A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.264: Character introduction――Alberan’s Nobles (Includes spoilers)

A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

C.264: Character introduction――Alberan’s Nobles (Includes spoilers)

***Chapter 264 Character introduction――Alberan’s Nobles (Includes spoilers)***

- Attributes

Order----Values rules and discipline, universal concepts, and emphasizes a well-organized society and law.

Chaos----Values individuals and their emotional thoughts, valuing will over social discipline and morality.

Neutral----Does not lean towards either Order or Chaos.

Good------Altruistic disposition. They put more importance on the morality they believe in than their own profit and are martyred for it.

Evil------Selfish disposition. Places importance on one's own interests and is willing to kick others down the road to achieve them.

Neutral------A moderate temperament that does not swing either way.

- How to read the names of the nobles of the kingdom

Example: (1) Gildanstein, (2) Kalnaros, (3) Vel, (4) Sarcarinea, (5) Alberan

1. Name: Gildanstein

2. The largest land in the area under his management: Kalnaros.

(This is simplified, originally, it's very long as it includes all of the areas under one's management.)

3. Male royalty with the right of succession to the throne: Vel, Female royalty: Vera.

4. Honorary title: Sarcarinea

5. Family (house) name: Alberan

Officially, between (4) and (5), military ranks such as Marshal or General, or words indicating royal court positions such as Prime minister, are added, or words indicating titles such as Grand Duke are added after the family name. However, since the horizontal letters are already too long, the necessary ranks and titles are written in kanji (Chinese characters) at the end of each sentence for the sake of clarity.

Basically, other than the family name, the title is not necessarily inherited by the child, but unless there is a particular problem, the legitimate son will customarily inherit the land and the title.

However, only the honorary title of no. 4, which indicates military exploits as a warrior, is not inherited.

When a person without a surname receives the title quasi-knighthood of Nea, they often name their place of birth. (Example) Gallen Nea Kalka.

- Height Profile Glossary (in cm)

The average height for men is around 175cm, and for women is around 160cm.

+No entry: average height

+Medium build: average height

+High stature (tall/large): About 10 cm taller than average. In the case of men, if it is written as 6 shaku, it exceeds 180.

+Small stature (petite): About 10 cm lower than average.

+Comparatively: Tall/petite is below average.

+Extremely (very): Tall/small is above average.

- Character - Height - Roughly - Vague Imagination (author's)

Krische - 140, latter half - 147

Bery - 150, first half - 152

Selene - 150, latter half – 159

Kreschenta - 140, first half - (I-I’m still growing)

Kalua - 160, latter half - 168~169

Mia - 150, latter half - 158

Elvena- 160, latter half - 161~162

Anne - > 160 < - > 160 <

Lira - 150, latter half - 157

**Midyliarize- 150, latter half – 156**

**Calshe - 160, first half – 163**

**□ Those who Remain

■ Those who are Departed**

- ----Other Kingdom Nobles (Military).

■ Gildanstein Kalnaros Vel Sarcarinea Alberan -- Order Evil

An aristocratic sommelier man who likes torture. Royal Prince. Archduke of Alberan Kingdom.

He used to be a virtuous prince who was gifted with talent and good character, pursuing only righteous ideals, but when he saw the reality of the political strife in the royal court and the corrupt noble society, he became sick because of his high ideals.

After that, he suddenly changed and began to enjoy entertainment using the weak.

He was sent to the battlefield by those who shunned him because he disgraced the royal family, but he won many victories and passed through the hellish battlefield again and again.

He is feared by the soldiers as the "Black Lion" due to his fearless courage and power, and the black armor he wears. He came to know that the ideals he sought still existed in the Bogan who risked his life on the battlefield to save his life, and the soldiers who wielded their swords for honor and cause. His evil deeds gradually faded away, but when he was falsely accused of usurping the throne by the Cursed Child, Kreschenta, he crossed swords with Bogan.

He succeeded in luring Krische to hunt down Selene, but was ultimately killed by Krische's single sword.

Even though he had fallen into the wrong path, he was still unable to forget his former ideals, but when he saw Krische defeat him with overwhelming power, he was finally freed from his obsession.

△ **Historically

Royal prince and marshal of Alberan Kingdom.

He poisoned his brother, King Shabazz and fought with Queen Kreschenta.

He was said to have been a notorious person and a pleasure murderer even back then, and it was said that the turmoil started when Shabazz, who was suffering from a serious illness, nominated the young princess Kreschenta to inherit the throne due to his behavior.

He engaged in combat with Bogan Christand, who was hiding the escaped princess, at the Dragon's Maw, and although he used a scheme to defeat him, Alberinea, who was 14 years old at the time, immediately annihilated the army that had sided with the Royal Prince.

He lost Claret Marcellus and Aurugorn Hilkintos, regained the Dragon's Maw, and was ultimately defeated in a duel with her.

He was not only cunning but also possessed rare military talent. He is reputed as the person who had cornered Alberinea the most, and in stories and plays depicting the Alberinea civil war, he is often depicted as the final enemy.

For Selene Christand, no matter what one's actions are, as a soldier, results are everything.

She quoted Bogan Christand saying that what a soldier should seek is not a glorious and honorable defeat, but an ugly and unsightly victory.

She also acknowledges the Royal Prince's obsession with victory over her father, stating that the cunning and skill he employed to defeat her father as a military man are worthy of praise.

There is an alternate theory that he was a victim of Queen Kreschenta, suggesting that the plan to usurp the throne was too sloppy and seemed unnatural given the circumstances at the time.

They praise his military acumen during the Eastern Expedition and the skill he displayed in defeating Bogan Christand, considering Gildanstein to be one of the leading strategists and tacticians of his time.

They question whether he would undertake such a major rebellion without any plan, suggesting a causal relationship with the suspicious deaths of the princes since Kreschenta’s birth. They propose the unfounded conspiracy theory, suggesting that he was disposed of in the form of a civil war by Kreschenta, who had aimed for the throne from the beginning.

There is a strong theory that Queen Kreschenta suffered from some kind mental disorder, and while the conspiracy theory is supported by some scholars, on the other hand, there are those who argue that if it was the genius queen's plot, that kind of rebellion was even more unthinkable, and the conspiracy theory remains in the minority.**

? Battle Command

An extremely aggressive commander. He prefers headhunting tactics above all else and aims to achieve decisive results by making the most of his abilities under any circumstances.

He prefers to be on the front lines, and prefers personal combat, but he also believes that victory is everything in warfare, and he will literally use any and all means at his disposal to achieve victory.

His obsession with victory is stronger than anyone else's, a dangerous being.

Appearance: Blond hair. Blue eyes. Tall and muscular. Beautiful.

Armor: Black lion plate mail.

→Krische: A monster left behind by Bogan, a demon born of the royal family. She is what the King he desired should be.

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Strong points: Royal swordsmanship. Psychological insight. Entrapment. Tactics. Torture.

Likes: Battlefield. Wine. Women. Nobility.

Dislikes: those without pride. Those who have no attachment to their name.

Concerns: None

■ Nakirus Rinea Felizar -- Chaos Neutral

Loyal to his master, a watchdog type of man. A Commander of the Alberan Kingdom's army. Nakirus the Strong Armed.

A man who has served as Gildanstein's right-hand man for many years. Despite knowing his notoriety, he was charmed with Gildanstein's virtues as a warrior and swore allegiance to him. Although not particularly interested in torture as he is, they have a close personal relationship and often drink together.

He possesses a strong arm that can wield two great axes at will, and his combat ability is extremely high, making full use of his 7-shaku physique.

He was able to break through Eluga's lines and defeat the Black Century head-on, but was overpowered by Krische’s overwhelming military prowess.

△ **Historically

A warrior under Gildanstein.

He poisoned his brother, King Shabazz and fought with Queen Kreschenta.

He was a hero who was said to have single-handedly cut through the battle lines and crushed even the Black Century head-on, but it is said that he was cut down by Alberinea without being able to resist.

In plays and stories set during the civil war, he appears in a small number of them as subordinates of Gildanstein, but is cut down by Alberinea’s single swing.**

? Battle Command

He prides himself on being a warrior, and has the willpower to succeed in carrying out orders given to him, literally at any cost.

When he is ordered to break through, he will break through without fail, when he is ordered to defend, he will defend without fail. And for that sake he would calmly throw away his life, that force of will is his strong point, and he is trusted by his soldiers, and morale is always high in his corps.

However, he is not suited for continuous battles due to his ability to push through the impossible. There have been many instances in which his troops have been annihilated.

Appearance: Short black hair. Blue eyes. Large build (7 shaku). Messy beard. Sharp eyes. Face like a boulder.

Armor: Rugged, heavy plate mail.

→Krische: A literal monster.

Strong points: Unique dual-ax technique. Commanding a melee.

Likes: Unreasonable commands. Fight as a warrior.

Dislikes: waiting (Stand by).

Worries: Being defeated by Krische without inflicting even a single scratch on her.

■ Felworth Zaran Driche Yagarinea Keithriton -- Order Good

A long-lived and knowledgeable grandfatherly man. Alberan Kingdom’s central general. Old (veteran) general. Alberan Kingdom’s Duke.

A legendary old general who has been active on the front lines for generations. He is over 100 years old and is the oldest commander, surpassing Eluga.

He has spent most of his active years on the battlefield, alongside King Alvarza, and his achievements have earned him the use of dragon-shaped armor and coat of arms, which were previously only allowed to royalty.

He learned royal swordsmanship from Alvarza and is Gildanstein's master in swordsmanship and tactics. He has known Gildanstein since he was a child and is well acquainted with his past.

He had always regretted that although Gildanstein was more talented than anyone else, he couldn't stand the world of the royal palace, where conspiracies swirled, and his heart suffered as a result.

He was also aware of the uproar over the treatment of Krische and Kreschenta, the Cursed Child, and was deeply distressed. However, he was also half-retired and knew that Alvarza, whom he had served, had killed the Cursed Child after much distress, so he could not interfere with the age-old custom.

He was the one who advised the previous king, Shabazz, who was troubled by infertility and infanticide, to temporarily imprison Krische.

In place of Aurugorn Hilkintos, who died in the civil war, he is now entrusted as the West General of the Kingdom. But considering his age he asked for permission of transfer to adjutant from Selene and Kreschenta.

**He was currently serving as his assistant, and had spent the rest of his life aiming to be active, but he fell ill.

During the Vezrea Rebellion, he stood up with his aged, served as the rear guard, and was killed by Vezrea's commander-in-chief Ledo Rani.**

△ **Historically

A true warrior who has been on the battlefield for over 100 years.

He was a military man who had been active on the front lines since the time of King Albaza, and was the most trusted general by King Albaza.

After some time with King Shabazz, he gave up the position of marshal to the King’s younger brother Gildanstein, who had military talent, but continued to serve as the central general, assisting Shabazz as the cornerstone of the kingdom, and monitoring Gildanstein.

During the civil war, his family was taken hostage and he sided with Gildanstein and fought against Verreich's army, but was forgiven by Queen Kreschenta in consideration of his circumstances. It was said that he was a person she trusted, as he was entrusted with the vacant western part of the kingdom.

Even during the War of the Five Great Powers, his skills remained undiminished, and even though he was overwhelmed by troops, he fought a delaying battle against Elderant, which specializes in forests, and assisted Alberinea in a strategic surprise attack.

His death in the Vezrea Rebellion, was also nothing more than his resolve to fight and serve as the rear after lying on his sickbed. He was said to be a model warrior who died without tarnishing his military history until the very end.**

?Battle Command

His intuitive tactical command is of a very high level, born of his vast experience. His familiarity with the battlefield, which is in direct proportion to his experience, allows him to make calm decisions with a broad perspective in any situation.

Originally, he was not a genius and suffered many defeats in his youth, but by absorbing all of his experience, he has risen to the top of the kingdom. He has an eye for seeing through all kinds of tricks and schemes from his wealth of experience.

It would be difficult to defeat him unless you fight with a straightforward strategy based on superior military strength or innovative tactics, and even though he has stepped back from the line, he has not lost any of his power as a commander.

His fame reverberates throughout the Kingdom and even to neighboring countries, and it can be said that more than anything else his name is his greatest weapon.

Appearance: White hair. Blue eyes. Large build. Long beard. Narrow eyes. Wrinkled, tough face.

Armor: Platemail that resembles a dragon.

→Krische: A pitiful princess. An innocent (pure) girl.

Strong points: Royal swordsmanship. Tactics. Command operation.

Likes: Battlefield. Drinking. Reading. Sweet food.

Dislikes: Bitter black bean tea.

**Concerns: The end of a poor young man.**

■ Kuraray Draz Rinea Marcellus -- Order Neutral

A man who is always gossiped about in the shadows. The Kingdom’s central general. A Duke.

A brave and daring natural-born warrior, he is a noble with a high regard for honor.

Because of his bloodline of a duke that was connected to the royal family, he rose quickly in life and became a general just like his father.

He is a man of valor, not incompetent, not stupid, and not lacking in popularity.

He has some qualities as a general, but in a kingdom full of very good generals and military commanders, he is not so good, and would be counted from the bottom of the list.

It was most unfortunate that he had to deal with three heroes at the same time: Nozan Verreich, whose talent was said to surpass that of Bogan, his mentor, the outstanding Eluga Faren, and Krische Christand.

During the battle in the southern part of the Kurail Mountains range, he was decapitated by Krische who attacked from behind.

△ **Historically

General of the Kingdom's Central Army.

He sided with Gildanstein during the civil war and was personally defeated by Alberinea.**

?Battle Command

As talked about behind his back, he is a commander who learns basic tactics but is rigid and inflexible.

When it comes to fighting fair and square, he shows average ability as a general, but he is weak at entanglement and has shallow ideas.

Due to his personality, he is not suitable for commanding large armies, and is best suited for the position of battalion commander.

Appearance: Short black hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender. Lots of wrinkles.

Armor: Full silver plate of an eagle lion.

→Krische: Daughter of Christand. She is said to have achieved some success in the war against the Holy Empire.

Strong points: Battlefield spearmanship. Inspire (raising morale).

Likes: Battlefields. Liquor. woman.

Dislikes: Strange tactics.

Concerns: Huh, why did you come from over there?

■ Aurugorn Sakizren Nirkrinea Hilkintos -- Order Neutral

A reptilian male who had a bad compatibility with the enemy. The Kingdom’s west general. A Margrave.

Born into the venerable Hilkintos family, he became the general of the western kingdom, following his father's footsteps.

Aurugorn, blessed with a gifted mind, has experienced countless battlefields as his father's adjutant since he was a young man, and since he himself became a general, he has single-handedly undertaken all of the invasions from the Kingdom of Elderant in the west of the kingdom.

With the knowledge he has gained from his vast experience, and his brilliant mind nurtured on the battlefield, he has been undefeated in all battles since he became a general, with the exception of his last battle.

He values superiority in terms of military strength and terrain, and has the strength and cool-headedness to create a favorable situation for himself by avoiding his opponents until the conditions are right.

His tactics, which are focused only on the ultimate victory, have always resulted in more success than the damage he suffered, but his nature was taken advantage of and was defeated by Krische.

He is extremely proud, putting himself and his honor first before the people and the cause.

Bogan cannot sympathize with his fighting style, which sometimes preys on the weak people, in order to achieve victory, and he does not get along well with the Christand faction.

He was killed by Krische after being dismembered as an example to her enemies.

△ **Historically

A great undefeated general at the time, and a general in the western part of the kingdom.

He is said to have been a calm and collected strategist who never overdoes it, and has prevented Elderant’s invasion for many years.

While there were various opinions about his tactics, which sometimes used villages and towns as bait to secure advantages and achieve victory, the prevailing view was that as one of the kingdom's generals tasked with defending the central kingdom, his actions were justified.

His ability to remain undefeated in nearly 100 battlefields, both large and small, during Elderant's invasions over a dozen times is undeniable, and there is no doubt that he was one of the leading generals not only in Alberan, which had a wealth of human resources, but also in the surrounding world.

However, his first and last defeat was brought about by Alberinea, and the soldiers of that time recorded the grimness of his demise in their memoirs.

It is said that he was executed for rebelling after being taken prisoner and for violating the Holy Spirit Covenant. The general of the army, who boasted a glorious war history, met a brutal end as he was torn off limb by limb by Alberinea's hands as a demonstration in front of the Dragon's Maw.

This is one of the famous anecdotes that shows Alberinea's ruthlessness towards her enemies, and is one of the reasons why she is said to have been a mentally unstable abnormal person.**

?Battle Command

He hates defeat and is greedy for victory.

Like Gildanstein, he is a cold-hearted man who will sacrifice anything and everything and any and all means at his disposal to achieve victory.

He can be said to be a strategist that works hard to create a situational advantage regardless of the battlefield, and his talent and many years of experience make him highly capable.

He is a person who would have become a mighty enemy if it weren't for Krische.

Appearance: Short brown hair with a hint of gray. Blue eyes. Tall and thin. Scarred cheeks and squinty eyes..

Armor: Full plate of a goddess visor.

→Krische: An obnoxious adoptive daughter of Bogan. Good looking.

Strong points: Retreat tactics. Scorched earth tactics. Field fortifications.

Likes: Victory. Glory. Status. Women.

Dislikes: Defeat. Christand faction. Incompetence.

Concerns: Being killed.

■ **Gertz Rinea Wiring** -- Order Good

A man who was not blessed like his fellow generals. The Kingdom’s former central general. Former Margrave.

A loyal soldier. He is an excellent general who rose from a centurion to a general with solid results in battle, but it was not because of talent, this is due to his blood-soaked efforts.

He is surrounded by an array of the Kingdom generals and corps commanders who could be called monstrous.

He is aware that he is inferior to them, and even so, he has worked hard without becoming rotten (let his ability rot), but he still cannot reach them.

He dreams of entrusting everything he had built up to someone else, and dreams of having his talented successor inherit everything, but Krische nipped it in the bud.

He has a similar personality to Dagra and is the kind of good soldier that Krische likes.

He was originally a general who followed Gildanstein, as a central general, and since he surrendered, he is currently in a state of restraint, and although he has lost his territory and had some of his personal property confiscated, he is satisfied with the result. He was thinking of giving up his nobility and going on a journey.

However, he was moved by Selene's sincerity, who repeatedly visited his house and tried to persuade him, and when he confirmed that there was no difference between the person named Krische he had heard from her and the actual Krische, he swallowed his past. decide to respond to it.

Educating the young noble was more interesting than he expected, and he still teaches at the military school today, sometimes thinking about the adjutant he had raised as his successor.

**Unlike the battlefield, where one mistake can lead to death, the military school environment, where they are allowed to make repeated mistakes and come to a conclusion after discussion, gives him peace of mind and becomes his calling.

As he sent out many promising young people, he occasionally wondered if among them there would have been one of his own aides had the timing of their births been slightly different. He dedicated his life to assisting Eluga, Quinez, and Selene on that gentle battlefield.**

△ **Historically

One of the generals who sided with Gildanstein during the civil war.

Although he was punished after the civil war, Queen Kreschenta give leniency to the many soldiers who sided with Gildanstein, saying that they simply had different flags, beliefs, and circumstances, and he was also spared execution.

It is not known whether this was meant literally or if it was out of fear that the country's power would decline, but it is known that at least the people praised the Queen's generosity.

Selene Christand spoke of him as a steady and excellent general who supported His Royal Highness who was stirring up trouble by moving around the battlefield, and praised him as a warrior who imposed on himself the way of being a soldier rather than a politician.

He later taught at a military school, and as an instructor with battlefield experience, he made a great contribution to the school and served and was praised as a role model for other teachers.

Selene Christand repeatedly visited him, who is her father’s indirect and he was moved by her personality as he walked the path of a teacher at the military academy. He told his fellow teachers that the kingdom was stable because of her presence in the center.

Great achievements are not just those that are visible and vivid.**

?Battle Command

He is a commander who has no talent, but has risen from a centurion to a general through hard work.

He is respected by the soldiers at the bottom of the ranks because of his long years of hard work, but he is not well received by others in the commanding ranks, who are strict to both themself and others.

His tactics are safe, and because he knows his own inability, he emphasizes basic tactics and does not take chances.

He has risen to the rank of general on his own merits, and his abilities are not low, but he is better suited to a supporting role than to a general role.

Appearance: White hair. Blue eyes. Muscular. Long beard.

Armor: Dark grey plate mail.

→Krische: A genius worthy of being called a monster that delayed the Dragon's Maw suppression. A girl who is too pure for better or for worse.

Strong points: Lorca-style swordsmanship. Battlefield spearmanship. Tactical knowledge.

Likes: Honor. A proud soldier. Training the next generation. Military school.

Dislikes: Looting. Slaughter. Massacre. Acts that go against the path.

**Concerns: The sincere Selene’s future.**

■ Dougleen Nakul Dogarinea Garhka -- Chaos Neutral

A man who is hopelessly unsuitable for formal appearance. A General in the southern part of the Kingdom. A Duke.

He was born as the eldest son of a noble family with royal blood, but he dislikes the noble way of being bound by various things, and spends his days drinking with commoners in bars.

As a result, he was shunned by his father and was thrown into the battlefield at a young age in a state of partial disownment, but there he demonstrated a rare talent and rose to become a general entrusted with the southern part of the Kingdom.

He loves the battlefield environment more than anything else, and he prefers drinking with his soldiers above all else.

His personality, which doesn't care about his social status, is well received by the soldiers, and they have a strong sense of loyalty to him.

He has had several drinks with Orugan, the famous general of Gulshan who uses various beasts, and is his most important playmate, even though they are enemies.

On the other hand, he is not good at dealing with the Holy Empire, which uses nomadic archers and cavalrymen to disrupt the rear, and he detests them.

Although his relationship with Gildanstein was not so bad, he was not interested in the civil war and refused to participate in it out of concern for Gulshan in the south and his debt to Christand in the war against the Holy Empire.

**He has visited Gulshan several times in the name of peacekeeping, but due to Kreschenta’s orders, he is unable to drink alcohol with Orugan and the others and is bored.

After a while, Orugan took the position of chairman again, and once he started to show signs of stability, they were finally able to drink together, and after forming an alliance, they held a banquet once a season for various reasons.

Kreschenta was exasperated.

In the war to dismantle Elsren, he advances from the south together with Orugan and Zalvaag.

Immediately after the start, he was obedient and obeyed orders even though he was fed up with his role of keeping the nomadic cavalry that was abundant southeast of Elsren. But when he sees that the trend has turned, he is fed up and invites Orugan to negotiate a duel with the various nomadic tribes.

When they realized that Elsren had been defeated, they took advantage of it, and as a result, they

subjugated multiple tribes, incorporated them into their army, and resumed their invasion.

As long as we win, surely you have nothing to complain about.

He dispatches cavalry archers against cavalry archers and takes on the nomadic Elsren army head-on in a battle on the plains.

Selene was exasperated.

In the Unification War, after finishing the battle at Vesalius' Fang, he quickly expanded his military achievements.

He uses beasts and mobile archers to advance to the front lines with an Orugan, thoroughly enjoying the final battle on the continent, and tirelessly spends his days in battle.

Krische entrusted it to him.

After unification, he didn't have anything special to do and spent his time with his subordinates touring various places on what they called inspections.

When he finds special products and delicacies, he visits Orugan and the others and shares his memories with them over drinks.

Finally, the next day after a banquet at Gulshan, he died as a guest without ever waking up.

Zalvaag was troubled.**

△ **Historically

He is known as a genius and fierce general who protected the southern part of the kingdom for a long time.

He was one of the leading generals of his time, defeating and repelling Gulshan's invasions using various beasts such as elephants, unicorns, and earth dragons.

There are many well-known anecdotes that demonstrate his valor, but if one were to talk about him, it would be more of a strategist than a warrior.

Despite the defensive war, he marched into Gulshan's territory with lightning speed, captured the city, and prevented a bypass invasion. His strategic skills, which stir up the enemy and always take the initiative, have been praised. many.

He never took on a battle in which he was weak, and always used maneuver to engage in frontal confrontations, which he was good at. His flexible thinking and strategic boldness are still highly regarded even today, and are written down in military textbooks.

Orugan, a famous general of the Gulshan Republic, spoke of Dougleen as a man loved by the god of war, and regretted his death, saying that he was a worthy opponent who was always one step ahead of himself.

He is an unparalleled lover of war and has a fierce personality. Although he held the position of a duke, he drank alcohol even together with soldiers, and because of his personality, he was strongly admired by the soldiers, and although he and Orugan were enemies, it was said that after the war, they drank together as if they were best friends.

This is an anecdote that gives a glimpse of the warrior culture that was still alive at the time, and it is said that after forming an alliance, the two lived together like brothers, laughing together.

After unification, he kept a record of events observed during inspections around various places, but episodes such as hunting magical beasts and exploring remote areas were mixed in, and the title was ‘Continental Travelogue’.**

?Battle Command

He is a fierce general who loves war itself and sometimes fights on the front lines himself to capture victory.

His character as a commander is similar to that of Kolkis, he values drills above all else and prefers straight-on, simple tactics.

However, because he often has to deal with Gulshan, who handles a variety of beasts including elephants, unlike Kolkis, he does not incorporate much heavy infantry, but rather increases the ratio of light infantry to increase the ability to deal with various situations.

Appearance: Hard black hair. Brown eyes. Muscular build of 6 shaku (~1.8 m). Bearded face.

Armor: Platemail with lion carvings.

→Krische: A genius acknowledged by Christand. If can , he wishes she would be his son’s bride. Her biggest flaw is that she doesn't understand roman. **Quite a gourmet.**

Strong points: Battle ax. Zain swordsmanship. Face-to-face confrontation.

Likes: Sake. Woman. Battle. Personal combat. Elephant hunting. Griffin.

Dislikes: Opponents who avoid fighting head-on.

Concerns: **None.**

■ Argosh Wikel Giterns -- Order Good

A competent but somewhat pitiful father type man. The Kingdom Marquis.

He is the head of the venerable Giterns family, a civilian aristocrat who administers the northwestern part of the kingdom.

The Giterns family is a family of academics, and he has studied economics and business since he was young, and since becoming the head of the family, he has greatly developed the territory he has been entrusted with, and is known as an extraordinary astute man.

He is vigorous in his work, and despite his position as a marquis, which is one of the highest in the region, he is willing to work hard, running around the estate all year round and not being at home for half of the year.

He is a rare aristocrat who is sincerely respected as the people’s ally, and there is even a song sung in his honor in Pirus, where he lives.

However, he himself believes that this reputation is excessive, and his meticulousness in traveling around the countryside is a result of his understanding of his own shortcomings, that he is vulnerable to unexpected situations.

He feels that the reason why he has to put so much effort into gathering information is because of his insecurity and his inability to make decisions without having a lot of information at hand.

Due to his personality he is not suited for the battlefield at all, however he is a rare person as an internal politician.

He is a rare loving husband, and their harmonious relationship is well-known.

He is surprisingly skilled with a sword.

**After the War of the Five Great Powers, he inevitably became Alberan's point of contact with Kreisharana, and he was busy, running around more energetically than ever before. He entrusted his son with the household, and decided to spend three months with them to learn about their culture. He set up a tent in a village, ate the same food as them, and wrote down their lifestyle and culture. Thinking about what would be necessary for future exchanges, when a demon beast approached the village, as a nobleman of the kingdom, he and the soldiers drew their swords to protect the residents of the village.

Thanks to his efforts, the people of Kreisharana gradually began to open their hearts, realizing that despite being on flat land, people are the same.

They change their mind and begin to open up to the idea that there are people like him who deserve respect.

Just when things were going well with them, he was confused by ‘In the Noble Hawk’s Mansion' suddenly sent to him by his daughter. When he read through it and realized that it was a letter in the form of a book, he wept at his daughter's determination to serve Christand for the rest of her life.

Although he put the first volume on the bookshelf in his room for the time being, for the second volume, if anyone were to read it they would clearly know that it was poorly written, so he secretly kept it in the attic of his room and read it over and over again.

He works tirelessly every day for the sake of the Queen and Kreisharana, to whom his daughter devoted her life, and when he gets tired, he looks at it, and before he knows it, there was his landmark on the book.

Some days passed after that, and after the unification, he fell asleep, following his wife.**

△ **Historically

A nobleman who focused his efforts on restoring diplomatic relations with Kreisharana, and the father of Anne Giterns.

He is also known to have kept ‘In the Noble Hawk’s Mansion’.

He seems to have originally been a noble who was admired by the people, and in his memoirs from the time it is said that although he was a noble, he viewed things from the perspective of a commoner and was a person of character who traveled all over the place on his own.

He also served as the point of contact for interaction with the Kreisharana, and he himself climbed the mountain many times, once spending three months there as it was necessary to learn about their culture.

It is said that when the village was attacked by demonic beasts, he and his soldiers pulled out their swords and protected the village's, and his visit was strongly welcomed by the people of Kreisharana.

He compiled the culture of Kreisharana at the time, and it remains a valuable document to this day.

His personal notes are believed to have been destroyed in a fire and no longer remain, but his wife Raina's notes remain, and his encounter with Alberinea, who came back riding an ancient dragon, and his visit to Kreisharana have changed his appearance.

It is known as an anecdote that shows the free-spirited nature of Alberinea, who is not concerned with formality.**

Appearance: Black hair brushed back. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. Well-groomed beard.

Armor: Plate mail engraved with numerous swords (a family heirloom, never worn).

→Krische: A beautiful princess. His daughter's master. Natural disaster.

Strong points: Zain-style swordsmanship. Negotiation. Arithmetic. Business.

Likes: Wife. Daughter. Interacting with the people. Polishing heirlooms.

Dislikes: His lack of wit.

**Concerns: None.**

■ Tekrea Tark Rinea Lemin -- Order Good

A beautiful woman manly dressed in men's clothes. A general of the central army of the Kingdom. A duke of the kingdom.

She was born into a ducal family and is a genuine noble. Her half-brother was killed in the first battle of the war, which led her to succeed the Duke of Lemin as the head of the family.

Since her childhood, she has had a strong ideal of what a nobleman should be, and she has been improving herself in order to embody that ideal.

Although she hadn’t participated in many wars she performed well in battle, and she has made up for her lack of experience with hard work, and because of her family background, she has risen steadily to the rank of general.

She is neither a mediocre nor a genius, but her accumulated efforts have made her a solid force to be reckoned with, and her refined swordsmanship is beyond the reach of ordinary men.

She had intended to devote herself to the man who defeated her with a sword, but she became so strong that there was no one left to fight, and she had half given up.

Her younger sister married into a family that was blessed with three boys, and she is considering adopting one of them to take over the family.

She is very close with her sisters and loves children. Whenever she has free time, she visits her younger sister and teaches the children how to play with swords.

Despite her appearances, she has a girly hobby and is a stuffed dolls collector.

She falls in love with Aleha, who is good-looking, polite, and brave, but is unable to confess due to her age, height, and femininity complexes.

However, it seems that her adjutant Milcarz and the servants have quickly found out about it, and with their strong support, she is naturally closing the distance with Aleha.

She thought that Aleha is not aware of her love for him, but of course Aleha is aware of it as well, and she does not know that he is enjoying watching the ‘quick face change’ show by Tekrea.

**Unbeknownst to her, Aleha has also built a good relationship with Milcarz and the servants, and whenever he visited the mansion, he sparred with her and while both of them were out sparring preparations for the feast were made.

From then on, she spends her days happily, even though she complains about the servants who try to dress her up in gorgeous dresses, one-piece, and accessories.

After giving birth to her second child after the battle with Vezrea, she retired from the military and devoted herself to raising her child.

She lived a happy life teaching her eldest son how to use a sword and her younger sister how to sew, and after seeing Alsang's son Waltza grow up to be 15 years old, she passed away in her sleep the following year.**

△ **Historically

General of Alberan Kingdom.

She is said to be a brave woman who was admired by her soldiers, and although her war history is not very glamorous, she was skilled with the sword and is said to have sometimes wielded the sword herself to take revenge on enemy soldiers who approached the main camp.

Female soldiers and commanders are not that rare in Alberan, where the queen stands, but the last years of Alberan were a time when female soldiers were particularly prominent, such as Alberinea, Selene Christand, and Mia Kilnan and Kalua Belyus of the Black Flag Special Forces.**

?Battle Command

She learned what needed to be learned, and as a general, her abilities are above a certain level..

Although there is no flaw in the operation of troops and tactics during a pitched battle, there is a lack of experience, and there is a danger that once the assumption she made is not met, it may collapse at once, and there is also a slight weakness in dealing with surprise attacks and ambushes.

However, she is a person of rare character, and her bravery and hard but beautiful appearance make her very popular and charismatic among the soldiers.

The troops she leads have relatively high morale, and her temperament and personality make her more than capable as a commander.

She has the qualities to become a great general with the right amount of experience.

Appearance: Dark golden hair. Blue eyes. Tall. Graceful. Always have a stern face.

Armor: Full plate with visor with carving of an angry face.

→Krische: An absolute being comparable to Dragon. She is an innocent and dangerous girl. Beautiful.

Strong points: Lorka style swordsmanship. Soldier Board practice. child's partner. sewing.

Likes: Swordsmanship. stuffed doll. knitting.

Dislikes: inhumane people.

**Concern: None.**

■ Milcarz Tadia Rinea Lettia -- Order Good

Rather than just cause, Ojou-sama type of man. Margrave of the kingdom.

He is the head of the Lettia family, which has served the Remin family for generations, and has served as Tekrea's mentor since childhood.

Perhaps because his grandson was born around the time of his rebellious period, he is very doting on his master's daughter, Tekrea, and is the type of old man who will drown her in stuffed dolls.

He acted as an instructor and taught her how to use her sword, but her lovely and beautiful Tekrea.

Milcarz taught the young and ignorant Tekrea lessons in court etiquette, poetry, and dance, believing that swordsmanship was important.

He was very worried about the serious, straight-laced, and extremely clumsy Tekrea, but he was overjoyed that Aleha, a young man who could match her standard, came along and personally visited him. Bowing his head down.

Anticipating that various problems would arise due to Aleha's background, he is currently making arrangements here and there, and without Tekrea's knowledge, her late-blooming first love is spreading throughout the kingdom.

He and Waltza are old men who share the same purpose, and are very close.

He deeply regrets letting Tekrea's older brother die in his first battle, and when teaching Tekrea swordsmanship, he becomes as strict as if he had changed.

**At the Tekrea’s wedding ceremony, he shed tears of joy and was happier than anyone else to see her in her dress.

Before the baby's birth, he encouraged Tekrea, who was stiff and anxious, but he himself was restless and that made her laugh.

At the time of Tekrea childbirth, he puts on his armor and stand in front of the door of the room with the resolve too protects them, even if the opponent was an invisible god, he stood there without moving the slightest until the baby is safely delivered, and when the baby is born, he sheds tears of joy

He also raised his own great-grandson, and both Tekrea and her child had no postpartum problems.

Watching over them, he fell asleep without any regrets a year later.**

△ **Historically

Tekrea Remin's adjutant.

It is said that he was a warrior that she always kept by her side.**

? Battle Command

As he serves as a military instructor for the Duke's family, he has a deep knowledge of tactics and strategy, and has the ability to be a general.

He has appeared on the battlefield many times as an adjutant to the previous Duke Remin, and as a member of the Central Army, he has a wealth of battlefield experience and has no apparent flaws.

He has been traumatized by the death of Tekrea's older brother, and his lack of initiative can be considered a flaw, but as an adjutant, he can be said to be a good one, and has become a direct admonisher of Tekrea.

A master of swordsmanship and also a master of Lorca style swordsmanship.

Appearance: White hair swept back. Blue eyes. Medium build, medium height. A slightly long, well-groomed beard.

Armor: A half plate with a depiction of a goddess..

→Krische: A pitiful girl who is both frightening and adorable. pure. Her sister, Selene's atmosphere is similar to the previous Tekrea.

Strong points: Lorka style swordsmanship. Guidance. Front line command. Playing with a child.

Likes: Watching opera. Poetry. Imagining Tekrea’s Wedding. Admiring Tekrea.

Dislikes: War.

Concern: Tekrea’s dress.

■ Elzard Gyulizarria Garethrinea Gokhals -- Order Good

An opinion-based boy from the kingdom's neutral forces. Former central general of the kingdom. Commander-in-Chief of the Far East Army. Duke of the Kingdom.

As the eldest son of a duke, he has grown rapidly since he was a child.

The teaching of the famous Gokhals family is ‘Eliminate your weaknesses’, and they place more importance on improving the areas where you are inferior to others than on creating areas where you are better than others. Elzard faithfully followed these teachings from an early age and worked hard to become the heir to the Gokhals family from his father.

He is extremely knowledgeable not only in swordsmanship and arithmetic, but also in etiquette, and oratory, and embodies both literary and martial arts, and is respected by other great nobles.

Although he is often mistaken for his strong face and rugged expression, he was originally a compassionate and sensitive person, and his current grave atmosphere was created over many years.

During his childhood, he was quite timid and his father and tutor made him cry almost every day.

When he was a child, he was taught Zain-style swordsmanship, but in his first battle, he was injured in his left eye and lost his eyesight, and then learned the Lorca style, which taught him how to fight by destroying his left blind spot with a shield.

He enjoys astronomy and is a patron of scholars, but in his spare time he joins them in observing the orbits of stars and participating in difficult research.

**He was appointed as the general of the north, conquered Vezrea, and later participated in the war to dismantle Elsren.

He prevents the enemy from evacuating to northern Elsren, and for his exploits, he was liked to as an immovable boulder and was given the name Gyulizarria.

Although he was satisfied with his interactions with the scholars in the northern part of the kingdom, he decided to be transferred to the eastern part of the continent in place of Bagil, who did not like being the supreme commander of the Far East Army.

It was an order from the Queen and the Marshal, as a warrior there was no higher honor than this.

There was no way he could refuse, and he regretted becoming estranged from the scholars, and they too regretted a friend named Elzard, and suggested building an observatory in the Far East.

He was overjoyed when they told him that they would come along with him, and he crossed to the east with the scholars.

While doing the rewarding job of being the supreme commander of the Far East Army, he found time to spend my days talking with them about the stars beyond the sky.

Krische, who visited him, easily gave him answers to various difficult questions just by mental arithmetic, devised a magic crystal lens by deforming magic crystal, and left behind a blueprint for a simple telescope. He was deeply grateful to her and completed a large telescope and named it Grabakrische.

It is said that before his death, he put his bed in an astronomical observatory and discussed the mysteries of the stars with scholars until his death.**

△ **Historically

A general of Alberan and famous as a great astronomer.

Although he was an excellent general, he is known for his strong focus on astronomy, and is well known as a scholar.

During Grabaraine’s time, astronomy saw significant development under her own hands, but at the same time, she abruptly halted her research, considering it merely indicative, and it subsequently stagnated as a pursuit undertaken by a few scholars as a hobby.

As their patron, he provided funds and set up an observatory at his own expense, leaving his name deeply etched in history as a great contributor to astronomy.

The Gokhals Astronomical Observatory that he left behind has been renovated and rebuilt, but still remains, and the Grabakrische lens is kept at the nearby Magic Academy.

He praised Alberinea as possessing ‘Divine intellect that is capable of ending even vast astronomy if she so desired’.

Simultaneously, he noted that her wisdom had deprived her of the joy of the unknown and depicted her preference for cooking, housework, and strong affection for ordinary people as inevitable.**

?Battle Command

The general opinion is that he is a general without any danger.

Above all else, he focused on preparing in advance, winning when he had to, and minimizing the damage.

Although he is not good at responding to unexpected events, he understands this better than anyone else, and he devotes his heart and soul to gaining a strategic advantage based on his numerical and geographical advantages.

What he focuses on is not how to win against an opponent who is inferior to himself, but how to win against someone who is superior to himself, and he approaches the battlefield with everything he puts together on the premise of achieving tactical success against his opponent.

His fighting style is not glamorous as he never overdoes it, but instead he has a strong sense of stability and can be said to be a general who can serve as a role model for young commanders.**

Appearance: Black hair slicked back. Dark brown eyes. Large. Strong face. Tiger beard. A knife wound that destroyed one eye.

Armor: Rugged half plate.

→Krische: A great strategist, tactician, and engineer who left her name in history. A child endowed with divine intellect from birth.

Strong points: Zain style swordsmanship. Lorka style swordsmanship. Spearmanship. Strategy planning. Arithmetic. Staying up late.

Likes: Starry skies. Equation formula. Black bean tea.

Dislikes: Broken logic.

**Concern: Is it okay to have such a happy ending?.**

- ---- Kingdom’s Nobles

■ Nora -- Order Good

A girl who is caught between love and conscience. She is a servant in the Royal territory. The nanny of Krische and Kreschenta and their personal attendant.

She is from a middle-class noble family and took care of the young Krische and Kreschenta.

She cared for Krische, who was imprisoned as a Cursed Child.

Krische was called a Cursed Child, and she was creeped out by the fact that Krische was clearly different from the others, but as she cared for her, she realized that she was a young and honest child, and gradually came to love her.

When the decision was made to kill her, she refused, but her position made it impossible for her to refuse, so he finally decided to kill her in the forest near the village of Kalka and left her there.

She regrets leaving Krische, who was no more than three years old, behind, and he desperately tries to save the second Cursed Child, Kreschenta, so she won’t be declared a Cursed Child, but she is tormented by guilt when he learns that Kreschenta is killing the people around her for her own self-preservation.

Kreschenta, who was almost killed soon after her birth as a Cursed Child, is excessively frightened of those around her.

She knows that it is not malice, nor pleasure, but the security (“relax”, relief, peace of mind) that she rightfully deserves that she seeks, and she is the only person she can trust, and she cannot betray that.

Unable to stop her, she cooperates with Kreschenta in the midst of her inner turmoil.

Although she thought of Kreschenta as her own child, her sense of guilt remains, and when she finds someone other than herself to protect her, she committed suicide to atone for her and Kreschenta’s sin.

A loving person who martyred her own conscience until the very end.

△ **Historically

During the civil war, she is recorded as a servant who gave her life to help Queen Crescenta escape.**

Appearance: Black hair tied back. Brown eyes. Slender build. Normal chest. Well-formed but shallowly sculpted face.

→Krische: A child who is just a little different from others. She has done unforgivable things to Krische.

Strong points: Organizing. Cleaning.

Likes: Children. Sewing.

Dislikes: herself.

Concerns: not being able to give Kreschenta real relief (relax, peace of mind). Leaving Krische behind.

■ Vanatella Faren– Chaos Good

A nosy relative type of woman. Margrave Faren's wife. Eluga's wife.

She was born into a powerful noble family.

She is beautiful and above average in everything she does. She is a woman of talent and beauty, but she is very strong-willed and dislikes the closed-mindedness characteristic of noble society, and perhaps because of her birth, she is very strong-minded and idealistic.

Because of that, she was sent back after three days from where she married and was treated as a tumor in her parents' house.

Her brother was a corps commander in the same army as Eluga, but he disliked him, and out of rivalry with him, he took a solo action that was close to violating an order, and as a result, he fell into a dangerous situation and was saved by him.

However, at that time, he resented the fact that he had been judged incompetent because of that and worked to block Eluga’s career――Knowing that fact, Vanatella personally went to Eluga and apologized to him.

Because of that connection with him, She was intrigued by Eluga’s face and gentle nature, which was different from what she had heard about him and visited him every once in a while. At some point, she realizes that it has turned into love and presses him to marry her.

Eluga refused saying that the age difference is too big, and that her house wouldn’t allow it, but she threatened that if she was rejected by a man with an evil appearance like Eluga, it would be a shame for life, and that she would commit suicide, and so she married him forcefully.

Although she was disowned after a dispute with her brother who inherited the family, she herself is satisfied and doesn't particularly care.

She often hurls harsh words at Eluga without any reservation, but that was just her not being able to be honest in truth. She has a strong affection for him, and she basically respects his opinion whenever there is a dispute.

She is prouder than anything that she was able to achieve a love marriage, and her hobby is to meddle here and there about how a marriage should be and is a walking marriage counselor.

She also matched Bery's older sister Lazura in personality and got along well with her.

Eluga didn’t want her to be sad, so she recovers within a few days and works tirelessly for the Faren house in place of her husband. She fulfills her role as the mistress of the house.

When her son Rayfus came of age to inherit the house and marry, she was finally relieved, and after watching her granddaughter born, she fell asleep happily.

She kept repeating that she wished to be born at the same time as Faren in her next life.**

△ **Historically

Eluga Faren's wife.**

Appearance: Long, graceful blonde hair. Brown eyes. Slender and tall. Normal breasts. A beautiful woman with tight proportions who is beginning to show some signs of aging.

→Krische: A young beautiful girl that her husband seems to be taken to. Flirting with Bery. Someone who loved her husband deeply.

Strong points: Quibbles. Love Consultation.

Likes: Love consultation. Love story. ƒreewebɳovel.com

Dislikes: Restrictions that bind emotions.

**Concerns: The fate of the next life.**

■ **Rafus Giglite Faren – Order Good

A boy who looks nothing like his father. Marquis of the Kingdom. Member of the Kingdom Council. Small Bones.

Ever since he started remembering, he already got used to Eluga's face and regarded him as a respected father.

His father told him many times about clichés, and when they met for the first time, she said, ‘You don't have a very interesting face’ to him.

The first look of disappointment in his life left a trauma on his young mind, and for a while he developed an aversion to Krische.

However, after Eluga's death, she gave Rayfus the nickname ‘Small Bone’ as if she was nostalgic for his father. As per his father's will, he decides to redouble his efforts to assist the girls.

Like his father, he was intelligent and hard-working, and quickly distinguished himself. After coming of age, he appeared at the royal palace as a civil servant, accumulating achievements, and when the council was established, he became one of the members of the parliament and became a faction

☆ After Krische Moved

After a while, Aleha told him about the future, and cooperated with him to strengthen his own faction in the royal council, and made his daughter inherit it.

As a leading lady in the kingdom's council, his daughter came to have a strong influence, and she contributed to the swift stabilization of the council at Kleinmeer Founding.

△ Historically

One of the influential people in the kingdom's Council.

He was highly trusted by the Queen, and eventually became one of the three major factions in the council.

Appearance: Golden hair. Brown eyes. Tall and slender. A well-groomed face.

→Krische: A genius loved by his father. A child-like person.

Strong points: Speaking. Calculation. Controlling people's hearts.

Likes: Making things. Improvement of flower varieties.

Dislikes: Violence.

**Concerns: The kingdom where the two disappeared.**

■ Dagris Zeb-- Neutral Evil

He is a man who wags his tail to the strong. He is a secret agent of the Kirzaran Firm. Former assassin.

He is a skilled assassin who has been active in Kielzaran for a long time and is said to be a man whose name is known throughout the region. He never had a family and was not attached to a house, and was valued and feared by all organizations for his stoicism in completely cutting off any weaknesses for the sake of his work.

After retiring from the front lines, he mainly works as an intermediary for secret agents and assassins, but he still sometimes works on his own to complete a job depending on the request.

He is tired of his long life and would like to gain some kind of (political, authority) power and lead a stable life.

**After the War of the Five Great Powers, Crescenta officially appointed him to the kingdom's intelligence department and took control of it.

After that, he did not move on his own, but he cooperated with the Kuromimi squad and assisted in the installation of resonance crystals in various places, and after completing that work, he passed away due to old age.

Although he lived in a residence given to him in a prime location on the royal territory, he did not spend his time in particular luxuries or play, and laughed at himself for being someone who had no enjoyment in life other than work right before his death.**

△ **Historically

His name is not preserved.**

Appearance: Dark brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Medium build. A face with no features.

→Krische: A monster you shouldn’t make into an enemy. One who must not be crossed.

Strong points: Assassination. Espionage. Poison concoction.

Likes: Strong people. Outwit his opponent.

Dislikes: Weak people with no money or power.

**Worry: None.**

■ **Til Vinia Ramil -- Neutral Evil

A type of guy who was showing off to the wrong person. The second director of the Magic Research Institute.

He showed off his research results of changing the shape of magic crystals, which shocked other magicians, but when he saw Krische who brought his research to completion in an instant, he realized the difference in rank and continued to study hard.

He thought he hated people, but as they continued to work together on research, he realized that he simply didn't fit in with the people around him before. He begins to show a bright smile, as if he has changed as a person, and takes on the position of enthusiastically instructing young magicians.

Eventually, he realized that one of the magicians who belonged to the research institute had feelings for him and was hesitating because of the difference in age and family status. After being ordered to become the second director by Krische, whose job as director quickly became a chore to her, he resolved himself and proposed to her. He started a family.

After the birth of his child, he became even more cheerful, and as the director respected by the magicians, he led their research and worked hard to train the next generation.

His grandson is Elgainst Ramil. He later became the first emperor of the Magic Empire Kleinmeer.

△ **Historically

He is said to be the de facto director of the Magic Research Institute.

He has compiled the research of magicians and the guidance of Alberinea, and has written a guidebook for magicians. Because of its easy-to-understand content, magic manuals created based on it are still used in primary and secondary education for magicians.

His diary was preserved by Elgainst Ramil, in which he talked about the Academy of Magic and Alberinea at the time.

In it was written that Like Alberinea, the Queen was also a magician who is above ordinary humans, and this is one of the reasons why the Queen is considered to be a magician on a par with Alberinea.

Alberinea pointed to the Queen and said, ‘Kreschenta can do most of the things that Krische can do’. It is written in great detail that Till himself felt that the queen had that much power, and his reasons for thinking that way are written clearly, and this can also be seen from the abnormal ability of her queen Kreschenta. There are few objections to this.

At the end of the book, he wrote that he has nothing but gratitude to the Queen and Alberinea for giving a community to the sorcerers who had been forced to live alone, and for improving their status.**

Appearance: Black hair slicked back. Brown eyes. Thin body. glasses. A nervous face that looks old.

→Krische: A magician who is like a god. Someone who gave me human warmth when he was lonely.

Strong points: Formula engraving. Explanation. Guidance.

Likes: Training the next generation.

Dislikes: Selfish.

**Worry: The future of magicians.**

- ---- Kingdom’s Commoner

? Grace -- Order Good

Scatterbrained, maternal girl. Krische adoptive (foster) mother. Gallen’s daughter.

She is a good woman who raised Krische, who was an abandoned child, and is the beginning of everything.

Without her, there is a strong possibility that Krische would have become a bandit.

She is the one who noticed from an early stage that Krische was distorted, raised her with strong affection as if she were her own daughter, and corrected her into a straight girl through repeated and diligent education without ever giving up.

Most of the values that Krische has in her mind were given to her by Grace, and thanks to her teachings, she is able to lead a proper life on the surface.

She is scatterbrained, clumsy and rough (crude).

It is no exaggeration to say that it was the bad taste of her cooking that led her to meet Krische to cook.

The homely side of Krische is largely made up of Grace's clumsiness and crudeness.

She was adored by the women of the village for her good nature and outgoing nature, and was a central figure in their lives.

Killed by Gado.

Appearance: Long black hair tied back. Dark brown eyes. Slender build. Large breasts. Freckled beauty.

→Krische: A gift from God. She is a bit unusual, but she is clever and well-behaved.

Strong points: Creating a good atmosphere. Clumsy. Education.

Likes: Household chores in general (bad at them). Gathering together.

Dislikes: Thug (Hooligan).

Concerns: Leaving Krische alone.

? Gorka -- Order Neutral

A young, starry-eyed man with a strong popularity. Krische adoptive (foster) father.

He is a skilled hunter and organizer of the hunters. He is the one who picked up Krische when she was a young, abandoned child and raised her.

He found her in the woods on a hunting trip and took her to the village.

Without him, there is no doubt that the story would have ended there.

He was unsure whether to treat her as an abandoned child of the nobility because of her beauty and the clothes she was wearing, but when he saw his wife Grace taking care of her so diligently, he fell in love with her and decided to raise her as his daughter.

Like Grace, he has a strong affection for Krische, but he is also concerned about her chipped part, and he is concerned about them all the time.

In his true feelings, he is unable to completely deny the gossip about her having killed a child her own age.

Killed by Gado.

Appearance: Short black hair. Dark brown eyes. Tall and slender. Fearless. Mustache.

→Krische: Hardworking, kind, His proud daughter. She is a genius, but at the same time she is somewhat twisted.

Strong points: Command of hunters. Archery. Forest.

Likes: Hunting. Bow. Drinking.

Dislikes: Outlaws.

Concerns: Died not being able to protect his wife and daughter.

■ Gala --Neutral Good

An auntie with a lot of guts. She is Grace's older sister.

If Grace is the most beautiful woman in the village, Gala is the strongest woman in the village.

She is a big, lively woman who is in a position of being the leader of the women, and has been friends with Krische since she was picked up by the village.

She had an oven in her house, so Krische would often come to her house to bake pies.

She has a son who was killed by Krische, and when she was contemplating suicide due to her grief, Krische came to her house to borrow the oven and comforted her, which led her to develop a strong affection for her without knowing that she was the enemy of his son.

She is a person who was made unhappy and happy by Krische. Even after Krische leaves the village, she takes care of the house where Krische used to live so that she can come back whenever she wants, and occasionally bakes pumpkin pies to remember her.

Although she learns the truth about the past because of Krische’s returns, she understands that she couldn't hold a grudge against Krische, and she still shows Krische, unchanging love on behalf of Grace and the others.

Krische had already become such an existence for Gala.

**When she heard of Gallen's death and the two wooden tags that departed at the same time his hair was delivered, she knew that the burden on her shoulders had been completely lifted.

After the continent was unified, Krische went to the northeastern part of the kingdom to inspect the railway construction and expansion work of Gatangoton, along with visiting a grave, she and Krische baked and ate pumpkin pie together.

The following year, she collapsed while working and passed away without ever waking up.**

Appearance: Black hair tied back. Brown eyes. Good build. Relatively well-rounded face.

→Krische: A person to whom she owes a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid. She thought of her as her own daughter.

Strong points: Housework in general. Funny story.

Likes: Baking pies. Oven care. Pumpkin.

Dislikes: Bandits.

Concerns: None.

■ Pell --Neutral Good

Boy whose first love is Krische. Kalka's vigilante group.

A boy who loved Krische as "the neighborhood's beautiful One-san".

Krische’s character was quite different from others, but he took good care of her and honestly liked her.

Whenever Krische showed up at the vigilante training, he always gave her sword lessons, and after she left, he realized that it had been a faint first love.

His dream is to become a soldier and become a hero, but he eventually gives up after his childhood girl friend cried and **lives a peaceful life as the leader of the vigilante group in the village of Kalka.**

**He participated in the construction and expansion of the Gatangoton railway in the northeastern part of the kingdom, and laughed at Krische whose appearance hadn’t changed.

Appearance: Short black hair. Brown eyes. Slim and muscular. Quote a good face.

→Krische: A beautiful neighborhood girl. His first love. Very strong. Quite different from others.

Strong points: Swordsmanship. Brawl.

Likes: self-discipline (self-improvement). Heroic stories.

Dislikes: Bandits. Adults who made Krische as the bad guy.

**Concerns: None.**

■ Yals -- Neutral Good

A good person peddler. A merchant affiliated with the Versler Firm.

He is a merchant from the northern part of the kingdom. He is a man who does business by placing the highest priority on building trust with his customers.

He sometimes does business without regard to the profitability for his customers, which is why he was late in getting his own store, but thanks to the trust he has built, his business is thriving despite his late bloom.

He has known Karka since he was a peddler, and has known Krische since she was a child. The sight of her always clutching her pocket money and coming to buy ingredients was a source of comfort to him during his peddling days, and he has been worried about her unfortunate situation since she left the village.

Appearance: Short brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender and tall. Slightly wrinkled face.

→Krische: A hardworking, pretty girl. A traveler's healer. Clever and good looking.

Strong points: Travel. Socializing.

Likes: Sincere partners. Hard worker. Accumulation.

**Dislikes: Businesses that pursue only profit.**

Concerns: Krische's future, who has become a soldier. He wants to help her as much as he can.

■ Garo -- Chaos Evil

A sexual harasser that was hated. Karka's vigilante.

He became a soldier at the age of fifteen, aiming for a successful career, but he couldn't stand the battlefield full of death, so he ran away and returned home.

His skill wasn’t bad, but he is mentally fragile and is addicted to alcohol.

He taught swordsmanship to the villagers in his village as one of the neighborhood vigilantes, making use of his swordsmanship after returning from the battlefield.

He was working relatively hard because he had nowhere else to go if he didn't take it seriously. However, as Krische becomes more and more beautiful, the devil begins to get the better of him, and he begins to touch her body while pretending to teach her swordsmanship.

Krische, who had no doubts at first, had a positive interpretation of his passionate swordsmanship instruction, but as the contact with him that had nothing to do with swords gradually increased, she began to feel uncomfortable. He is eventually taken out into the forest and killed by her.

Appearance: Short black hair. Brown eyes. Muscular. Rough face.

→Krische: The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She is a bit of a creep, but she's just timid and has a restrained personality.

Strong points: Touching. Bragging.

Likes: Women. Meat.

Dislikes: the village of Kalka, which doesn’t have a red light district (brothel).

Worries: Won’t stop, can’t stop.

■ Zar Nea Karka – Order Neutral

He is the advisor of the village. He is a former captain of the Christand army's Third corps.

He is an experienced soldier who spent many years in the military. After retiring from the front line, he became a training instructor for soldiers and taught swordsmanship and is also the leader of the vigilante in the village. He respects Gallen, and he really wants him to be the leader of the vigilante, but he knows the circumstances of Gallen's resignation from the military, so he is unable to say it too strongly.

He is an expert in Lorca-style swordsmanship.

Killed by a bandit chieftain after being stabbed in the back.

Appearance: Short gray hair. Blue eyes. Lean and muscular. Wrinkled, chiseled face.

→Krische: A child prodigy. She is a master of swordsmanship in a thousand different ways. She is a terrifying person.

Specialty: Lorca-style swordsmanship. Platoon command. Teaching.

Likes: self-discipline. Regular life. Juice.

Dislikes: Anything that disturbs harmony.

Worries: Being Krische’s partner is hard.

■ Yals -- Neutral Good

A good person peddler. A merchant affiliated with the Versler Firm.

He is a merchant from the northern part of the kingdom. He is a man who does business by placing the highest priority on building trust with his customers.

He sometimes does business without regard to the profitability for his customers, which is why he was late in getting his own store, but thanks to the trust he has built, his business is thriving despite his late bloom.

He has known Karka since he was a peddler, and has known Krische since she was a child. The sight of her always clutching her pocket money and coming to buy ingredients was a source of comfort to him during his peddling days, and he has been worried about her unfortunate situation since she left the village.

**His acquaintance with Alberinea is highly valued, and negotiations with Christand are usually accompanied by him, which led to him being promoted within the firm.

As the representative of the Versler Merchants' firm, he continued to maintain a good relationship with Christand while personally sending special products from distant places to Krische. He passed away with a sense of relief, knowing that his son would inherit this tradition.**

△ **Historically

A merchant who is friends with Christand.

Although he was not particularly good at business, he was a good-natured merchant, and he had known Alberinea before she was taken in by Christand, and because of that relationship, Christand also patronized him.

He was an important person who knew her before Christand, but no notes of his remain.

However, it was recorded that Alberinea herself attended his funeral, even though he was a commoner, surprising the other attendees.

She can be seen attending such funerals everywhere, including her own subordinates, which is one reason why she is said to have been a person who did not care about differences in her social status.**

Appearance: Short brown hair. Dark brown eyes. Slender and tall. Slightly wrinkled face.

→Krische: A hardworking, pretty girl. A traveler's healer. Clever and good looking.

Strong points: Travel. Socializing.

Likes: Sincere partners. Hard worker. Accumulation.

Dislikes: Businesses that pursue only profit.

Concerns: Krische's future, who has become a soldier. He wants to help her as much as he can.

■ Roland Seva -- Chaos Evil

A male villainous harem protagonist. He is the representative of the Kirzaran Firm.

He used to be the owner of a store, but he became a big merchant by trading with bandits including slave traders. He is a well-known merchant in the kingdom and is a wealthy merchant who is known by all those who do business for a living.

He has a strong complex about his own appearance, and when he was young, he was ridiculed by the woman he had a crush on, which led him to seek greater power and wealth. He is even willing to lick shoes if necessary, and he has risen to his current position thanks to his greed and his original talent, which he uses any means to achieve his goals.

He loves beautiful women more than anything else, but he is a coward who can’t touch them unless he has the higher position.

He was the one responsible for the downfall of the Argan family, and in fact it was almost a fraud.

He was executed after being tortured by Krische by having all of his flesh removed.

△ **Historically

A great merchant of the Alberan Kingdom.

He had secret communication with Aurugorn Hilkintos and was executed.**

Appearance: Thinning brown head of hair. Dark brown eyes. Short stature. Obese. Hideous (repulsive).

→Krische: Cursed Child. He would like to play with her if the chance arises.

Strong points: Business. Scheming. Deception. Entrapment.

Likes: beautiful women. Submissive and irresistible women. Bondage.

Dislikes: Stout-hearted (brave, firm, tough) women. People without money.

Concerns: Dying in the greatest amount of pain imaginable.

■ Koza– Neutral Good

A strong blacksmith type man. Former subordinate of Gallen. He is a certified blacksmith in Christand.

Originally the only son of a blacksmith, he joined the army to rebel against his strict father.

He served under Gallen in several battles, but was wounded in the leg during one of them and discharged from the army after suffering a permanent injury. His final rank was corporal.

He used to be a rowdy and violent person and was beaten up several times by Garren, but he feels a strong debt of gratitude to him because Gallen saved him many times when he was in danger.

When he returned to his parents after suffering a permanent injury, the tears of relief shed by his strict father made him decide to take over the family business, and he has been training diligently ever since.

Taking advantage of his experience on the battlefield, many of his swords are particularly focused on ease of handling and sturdiness, and although they are not flashy, they are of very high quality, perhaps due to his natural talent.

He and Bogan, who had just joined the military at the time, did not have a very deep relationship as they had mostly replaced each other, but they later deepened their relationship after being introduced to him by Gallen.

Bogan, Nozan, Selene's sword, Kolkis’s iron spear, Grunmeld’s war club, and other weapons of the Christand warriors are often struck by Koza.

The small sword that Gallen wields was the first sword his father recognized, and even now, decades later, he still uses it with great care.

Although he feels that his son Kays has more talent than him, he lacks motivation and is troubled by memories of his former father's relationship with him.

However, perhaps because of Krische, he’s relieved that he seems to have started to get more enthusiastic about it recently after seeing his new swing, which can be said to be the culmination of his life.

**He was originally famous for his ability to forge swords for Christand, but after he was allowed to use a simple crest, his name became even more popular and he began to receive orders from merchants.

However, he refused and continued to forge swords soldiers and mercenaries guarding the caravan for the rest of his life until his death.

His son Kays followed suit and continued to make practical swords and weapons while expanding his shop. He always told his father's words to his sons and disciples: ‘The true nature of a sword is a blade for exchanging lives, not an ornament’.**

△ **Historically

He is Famous as the weapon craftsman who forged swords for the heroes of Alberinea and Christand.

He was the only blacksmith allowed to use the simplified crest of Krushtand, and later his son's apprentices opened shops in various places.

His and his son Kays's swords have been magically protected, and some of them still remain and are sold for high prices.

The genius mage Elseria collaborated with the artisan Corus, who is said to have inherited his blood, to create an enchanter sword engraved with a magic crystal spell.**

Appearance: Bald. Sharp brown eyes. Large and muscular. Stubble beard and his right shoulder is bulged with muscles.

→Krische: His benefactor's granddaughter. A girl with an unusual sword skill. The person to whom he gave the best swing of his life.

Strong points: weapon smithing. fight.

Likes: Sparks. Forging.

Dislikes: Craftsmanship that ignores practicality.

**Concerns: None.**

