot of bad reputation despite not having made any political mistakes.

He met his end at the hands of his younger brother during the War of the Five Great Powers.**

?Battle Command

Although he doesn't have any particularly outstanding qualities, he has higher combat and command abilities than average.

He is a generally excellent general with no weaknesses, and although he may not achieve great results in battle, he is a general with stable abilities who will never suffer a crushing defeat due to incompetence.

He is a bit nervous and sometimes makes excessive preparations, but this is more of a virtue than a flaw, and his attentiveness to his soldiers, who never let them starve, is well received by them.

Appearance: Swept back blonde hair. blue eyes. Slender and muscular. A well-groomed face that looks a little haggard.

Armor: An elegant full plate depicting paradise.

→Krische: Despair in human form. monster..

Strong points: Elcafalest style swordsmanship, spearmanship. Territory management. Commerce.

Likes: Children. wine. Painting.

Dislikes: Superior younger brother.

Concern: His wife and daughter.

■ Bado Keetas- Neutral Good

A lucky man who has survived against Krische twice. Elsren Holy Empire Messenger Soldier.

A young man born into a lower aristocracy, he is the eldest son of a branch of Aleha's former lieutenant, the Dakrasha family.

Although he is not exceptionally talented, he is the type of person who does everything smoothly, has a sharp eye, and is an excellent young man.

He has had a strong interest in swordsmanship since childhood, and has studied multiple styles of swordsmanship.

During Krische surprise attack on the main camp in the mountains, he was seriously injured but luckily escaped being killed.

He also served as a messenger for the Aare Caincrus army during the War of the Five Great Powers.

Although he was caught up in Krische lure-and-destroy tactics, he survived, carrying General Aare on his back and even having a second encounter with Krische, he managed to escape from within the north wall. However, Aare is already dead from the arrow shot by Krische, and he realizes that he was just lucky to be missed once again.

Afterwards, he immediately headed to General Baszler as a messenger, evading Grunmeld's attack, and eventually making it back from the battlefield alive.

After returning to his hometown, he decided to put down his sword and give up on getting a successful career based on his experiences and concentrate on managing his territory.

After witnessing Are's final moments, he married the youngest sister of the Caincrus family, with whom he had a mysterious connection, and despite some ups and downs, he lived a peaceful life.

The records he left behind would be treated as important historical materials regarding the war and Alberinea at the time.

△ **Historically

Served as a messenger of the Holy Empire of Elsren.

He left behind many notes from that perspective, which are still treated as important historical materials for learning about the battlefields of the time.

In particular, he was an extremely rare person to have survived two encounters with Alberinea on the battlefield, and the horror of that encounter was explained in great detail from the perspective of a single soldier.

――I was simply overlooked because of the low importance of the situation, and it was just divine luck that was on my side. I could not sleep at night from fear, thinking that the third time would definitely come, and realizing that that would be my inevitable death, I decided to put down the sword I loved so much.

That was what he wrote, looking back on his feelings at the time**

?Battle Command

He was gifted with swordsmanship from an early age, and by the time he was 10 years old, he had mastered the two major sword techniques of the Holy Empire, Folka style swordsmanship and Elcafalest style swordsmanship.

He placed importance on learning a wide variety of swordsmanship rather than mastering one technique, and since then he has learned and mastered a variety of swordsmanship and combat techniques.

However, this did not go beyond the level of a master swordsman, and it did not reach the level of monsters who could change the atmosphere of a battlefield by themselves――but perhaps that was what saved his life.

At least he didn't have to have the barbaric courage to challenge Krische Christand.

Appearance: Blonde. blue eyes. Slender. Masculine.

Armor: Leather armor.

→Krische: Sliver hair is scary.

Strong points: Folca style, Elcafalest style, Lorca style and two other sword techniques. personal combat.

Likes: Sword training.

Dislikes: Bows. purple.

Concern: He get flashbacks when he see purple gems.

■ Linkara Levis Schindel Warkar – Order Neutral

A boy who looks after the evil Grand Duke. Marquis of the Holy Empire of Elsren.

A man who has served Baszlar as his tutor since he was a child, and is the only person Baszlar truly trusts.

Baszlar has been abandoned and neglected by his father, so he has become a father figure to him, and Linkara, who was not blessed with children with his wife, also considers him to be his own child.

Although it’s not like he didn’t have any thought about Baszlar distorted personality, he has given up on the fact that it is difficult to survive the demonic realm of noble society and has no choice but to follow him, sometimes acting as a reprimanded.

Although his talent is mediocre, he has a great deal of battlefield experience and is close to Felworth.

He is basically in charge of planning strategies and tactics for the Lukazan army, and in that sense, he can be said to be Elsren general in the War of the Five Great Powers.

He died from Krische’s kick to the skull.

△ **Historically

Baszler Lukazan’s right-hand man.

It is said that he was basically in charge of proposing military strategies and tactics, and that he was in a position close to that of his staff.

It is said that Baszler Lukazan, who was strict and harsh and did not tolerate rebellion, treated him in a special way, and was said to be the only person he strongly trusted.

In the War of the Five Great Powers, he was killed by Alberinea along with Baszler Lukazan.**

?Battle Command

An old general who was born into a military family and has been training since childhood.

He has achieved spectacular military results in the past, and is a great warrior that there is no one in Elsren who does not know about him.

Although his physical strength, which was hailed as unparalleled in strength, has been lost with age, his vast experience has been integrated into his flesh and blood, and there is no doubt that he is still one of the greatest generals in Elsren.

As he got older, he lost his assertiveness and became more cautious, and although he was less flashy, his command, faithful to basic tactics and strategy, was extremely stable, and meshed well with Baszler's assertive personality, resulting in countless victories.

He wins when he wants to win, and doesn't touch the battles where he will lose.

These are the only abilities required of a general, and those who can faithfully perform these skills are called great generals.

It is difficult to defeat him in the board game that is war, and if you want to beat him on top of that, you will need something that can destroy the board itself.

Appearance: Short white hair. blue eyes. Slender. wrinkled face.

Armor: Rugged half plate.

→Krische: An insanely talented person. A monster that must not be fought head-on.

Strong points: Folka style swordsmanship. Tactics, strategic planning. Connoisseur of swords.

Likes: Military history research. Blacksmith. army.

Dislikes: Politics. Noble society.

Concern: If he was going to die anyway, he wished he had met Krische in his prime.

■ Aare Vains Caincrus - Order Good

A boy from a famous family. Duke of the Holy Empire of Elsren.

He is the young head of the prestigious Caincrus family, and is a general under Baszlar's command during his recent military service.

He was called a coward with no battlefield achievements in the political world, so he paid a large sum of money to Lukazan and went to the battlefield as a general in search of achievements.

Elsren, Gulshan, Elderant――an overwhelmingly advantageous situation with three countries attacking simultaneously.

This was initially a winnable battle, and no one objected to his position as a decorated general with a family background, which was his bad luck.

His personality is very sincere and he never slacks off in his efforts.

During peacetime, he was a good noble who was loved by everyone, and was a rare person who was loved by the people of his territory, but he was extremely unfit for the battlefield.

He never gets a chance to overcome it, and dies when Krische arrow shoots him through the back of the head while running away.

△ **Historically

General of the Elsren Holy Empire.

It is recorded that he was wounded by Baumje-Ila, and while he was running away on the back of Bado Keetas, he was shot and killed by Alberinea.

Bado Keetas said that the skill with which she was able to shoot him, who was carried by a magical possessor who ran away with all his might while riding a Suiko, was not the work of a human being.**

■ Ranu Kalud- Neutral Evil

Bad nomad concept model type boy. Chief of the Kalud tribe.

He is from a nomadic tribe in the plains south of Elsren, and is the chief of that area.

The nomadic tribes of this land were conquered during the time of Grabaraine and were forced to serve as subjects, and after splitting with Elsren, they came under the control of Elsren.

They are in a vicious cycle of repeating rebellions after being granted autonomy, and their position is not stable due to their nomadic lifestyle and a society strongly influenced by the tribal system.

Although he was born in the plains and does not possess magical powers, he is a genius in horsemanship and archery, and due to his wisdom, he rose to the top of his own tribe at the age of 20 and annexed surrounding tribes. A supernatural being who created a large tribe in one generation.

He had a cruel and ruthless personality, and used his reign of terror to unite the nomads.

He was greedy and intended to extract further concessions from the Holy Empire and create a nomadic nation after gaining autonomy, but in the end he was betrayed by his subordinates, beheaded, and killed.

△ **Historically

A nomadic chief used by Elsren.

He was known for his skill in commanding cavalry archers which was said to be as if able to see from the sky and his brutal tactics, , but he died in the War of the Five Great Powers.

One theory said that he was killed by his subordinates.**

- ----Elderant Kingdom

? ----Veeze Clan

■ Ledo Rani – Neutral Evil

A hot-blooded protagonist who falls into the dark side type of guy. Rani chief warrior. The leader of Veeze’s hunting squad.

A young warrior leader of the Rani tribe under the great tribe Veeze.

He is the son of the previous warrior chief Radia, and he inherited his swordsmanship strongly and became a chief warrior at a young age.

Counted from Kreschenta and many generations ago, she has been associated with King of Alberan since the one before the last (two generation) and is the leader of the pro-kingdom faction.

Gorkista, the head of the Veeze clan and the current king of Elderant, and his father, Radia, were friends, and he is a childhood friend of Shelna, the princess of Veeze.

The two have vowed to get married in the future and have a mutual love relationship.

In Elderant, where countless tribes fight and civil war is constant, he was involved in war from an early age and witnessed the horrors of it firsthand.

This traumatized him, and he stood up with Shelna with the ideal of completely unifying the Kingdom of Elderant, gathered allies, and formed the Veeze hunting party.

He continued to display many military exploits as Shelna's right-hand man, but lost most of them, including Shelna, in the war of invasion of Alberan.

Just as he was in despair, his subordinates desperately tried to stop him and retreated.

He narrowly escaped from being pursued by Krische by his body double and was picked up by Tova Arkaz, a general of the northern army, and returned to Elderant.

He decides to join forces with Arkaz for revenge and wields his sword to unify Elderant.

**Although he was stopped by Toba Arkaz, who had become his best friend, and cried by his wife, he could not give up his desire for revenge and rebelled against Alberinea in the name of establishing the nation of Vezrea.

He had no joy in defeating Felworth Keithriton and was killed without being able to do anything by the enraged Krische because of the time he took, and finally he realized what he truly wanted.

‘――I probably wanted to die together with her.’

△ Historically

Toba Arkaz's right-hand man and the leader of Vezrea.

He was a military man who fought as a general of Arkaz in the War of Unification of Elderant, but after unification, it is said that he split and rebelled due to disagreements.

Although he defeated Felworth Keithriton, his army was annihilated by Alberinea, who used magic for

the first time on the battlefield, and was beheaded without a trace.

It was said that the reason she used magic, which has not been used since then, was because she was dragged out onto the battlefield leaving behind an ill servant, and he is said to have been a foolish person who unknowingly pierced a dragon with a spear.

During this time, the servant she loved, Bery Argan, died, so it was said to be the Tragedy of Alberinea, and was often used as the subject of plays.**

?Battle Command

Although he has not studied solid tactical theory, he has excellent instantaneous decision-making abilities based on his intuition backed up by his experience gained from battles in complex forests.

He is a genius of some kind, but his disadvantage is that he is intuitive and easily gets blood rushing to his head.

He is a brilliant genius who can jump into the enemy's ranks and achieve great feats of valor, but he is also a volatile commander who sometimes achieves overwhelming feats of valor and other times loses in the most inept manner.

He can be said to be mediocre when he is included in the battle line, and he remains somewhat immature, as he cannot demonstrate his abilities unless he is given independent discretion.

In battle, he uses a unique sword technique that takes advantage of the weight and inertia of his giant sword, and in some cases he can even cut down a higher-class opponent, resulting in an overall extreme high and low performance.

Appearance: Short black hair. Brown eyes. Medium build. Relatively well-rounded face.

Armor: Leather armor. Pants with bulging thighs.

→ Krische: An enemy general that Shelna was cautious of. Probably the one who killed Shelna.

Strong points: Self-taught giant swordsmanship. Taijutsu. Hunting. Fishing. Swimming.

Likes: Training. Arms competition.

Dislikes: Alberan.

Concerns: His stupid self.

■ Shelna Veeze – Neutral Evil

Mildly crazy girl. The first princess of Veeze

She was born with deep indigo eyes, a Celestial eye, which was said to be blessed with natural talent in Elderant..

She has shown her talent since she was a child, but it was when she was seven years old that she easily killed a man who tried to touch her.

She was seen obsessively cutting open the man body and looking at the organs, leading to fears that she did not have a human heart and rumors of her being a mad princess――and as a result, she was temporarily sent to the Rani, a tribe headed by a friend of the king.

There she spends several years with Ledo, a familiar face to her, and as they deepen their relationship through his kindness, she comes to love him and to loathe her own abnormality.

Although she hates the battlefield, she considers it her role to protect him and fulfill his wishes, and her goal of unifying the Elderant was originally to fulfill his ideals.

She wants only a gentle life where they can live peacefully together.

During the invasion of Alberan, she encountered Krische and was killed.

△ **Historically

First Princess of Veeze.

At a young age, she is said to have an unrivaled swordsmanship and an intellect that is said to be able to predict the future, and she is said to be a person who literally united each tribe with her power.

In her civil war for royal power, she raised countless ranks even though she was young, and there are many similarities with Alberinea, such as her being said to have had mental defects. Many said that she might have had a talent that rivaled hers.

However, because she was easily defeated by Alberinea’s strategic surprise attack, the current mainstream view is that she was somewhat exaggerated, or that Alberinea was on a different level.**

?Battle Command

A very aggressive commander.

Because she is from Elderant, where most of the country is covered with forests, she excels at "headhunting tactics" such as ambush and surprise attacks, and does not place importance on battle lines..

He is a brilliant genius who can jump into the enemy's ranks and achieve great feats of valor, but he is also a volatile commander who sometimes achieves overwhelming feats of valor and other times loses in the most inept manner.

Her superior thinking ability enables her to view the battlefield from the sky as if she were looking down form above, and she has no trouble commanding and operating dozens of small units, even with poor visibility.

Her ability to think and guess about strategy and tactics is outstanding, and her instantaneous decisions, which were incomprehensible to others and are called revelations, are always based on her extraordinary thinking ability.

She is a commander who should be called a genius, but she has a bad habit of using fear to control rebellious subordinates, and she often fails to build a relationship of trust, which often leads to failure.

Perhaps because she has easily recovered from such failures by taking the lead herself, she does not take this problem seriously, but it is a definite gap in her otherwise perfect character.

Appearance: Long flaxen hair. Deep indigo eyes. Small build. Modest chest. Superior.

Armor: Matte breastplate with ancient carved lettering. Hand armor.

→ Krische: One that spreads death. An absolute killer who surpassed even she herself.

Strong points: Killing people. Calculation.

Likes: Ledo. kiss. Physical contact. Playing with the flower bed.

Dislikes: Her abnormal self. War.

Concerns: Wanted to meet Ledo once more.

? ――Other Veeze Clan members

? Zuren – Order Neutral

The protagonist's best friend kind of gut. Commander of the Veeze hunting squad.

Like Ledo, he is a warrior from Rani and is a close friend of Ledo's.

He is three years older than Ledo and was the children boss when he was a child. He was friends with Ledo, who was cocky and often fought with him.

He had feelings for Sherna before Ledo did, but he was sometimes intimidated by her distortions, and her noble birth made him take a step back.

However, only Ledo sees her as just another girl, and when he realizes that Shelna is also attracted to him, he gracefully admits defeat and decides to watch over and congratulate the two of them.

On the battlefield, he is a valiant warrior, with skills on par with Ledo.

He was killed in a surprise attack by Vinthril from overhead.

? Bez –Neutral Good

The type of guy to play as the protagonist's older brother. He is the second-in-command of Veeze hunting party. Assistant to the Rani chief warriors.

He had been an assistant to the chief warrior since the time of the previous chief warrior――Ledo's father, and also his best friend.

He used to be a great warrior of Rani along with Ledo's father and a mentor of Ledo and Zuren in battle, but due to the aftereffects of past battles, he has a little trouble with the movement of his left arm.

Even so, he was a powerful man who could accept the position of warrior chief without any objection if he wished, but he dared to challenge Ledo to a duel and they exchanged swords.

It's a close battle but hu won the duel. Satisfied with Ledo's growth during the battle, he declines the position of warrior chief and decides to become his assistant..

He fights valiantly in the battle at Tekrea's main camp, but is defeated. He was sent to of by Tekrea as a warrior.


? Zigret – Chaos Neutral

An old wise man from the deep forest type. Head Priest of Veeze.

Although he was originally from Wese, he was an old sorcerer who lived a reclusive life regardless of politics.

He was a great sage who lived for 150 years, and traveled all over Elderant while researching magic crystals.

He becomes the head priest of Veeze at the behest of Prime Minister Chlorus, who was originally the chief priest of Veeze, but he also serves as a watchdog over Shelna, who has the Celestial Eye.

Unlike when she was young, he was happy with the changes that have occurred in her since meeting Ledo.

He was a first-rate sorcerer who was able to engrave magical crystals that enabled offensive magic, and created seven sorcerer wands during his lifetime.

However, he also believes that these are nothing more than self-defense, and is only part of his research.

He pursues magic that does not rely on magic crystals more than anyone else, and is ranked as one of the top five sorcerer among modern magic researchers.

While commanding his retreat, he was attacked and killed by Krische. His wisdom was lost.

△ **Historically

He was a great sage of Elderant who lived for 150 years, and based on the advanced notes he left behind, it was said that he was one of the most advanced magicians of his time, other than Alberinea.

However, he served in the War of the Five Great Powers and died in battle.**

? Aaron Chirus –Order Evil

Barbarian general-purpose model type boy. Kirs chief warrior.

Although he has bad behavior, he is a warrior with excellent swordsmanship.

He was raised in Kirs where he was strongly taught that power is everything, so his sense of ethics is very different from the people of Veeze, but he is a normal person among Kirs.

He is rational and intelligent, and perhaps because he is compassionate toward those who follow him, he is respected by the people of Kirs.

He strongly dislikes the idealistic Ledo, and is also uncomfortable with the arrogant Shelna, but he is soft on those who understand his sense of reason and try to make sense of it.

He is killed in a surprise attack by Krische and Gururun.



■ Chlorus –Neutral Neutral

A stubborn and angry old man. Prime Minister of Elderant.

He is a former head priest of Veeze with a brilliant mind, but blood tends to rush to his head easily..

After seeing Kreschenta at the recent ceremony, he feels that she is extremely dangerous, and he is the main faction of the Elderant Kingdom that has called for the early destruction of the present Alberan.

He is a scholar who has studied the past history deeply and understands the relationship between Alberan's prosperity and the Cursed Child better than anyone else, and he considers Kreschenta, who shows unimaginable intelligence from her young age, to be dangerous because she could be the second coming of the Queen Grabaraine.

He is disliked in Elderant, perhaps because of his aggressive nature and his refusal to tolerate any opposition from the people around him., and many in Elderant consider his strong concerns to be delusional, so he was not taken seriously.

The decision to invade was not based on his words, but rather on the general judgment of the situation, with the country exhausted by the civil war and the timing of the transfer of the throne to a young princess.

? ----Meeklea Clan

■ Gain Meeklea – Neutral Evil

Bad barbarian concept type. Chief of the Meeklea clan.

A monster with unparalleled strength and the chief of the large tribe Meeklea.

He has grown his beard and hair carelessly, has tattoos all over his body, and has ruled Meeklea for many years, with his muscular appearance and deep voice he was feared by the ordinary warriors.

He is a scholar who has studied the past history deeply and understands the relationship between Alberan's prosperity and the Cursed Child better than anyone else, and he considers Kreschenta, who shows unimaginable intelligence from her young age, to be dangerous because she could be the second coming of the Queen Grabaraine.

He is disliked in Elderant, perhaps because of his aggressive nature and his refusal to tolerate any opposition from the people around him., and many in Elderant consider his strong concerns to be delusional, so he was not taken seriously.

He is not only a superhuman warrior, but he also has excellent intelligence and judgment, and has the ability to make the best decision in an instant no matter how difficult the situation, and regardless of his inclinations, he is a fierce general who should be counted as a great general.

During the civil war, he fought a duel with Gorkista, the leader of the Veeze clan and king of Elderant, and was narrowly defeated, so he obeyed his rules and followed him, but after learning of Gorkista illness, he is aiming for the throne again.

If Ledo were the main character, he would probably be the final enemy.

There is no difference between a chief and a chief warrior within a tribe, but in Elderant, only the chief of a large tribe (not vassal to any other tribe except the king) who is eligible to succeed to the throne is allowed to call themself a chief.

He made a single slash at Colchis's armor, but was killed through the gap he made.

△ **Historically

He is said to have fought with Gorkista Veeze, king of Elderant at the time, and is the great chieftain of Meeklea.

He served in the War of the Five Great Powers and was defeated by Kolkis Argand.

At this time, it was said that Alberinea shot and killed the non-resisting Elderant soldier without hesitation, and this is one example of her distorted mentality.

The Battles of Elsren and Elderant in the War of the Five Great Powers had particularly large numbers of casualties on the invading side, and it is often said that they were the sites of legitimate slaughter by Alberinea.**

■ Carnesaldo Rouline– Chaos Evil

An evil barbarian elite boy. Rouline Chief Warrior.

Gain's right hand man, a handsome evil looking man. He is Gain's younger brother.

Although he has a very unscrupulous personality and likes to play with women, he is a talented man who once successfully hunted green tigers on his own, and is a skilled warrior who is second to Gain even under Meeklea.

He has a tattoo of ancient characters that matches Gain's..

As a child, he was saved by Gain when he was attacked by a wolf, and as his one and only brother, he swears allegiance to him, but he is an outlaw among outlaws who disregards all other conventions and rules.

He has always been able to defeat anyone who has rebelled against him by sheer force..

He has a history of trying to seduce Sherna, and is greatly disliked by Ledo.

If Ledo were the main character, he would probably be the final enemy.

He was killed with two shots (there are various theories) by Krische bow on Gururun.

△ **Historically

Gain Meeklea’s right-hand man.

Records state that he was killed with two shots by Alberinea.

There are many battle records in which she is said to have killed someone with a bow, but it is unclear why only he was recorded with the number of shots fired.**

? ----**Akaz Clan

■ Toba Akaz– Neutral Good

A troubled best friend. Arkaz Warrior Chief. Former King of Elderant. Lord of Elderant Autonomous Territory. Alberan’s Marquis.

A talented man who was born in Elderant, where conflict never ends, and took over as warrior chief at a young age.

He led the Arkaz, which was a mid-sized force, and transformed it into a large tribe through political skill rather than military force. He gathered power by not participating in fights over royal power, and unified small tribes that wished for peace.

After losing his parents in battle, he seeks peace and strives to unify Elderant, and when Veeze and Meeklea fall during the War of the Five Great Powers, he takes action.

He picks up Ledo who had despaired and initially uses him as a pawn, telling him to make the dream of Shelna, whom he loved, come true.

And he will do his best to make this the last battle in Elderant, and after that, while sharing the battlefield, he will do his best to hold back Ledo, who no longer considers him a stranger, and make him give up on the past and start a new life.

But he couldn't stop him, and cursed himself for letting him go.

Ten years after the War of the Five Great Powers, the Vezrea uprising begins.

Believing that conquest was inevitable, he chose submission rather than battle.

He cut off his own right arm, asked for an audience with Crescenta, and knelt before her, pressing his forehead against the floor, saying they had no intention of rebellion. He begged for mercy, saying that he would sacrifice his head if necessary.

Although Crescenta says that she cannot trust him, she also said that King Elderant, who rules over her warriors, has conveyed his determination to sacrifice his arm, and she stands up from her throne and places her hand on his shoulder.

‘――If there is even the slightest disadvantage in the future, I will kill your whole family.’

she whispered it so that only he could hear it.

As she stood and smiled, her purple color eyes swirled with something dark and unknown.

She looked defenseless and full of gaps.

However, there was a magical power clinging to him and a chill that felt like it was gripping his heart.

From that moment on, he vows to follow her, even if he is called her puppet.

Rather than maintaining the national structure of the kingdom, he simply wanted peace, even if his name would disappear someday.

At that moment, he realized that they were on a different level in the first place, and that there was no chance of becoming friend.

△ **Historically

The king of unified Elderant.

He was a person who tried to change the political form of Elderant, which was supposed to be a union of tribes, and transform it into a centralized state, but his efforts were thwarted by the Vezrea Uprising.

From then on, he became a vassal of Alberan and was made into a self-governing territory.

Eventually, he completely surrendered his power to Alberan as the territory of Alberan, and was entrusted with its management as a nobleman of Alberan.

Due to his weak attitude, which could be called a puppet, he was despised as a traitor, and although several rebellions broke out, most of the tribes known for their militant factions were wiped out by the Vezrea uprising, and thanks to the presence of the Alberan occupation forces, they were successfully conquered.

Updated from freewёbnoνel.com.

As the culture of Alberan began to spread, large-scale clearing of forests was carried out for the production of iron. As the food problem began to be resolved through trade and agricultural land created by clearing the forest, things gradually calmed down, and later in the Kleinmeer era, the area became a rich area with a thriving iron industry.

It is said that they were afraid of Alberan, but at that time there was no country that could oppose Alberan.

In the end, he was said to have chosen the best path, even though he was a puppet, and was said to be the person who brought peace to Elderant, which was constantly in conflict.

?Battle Command

He is an expert with a spear and has great military talent.

He is able to freely control his army even in the forest with poor visibility, and has a brilliant mind that allows him to grasp the situation of the entire army while wielding a spear himself.

Although he does not actively attack the enemy, he is good at mobile defense and ambush attacks, and is an unparalleled strength in Elderant, which has a strong sense of attack as a whole.

On the other hand, he tends to get stuck in a stalemate without being able to take action against opponents who don't step forward or accept his invitations, and he's not good at fighting in open areas where it's difficult to set up traps.

He can be said to be a great general, but is limited, and it can be said that Ledo's presence who stirred up the opposition in unifying Elderant was a big factor.

However, his ability is undeniable, and he has no trouble dealing with disorganized groups, and even after losing his arm, he is able to put down a rebellion without any danger.

Appearance: Red hair slicked back. Brown eyes. Medium build, medium height. A well-groomed face that looks frivolous.

Armor: Suiko fur. leather armor. Pants with bulging thighs. A black feather ornament on the left ear.

→Krische: Someone they shouldn't have touched.

Strong points: Spearmanship. Taijutsu. hunting. trap. tactics..

Likes: Alcohol. Hunting.

Dislikes: Reckless.

Concerns: Not being able to stop his best friend.

■ Feni Rani– Neutral Good

A woman dedicated to raising children. Toba's younger sister. Ledo's wife.

She learned basic medical care from an early age to help her older brother who was often injured.

Ledo begins to fight alongside Arkaz, and as he repeatedly treats Ledo who is desperate and reckless, he begins to have feelings of love for her, even though she knew that he still loves his deceased lover, Shelna.

When Toba told her about her situation, she was surprised but nodded, and in order to keep him, she became his wife, and with all her heart, she tried her best so that his eyes would look to the future instead of the past.

He tries to reject her, saying that he still loved Shelna, but she still become his wife even after knowing that.

‘If you plans to leave, then it’s fine even if it’s just until then’ she said.

When Feni learned that Ledo had been killed in battle, she forced her brother to disown her, and she continued to raise Zuren in his home.

Although she has officially been cut off, she was a former member of the royal family. Even though they couldn't touch her directly, many people despised her and his child.

It became even worse when Toba gave up his arm and decided to submit to Alberan, and even though they threw stones at her, she did not shed a tear.

Although his son Zuren was despised as the child of a traitor, he continued to make efforts to protect his mother, who desperately raised him by herself, and grew up straight without any twists and mastered his abilities and become a warrior.

And he took the initiative to give hope to the harsh mission, working harder than anyone else――it was around that time, Feni collapsed.

She was still not old, but Feni, who had fallen ill, said to Zuren that she had caused him nothing but pain.

It is a small, cabin-like house that her mother still takes care of.

After seeing Zuren who was crying because they were despised, his mother never once said that she loved his father.

But he knew that fact better than anyone.

‘――And I am also grateful to my father for letting me having a fortuitous meeting with mother like that.’

As he continued his words, she shed tears for the first time in front of Zuren.

Appearance: Long, loosely tied red hair. Brown eyes. delicate. beautiful.

→Krische: The one who freed her husband from suffering.

Strong points: General housework. Gathering medicinal herbs. Mixing.

Likes: Housework in general. sewing. child. small house.

Dislikes: Her incompetent self. War.

Concerns: Not being able to save her husband from suffering.

- ----Gerganik Kingdom

■ Alfmarz Rashalsheer– Chaos Neutral

A heroic boy killed by the Demon King. King of Gerganik. Martial King of the East.

The king of the Kingdom of Gerganik, the largest power in the eastern part of the continent.

As an individual, he is one of the continent's most valorous and renowned warriors, as well as being a master of political strategy and all kinds of talent, and is known as the heroic king of the east, known as the king of kings.

Although he is a warrior who values honor, he is also a thorough realist, and has the calmness to dismiss barbarism as foolishness. He always tries his best to gain diplomatic and military advantage to gain strategic advantage.

Due to his talent and charisma, he raised Gerganik, which was once a mid-sized nation, to become the largest power in the east, and was highly respected even by the warriors of enemy countries.

However, as the leader of the anti-Alberan alliance, his ability to unite 13 large and small countries in the eastern part of the continent becomes his downfall. He was used in the ‘Operation Broomstick and Dustpan’ (named by Krische) during the War of Continental Unification, and ended up losing his life.

He was a man who could have unified the eastern part of the world in his current era, but the opponent was simply a bad match.

△ Historically

Leader and supreme commander of the Eastern Alliance during the War of Continental Unification. One of the leading strategists and tacticians of his time.

Records from the eastern part of the continent show that many nations feared him, and battlefield records that still exist today――due to the fact that he ended many battles with overwhelming victories, he is considered to have been a remarkable man who should leave his mark on history, even if we take into account his defeat at Alberinea.

After the outbreak of the war to dismantle Elsren, he was seen immediately working to form the Eastern Alliance. He seems to have learned the sense of danger towards Alberan from an early age, and his reputation is still high even today, and he is often counted as one of the great lords of his time.

This is not to say that cultural development in the eastern part of the continent was lagging behind at that time.

At least in military technology such as weapons and tactics, excluding magic weapons, it was on par with the West.

However, the Childs of God had no choice but to be swallowed up by the swell of the times, and it is said that they were warriors who resisted it to the very end, and were its final victims.

?Battle Command

While placing emphasis on basic strategy and tactics, he has a strong tactical eye for quickly grasping the opponent's resistance, tricks, and initial movements. By suppressing your opponent's actions, he can stay in the upper hand in a battle, or you can overwhelm your opponent by swallowing their plans.

While emphasizing basic strategy and tactics, he has a strong tactical eye that quickly grasps the opponent's resistance, tricks, and initial movements, and by containing the opponent's actions, he can maintain an advantage in battle or swallow the opponent's plans.

He does not like to rely on tricks, and on the contrary, he only uses the tricks of his opponents to solidify his own advantage. He is a person who dislikes foolhardiness and uses delaying tactics to buy time without forcing himself to do anything when he is in a disadvantageous situation.

He is undefeated in duels and has the ability to be one of the continent's leading warriors, but he is a realist who never relies on brutal bravery. He is a calm commander who is believed to be able to achieve victory only through careful calculations, and has one of the continent's greatest military abilities.

However, without any tricks or scheme, pushing head on on a plain――clashing with Krische on his ideal battlefield, there was nothing he could do.

Appearance: Black hair. Brown eyes. Relatively tall and muscular. Tiger beard. Fearless.

Armor: Sword and shield, plate mail inscribed with the warrior's name.

→Krische: God-like warrior. A twisted girl.

Strong points: words. spear. Taijutsu. Bow. Military Strategy. Politics. Hunting. Horse Riding

Likes: Warrior. Duel. Sparring. Hunting.

Dislikes: People who stand above others but are cowardly.

Concerns: His neck torn open without being able to trade blow.

- ----Scrif Kingdom

■ Belzadia Solercia Nitrias– Order Good

A male mentor of the hero who was killed by the Demon King. General of the Scrif Kingdom.

The head of the military in the small country of Scrif, located in the southwest of the eastern continent.

Although it was surrounded by many countries and was repeatedly invaded, he was a warrior who was nicknamed the God of War in the eastern part of the world due to his extraordinary record of overcoming all odds and remaining undefeated.

Everyone expected the neighboring country to be swallowed up by Gerganik and a decisive battle between the two of them with Alhumaz, but there was concern that his fighting strength would be lost due to the outbreak of the Demolition War and Alberan's continued invasion of the east so Alhumaz stopped his expansion.

He was offered a truce and cooperation with the anti-Alberan alliance, and he agrees to do so.

There are many anecdotes such as his elite unit subjugating a snake demon beast with his own hands.

Due to his long military history, he has long been the target of many warriors, including Alfmarz.

He grew up hearing stories of his heroism and learning his tactics.

He himself recognized Alfmarz as a worthy opponent from an early stage, and was collecting records of those battles in preparation for the upcoming battle.

Because of their relationship, they had never even talked before the alliance was signed, but on the night before departure, they drank and laughed together as if they had been his longtime friends.

△ Historically

Vice Commander of the Eastern Alliance during the War of Continental Unification.

A number of brilliant military achievements worthy of being called the God of War. Along with Alfmarz, he is said to be one of the two great heroes of the eastern continent of the same era.

Some say that his brilliant skill in utilizing the rugged forest area around Scrif to disperse, encircle and annihilate large armies rivaled even Alberinea's, and he was able to see through the opaque forest battlefield from the sky. He is said to have had a skillful tactical eye.

It was said that a battle that took full advantage of the geographical advantage could defeat twice as much military power, and the very existence of the God of War was said to be equivalent to a strong castle, and it was feared that it would be dangerous to challenge even when one with three times the strength.

His strategies and tactics, which successfully defended Scrif, which had no national power, from numerous powerful countries, have been written down in many military-related books.

However, even a famous commander who was as good as a castle was no more than a village fence in front of Alberinea.

It was written in the history books that even his brilliant military exploits could not even be used as a measuring stick for Alberan's strength in his heyday.

?Battle Command

A genius general, a strategist and tactician who excels in psychological warfare.

――For Scrif, a small country, to survive, there was no way to attack directly.

With this in mind, he did his best to find out the personality of his opponent's commander, and from that analysis he focused solely on figuring out his opponent's actions and exploiting their lies.

Even if his military operations seem to be a gamble and a sacrifice, he has no hesitation in his tactics, which are based on reading the opponent's personality and winning through psychological warfare between himself and the opponent, between generals, rather than army-on-army. His unique tactics and strategy defeated many enemy generals.

No matter how strong an army is, the person who commands it is the same person.

As he said, there was always a chance to exploit them, and his military record was worthy of the title of God of War, but there was nothing he could do against the difference in strength that even psychological warfare could not overcome.

Appearance: Short white hair. Brown eyes. Medium build, medium height. A little long beard. Sharp eyes.

Armor: Plate mail shaped like a large snake.

→Krische: A monster in the form of a girl.

Strong points: Swords. spear. Military strategy. Psychological warfare.

Likes: Warrior. child. Field work.

Dislikes: Outlaws

Concerns: I can't even buy time.

■ **Midyliarize Varnashtel – Neutral Neutral

A girl with strong beliefs. A student at Albenaria Magic Academy.

She is an excellent girl who aims to become Alberinea, the highest rank of magicians.

Even at Albeneria Magic Academy, where there are only the best, she has shown excellent results and is generally considered a talent that falls into the genius category, but although she speaks aggressively, she is still above the top. She knows that there is a real genius out there, and she has half given up on Alberinea.

However, because she is stubborn and hates being made fun of more than anything, she has not changed her goals that she has set out for herself――however, she has recently become a bit timid and says that being a researcher of ancient magic tools is not a bad job for now.

Although she often makes some subtle mistakes, she is a hard worker and does not fail in important areas, and it is said that she is certain to graduate. She plans to officially become an instructor in about five years, and have a smooth life ahead of her.

She immediately incorporated the techniques that Bery taught her into various techniques and showed them off to her rivals. Calshe was exasperated thinking what she's doing showing it off to her rivals, but as usual, she didn’t interfere.

She very much looks like a certain person.

?Battle Command

If he wanted to, he could destroy a hut in an instant, and the speed of her spell engraving was extremely fast, so if she were to use magic casually without considering fuel consumption, she would have the ability of a Doushi.

Despite her age, she is extremely talented, but since she was born and raised in a peaceful environment, she has an aversion to murder, and the problem is that it is mentally difficult for her to use magic on people, let alone on others.

Due to her slow motor nerves, in training to use magic in close combat, and in hand-to-hand combat training, it would be faster to count her from the bottom, and she is basically not suited for combat.

Appearance: Long golden hair. she has blue eyes. Petite. Modest Breast. Cute.

→Krische: A very cute junior...Alberinea!?

Strong points: Formula engraving. Memorize. Effort. Poor sleeping position and space.

Likes: Alberinea. Sleep. Bath. Study. Beautiful Person. Cat.

Dislikes: Unreasonable. To be made a fool of. Exercise.

Concerns: Hand-to-hand combat training that uses the body.

■ Calshelia – Chaos Neutral

A caring girl who seems to be doing a lot of work. Escort of the Varnashtel family. Cat person.

She is three years older than Mii, and she served as his older sister, having grown up with her when they were young.

As her personal servant, she has been educated from an early age, receiving the necessary training to be her bodyguard, including body strengthening and physical techniques, and has been taught everything about etiquette as a servant.

She hasn't learned any kind of magic, but she has learned how to sense it, and even for a cat person with an excellent sense of magic, her ability to sense magic and its detection accuracy are extremely high.

She can tell whether someone is a magician or something else without even realizing it, and she can even sense the magical power in a gaze. She is the perfect choice for a bodyguard, and because of her ability, which is high for her age, and also due Mi's wish, she’s accompanying her to Albeneria as her bodyguard.

She is the type who does things when she wants to do them, but doesn't do them at all when she doesn't want to, and despite her clumsiness, she often angers the meticulous Mii. She is usually yelled at, but unlike the mansion where she is concerned about things, she likes the life she spends at the academy with Mii.

After she the two, she occasionally made an effort to read ‘In Noble Hawk’s Mansion’ from the beginning, but... She always gets so tiresome by the third page, ‘A Record of Anne's Struggles to Become a Servant’, that she never reads properly.

Looks very much alike a certain person.

?Battle Command

She is good at strengthening her body and has a natural sense of balance that is especially outstanding among cats.

Her senses are sharp enough to sense the fluctuations in magical power caused by the strengthening of her opponent's body and read their behavior, and she is capable enough to strike back at an average master.

She has been taught how to deal with mages who use magic, and combined with her ability to sense magic mentioned above, she is extremely strong against mages.

During her training, she also received mental training to kill captured bandits, and in an emergency she can consider killing or wounding.

She has trained in a school of swordsmanship that follows Usa-chan's style, and is an extremely skilled individual in combat.

Appearance: Long black hair. Brown eyes. Standard height and slender body. Large chest. beautiful.

→Krische: Usa-chan.

Strong points: Taijutsu. Art of self-defense. Swordsmanship. Surrounding alert. Escape.

Likes: Naps. Slack off. child.

Dislikes: Being pulled by the ears or tail.

Concerns: Mii's habit of wanting to sleep with together despite her sleeping habit.**

