A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.240: Frozen Emotion


***Arc 10 One Who Doesn't Acknowledge, Chapter 240 Frozen Emotion***

In the dense forest where trees thrive, there are limited paths that can be used for marching.

The army divides into narrow paths, maintaining close coordination while advancing.

The collision between the two forces occurred on the second day after entering the forest, in the afternoon as the sun began to set.

It was on a road where carriages could barely pass each other.

The commander himself stood at the front, wielding a large iron spear like a club and mowing down the enemy in silver armor with a tiger face.

Drenched in the enemy's blood, he devoured their flesh, creating a one-sided massacre on the spot.

In the kingdom, including all surrounding worlds, facing the most formidable Second Corp, that to be was expected.

There was no one who could stand in front of the Second Corp led by Kolkis other than soldiers who have also been trained in hell.

The result of the encounter was unquestionably expected, and yet Kolkis felt a sense of unease.

"Corp Commander! General Carnarius gives instructions to retreat."

"... That was quick."

――Colchis naturally concluded that Carnarius was thinking the same thing.

It was only natural that the Second Corps would win in a head-on collision.

However, in this situation, it was hard to think of that as a matter of course.

Kolkis also felt a sense of discomfort due to the lack of significant resistance.

Kolkis always relied on intuition from experience rather than thought.

The vast amount of experience that had been accumulated over the years――the answers that come out from there were faster than anything else and were more correct than anything else.

If the answer he come up with after you stop and think about it was worth 100 points, then his intuitive judgment would be at most 70 to 80 points.

However, speed was important on the battlefield.

Losing a hundred due to delay was worse than cutting thinking time to obtain seventy.

The thirty that was lacking, could be compensated for through military training.

That was the simple and clear tactical theory that Kolkis had accumulated over the years.

Although Kolkis was unable to put trust in his own brain, he did not doubt his experience in fighting, being relied upon by the hero Christand as both a sword and a shield.

In terms of ability Nozan was better than him.

As a warrior, Kolkis was probably above him.

In defense, Terius might be better. In tactics, Eluga might surpass him.

Although the hero Bogan Christand was excellent, he was by no means the strongest general.

However, if there's one thing that stood out, it's the eyes.

There was no one better than Bogan when it comes to determining a person's abilities.

His sharp, hawk-like gaze ruthlessly evaluates not only his enemies, but each and every one of his subordinates.

The hero Christand, admired by the people, was a ruthless, almost pathological meritocrat on the battlefield.

Chosen by such Bogan, he was given the position of corps commander.

The Second Corp was Kolkis’s pride, and trusting his instincts was exactly the same as trusting the Bogan who chose him.

Believing that there was nothing wrong with his late master's eyes was truly fanaticism, and for that reason, he had no hesitation at all.

He mowed down the enemy soldiers in front of him and pointed his spear toward the sky.

Sending a signal by shaking its tip.

It sends a signal by shaking its tip.

Not even half an koku had passed since the encounter. The order to retreat was much too early.

However, there was no need to raise his voice and issue instructions.

When Kolkis, the commander of the army, send a signal, the soldiers followed the instructions without a trace of doubt.

What made the Second Corps invincible was their fanaticism towards the great warrior Kolkis.

Without a doubt, one command could turn them into a suicide soldier.

The second corps was a corps of warriors, all of whom were crazy, including their masters and servants.

A head-on collision with the insane Second Corps.

Looking at the ruins of the enemy's lead, which had collapsed in a moment, the Second Corps turned around and moved to the rear.

It was undoubtedly a judgment made without any hesitation.

“As expected, you come!”

――The surprise flank attack by the beast aimed to divide the Second Corps, came targeting the Silver Tiger.

A monster that looked like a magical beast jumped out of the forest beside the road without making a sound.

Kolkis dodged Ledo Rani, who wieldd a giant sword almost as tall as his own body, as if he had predicted it.

"――Tch "

A quiet click of the tongue.

The Veeze’s hunter, wearing light clothing that exposed his bare skin, showed no sign of disturbance towards the unimaginable reaction.

A giant sword swung from the left in a sweeping motion.

Without breaking the inertia, it slid as if stepping to the side of Kolkis, who had leaped backward to evade.

Not just sliding.

In fact, carried by the centrifugal force of the giant sword, for a moment, all the weight disappeared from his body.

For a first-time observer, it would be an unimaginable move with no chance of a reaction.

Even if the opponent were a renowned warrior, the second attack, following the surprise, would be unavoidable.

If the conditions of ambush aligned, it would be a lethal blow.


――However, the figure before him was not just any renowned warrior.

Except for one person, he is probably the best warrior in the kingdom――the surrounding world.

Kolkis Argand adjusted the handle of the large iron spear and lifted the giant sword in response to the subsequent upward slash.

The spears entire body was made of steel, and the tip had a small sword-like point.

The butt end was now that of a cavalry spear.

He manipulated the insane large iron spear like a twig and raised the giant sword, and without a moment's delay, it was pierced with the butt end.

Ledo instantly twisted his body and used the centrifugal force of the giant sword to open up the distance.

For nearly ten years after the last war, Ledo found himself in a hellish battlefield.

Even as he wanders between life and death, he whipped his body and ran around the battlefield in the forest, vomiting blood.

A man with an overflowing talent and a power that he had acquired through blood-splashing effort――but he was not the only one like that.

The silver tiger's armor sparkled in crimson.

While swinging such a large spear, there was no shift in the center of gravity.

Seemingly rough yet delicate, the trajectory of the spear was optimized for efficiency.

Combat techniques are nothing but violence, but when violence goes beyond a certain range, there was beauty in it even though it is violence.

Just as Ledo's is the same, so is the spear wielded by Kolkis Argand.

The beauty of the spear was captivating.

The tranquility of the stance.

The state he had reached after devoting his talent and soul was truly that of art.

It thrust its legs like an animal, and Ledo felt his soul tremble as he looked up at it.

"...I recognize you. You’re the enemy of Kanalua’s warriors."

It was the man he saw that night.

Alberinea's army commander――With his appearance, the battle line supported by the hunting party collapsed.

"I recognize that giant sword, too. It's the runway of that night."

Kolkis also recalled the same scene from a different perspective.

Then, with the visor down, he searched for my surroundings just by listening to the sounds.

The enemy is an elite――even considering the condition of a surprise attack, they matched the warriors Kolkis has on his side.

It was not an ordinary unit.

Probably, they are his direct subordinates.

Remembering the strength of the guerrilla troops that had resisted the Second Corps' breakthrough that night, he realized that this wasn’t a feint.

"Your plan went haywire, kid. You might be aiming for the side of the snake――but your predictions were off, and both heads end up clashing. It was a bit too late to cut off the snake's head."

Advancing through the forest was inevitable, there was no choice but to form a column.

Including those walking in the forest on the side, there are only a few hundred members of the Second Corps here.

If they were to receive such an ambush from a side attack, no matter how strong the Second Corps was, it would be divided.

Their miscalculation was due to Kolkis’s quick judgment.

As a result, the blow that was supposed to split the snack neck ended up hitting the hard head.

This was at least not the intended result.

"Slow down! Just keep retreating! We know the enemy's strength!"

Kolkis raised his voice.

Directly in front――the leading formation of the enemy was in ruins. They cannot move immediately, scared from the previous battle.

The only thing they need to worry about was the side attack led by this man.

And as the condition of surprise fades with time――eventually, the situation here would turn in favor of the Second Corps.

The opponent was strong, but facing the soldiers directly under the direct command of Kolkis was a heavy burden.

A retreat was entirely possible.

“This is Colchis Argand, commander of the Second Corps of the Central Alberinea Army.…Do you have a name for yourself?”

He pointed the tip of his spear and announced.

The black-haired young man, who was in a four-legged position, lifted himself up and whispered, ‘Alberinea’.

"Direct corps of the Battle princess, Shelna Veeze,. Hunting squad leader――Ledo of Rani."

"...That's a familiar name, too."

Shelna Veeze――A general on the Elderant side.

It was the name of the opponent Krische defeated in the last battle.

“I see, it boils down to revenge.…That’s easy to understand.”

Ledo said nothing and frowned at him, and Kolkis laughed behind his visor.

"What, I'm not making fun of you. There are valid grudges for valid reasons, and there are plenty of them floating around on the battlefield. It's not a bad reason to fight."

Kolkis continued, ‘It's just the enemy is bad’.

“I heard the same words from Keithriton.…Where is Alberinea?”

"Well, if you can, you should do your best to find out. I'm telling you, if you have trouble dealing with me, you won't even be able to step on Krische-sama's shadow."

As he spoke, Kolkis thought that his opponent had a next move.

Otherwise, the situation would have been a desperate one to approach him recklessly――considering the path they came from, Kolkis assumed there was a detour from the outside.

The enemy numbered between 40,000 and 60,000――judging from the location of the collision, it was not a forced march.

The forced march was probably on by both wings.

They were circumventing the forest, enclosing it from the outside.

――Their target was the main camp.

The enemy's goal was to block the movements of the main army, then divide the leading Second Corps and destroy each one individually.

The enemy's intention would not be fulfilled due to their miscalculation.

At the very least, the Second Corps could still join the main camp.

However, the question was how much can they escape from this sea of trees while minimizing the overall damage?

He had no choice but to leave that to Aleha and Keith.

Keeping his eyes on Ledo Rani, Kolkis listened to the sounds.

The element of surprise was lost, and what ensued was a stalemate.

"...The fire has already gone out from this place. If you don't come, I'll just let you leave."

If a stalemate were to occur, the Second Corps would have the local advantage.

The opponent must kill Kolkis to regain their advantage here.

However, considering Kolkis’s objectives, he didn't want to continue this precarious situation, even if they had the upper hand.

They both probably didn't want a prolonged battle here.

"If you come, I'll accept it. I'm sure we'll have a good fight. Of course, both you and I will be risking our lives."

The soldiers directly under Ledo's surroundings――these men looked at their commander, Ledo.

There was still fighting spirit in his eyes.

They were looking to Ledo for instructions.

"...We'll meet again soon. The decisive battle is not here."

Ledo lightly raises his palm, and in response to that signal, his soldiers slowly retreat.

However, what caught Colchis's attention was the gaze of the soldiers beside him.

Several of the men clearly wanted to continue the battle, and for a moment there was a look in their eyes that urged Ledo to reconsider.

It soon disappeared――but Kolkis didn't miss it.

"Well, it's good that they understand. ...I look forward to seeing what you'll show me."

――That was not all.

It was a conviction.

An attack on the main camp through a large detour and a surprise attack on the Second Corp.

Even after that plan collapsed, the enemy had something up their sleeve to defeat Kolkis in this situation.

Whether it was a tactical move or something else.

But they kept it in reserve.

Kolkis stepped back, looking at Ledo, and distancing himself from him.

There was a need for vigilance.

At least, Kolkis believed there was something beyond his imagination, and he took twice the usual distance before turning his back.

Ledo remained motionless, staring eerily at Kolkis——and simply watched him leave.

As he watched the Second Corp left, Ledo reorganized the disrupted front line.

Instructions were rapidly given, and the front line, which had lost its morale, moved into the forest.

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The rear of the column remained as it was, aligning its steps with the front line.

"...Are you sure, Captain? That man is no ordinary warrior. We have to deal with him now..."

"It’s fine. This time the target is Alberinea."

Ledo answered his subordinate's words.

Alberinea's direct military forces came out as expected.

However, they still haven't been able to locate Alberinea.

“When I think of Alberinea, I think of Shelna.”


"It's not for sentimental reasons. ...Shelna had an unusually clear intuition. She always came to a definitive conclusion, as if looking down on the entire battlefield from the sky."

In terms of strategy, tactics, and sword skills, Ledo still didn't feel like he could defeat Shelna back then.

It wouldn't have been difficult to defeat Kolkis Argand here.

A blue staff that shoots out magic power as aggressive particles――if he had the power of that magic crystal.

But such a warrior.

If he was defeated, Alberinea would definitely realize that there was some kind of trick and be wary.

At least, he thought Shelna would notice that.

Even if Shelna was on the battlefield for a thousand years, she would not be defeated.

No matter how difficult a situation she finds herself in, she would always be able to get out of it with her sword skills and wits.

Shelna was such a genius.

However, Alberinea easily defeated Shelna along with the hunting party she had left behind――her ability was already beyond Ledo's comprehension.

Only by putting his best on top of his best, could he finally have a chance to defeat her.

For that reason, he couldn't provide any information.

"If we don't defeat Alberinea, it will be impossible to continue the war against Alberan. As we have decided, this time we will only aim at Alberinea. In order to create the conditions for a surefire kill."

――His blood trembled in front of the warrior Kolkis.

If they had continued to fight as they were, it would have been a fight to the death, with their souls at stake, just as Kolkis had said.

Or maybe there was a reason why he felt that way.

He didn't want to kill such a great warrior in such a despicable way.

At the very least, there was no doubt that the conclusion was a combination of calculation and psychology, reason and emotion mixed together in his mind.

Whether it was his own weakness or not.

He was here with the intention of abandoning all emotions, and he was here with the resolution to do whatever it takes.

But there could have been any number of ways.

Even without using such a large-scale method, he could have spent years establishing a base in the royal capital and aiming to assassinate her.

War――The reason why I chose the battlefield was because there was something that still remained within Ledo here.

The smiles of his comrades and Shelna's voice.

Everything that was burned into his mind was on the battlefield, and the choices that led him to this point were nothing but emotional.

In the fight with Keithriton he was convinced his my heart.

A battlefield is nothing but unreasonable, no matter how you decorate it.

It was a cruel world, ruled by only one law: the strong unilaterally taking the lives of the weak.

Once you step in there, there were no excuses.

Those who died, died because they were weak.

The answer was nothing more or less, and according to that law, both Shelna and Ledo killed many people in the name of justice.

Having killed so much, it was not logical to hold a grudge.

They never apologized to those they had killed.

In the end, his desire for revenge against Alberinea was not based on logic, but on emotion.

The sense of legitimacy I felt at the time faded over time.

Even so, what was the reason for being here?

“Something left behind”


“No matter how I answer it, no matter what reason I give it, in the end, I'm here just to get back what I left behind that day.”

After the civil war ended, he went to the graves of Shelna and the others almost every day.

His wife followed along without saying a word and offered something on the grave.

There was a gentle happiness there, and everything was about to become a memory.

"It's just an emotional reason...I'm a stupid person. I can't move forward until I get that back....That's why I'm glad from the bottom of my heart that you guys came with me."

The man's eyes widened, then he smiled and said, ‘What are you talking about, Captain?’

More than half of the surviving hunting party was still here with Ledo.

Just like Ledo, to bring back something they left behind.

"The sword princess's hound――you are the leader. Just like back then. We will swing our swords together with the captain until we die."

Those words flowed inside Ledo as if they were deeply ingrained.

He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them.

"……, thank you"

he said, and he realized it was a word he hadn't said in a while.

To Toba, to Feni, to them.

It was a normal thing to say, as a normal human being.

That was probably one of the things that Ledo left behind.

"We will defeat Alberinea... please help me."

The men smiled and nodded at those words.

The Alberinea army left the center to Kolkis’s Second Corps and the right flank to Aleha's Fourth Corps.

Keith's First Corps worked with the militia on the rear left flank to maneuver the retreat, while Bagil's Third Corps in the central headquarters stood guard on the left flank.

The left wing was made thinner because the main road in the center and the south were separated by a river.

Coincidentally, Selene and the other advanced to the place of the decisive battle with Algor Hilkintos.

On the right――the north side was the forest.

The left side—south, despite being squeezed between the fast-flowing river, had a quite open space in the forest.

The bridge behind dropped by Krische was rebuilt to be sturdy, and there were no significant difficulties in retreating.

Aleha would handle the northern detour, and if the enemy came from the south by a large detour, Keith would respond, buying time.

"Commander Remin has discovered an enemy detour group. We are delaying it."

"Tell Aleha to delay as much as possible. As soon as we meet up with the Second Corps, the main force will begin retreating."

Selene gives instructions to the messenger from horseback.

The Second Corps had already engaged the head of the enemy.

Selene felt relieved when she saw that they had started retreating, but had returned safely.

It seems that the enemy's commander-in-chief, Ledo Rani, had launched a surprise attack using the head of the as a decoy.

The aim was probably to divide the Second Corps.

He was such an aggressive commander that at first glance he seemed reckless.

Even though he had an advantage in military strength, he lead his forces and goes to whittle down the enemy's strength himself.

He must be very confident in his own strength.

However, he was not a reckless idiot.

The enemy, with this blitzkrieg invasion and superior military strength, was not letting their guard down.

Even though they had the upper hand, they were trying to further reduce military strength and create an overwhelming situation.

He was not reckless, but rather cautious.

Judging from the northern detour, it seemed that they had expected this side expected to enter the forest despite being inferior in numbers.

"A formidable opponent who doesn't let his guard down."

"Yes, indeed. In this situation, it's unusual for our side to step into the forest. But the enemy seems to have narrowed down their focus."

Bagil, who was by her side, said, and Selene nodded.

“After all, the purpose is to defeat this Alberinea army, right?”

"It seems so to me."

If it were a normal army, if it was a normal general, they wouldn't enter the forest.

It would be foolish to step into the sea of trees where the enemy was invading when they were outnumbered and have no information.

The only reason Selene chose it was because it was the strongest army in the kingdom.

Otherwise, no matter what the other’s said, she would never have stepped into the sea of trees like this.

And the fact that they had read their movements meant that they had assumed from the beginning that the Alberinea army would be here.

—Defeat the kingdom's strongest army, and completely control the initiative.

That was likely the enemy's goal.

"A bit early, but let's retreat as planned. If the enemy intended to take on this army after suffering such a major defeat, it's too dangerous in the forest."

"I have no objection. If this is the battlefield chosen by the opponent, then we should avoid it."

Bagil answered and asked.

“Then after retreating, as planned?"

"We will meet up with General Remin and blockade the Royal Capital side of the Sea of Trees while gathering troops from the rear. If the enemy was targeting this army, it is unlikely that they have already divided their forces. If we do well, we will be able to reach the Royal Capital area. Maybe we can aim for victory without causing any damage.''

If the enemy had not planned for this army to invade from the beginning, it would have been dangerous to remain outside.

If the other party intended to ravage the royal capital area, the response would inevitably be delayed.

However, if the enemy was targeting only this army, the story would be different.

There would probably be some delays due to the opponent's policy change.

Even if they ignore this and advance into the royal capital area, it wouldn’t happen immediately.

Together with Tech Rare, Selene can adjust the outside situation to a certain extent.

"If we get relentlessly pursued, we’ll hit them with Jarea Gashea. It might be a little tough later on though."

"There's no need to hesitate. It's like releasing countless green tigers into the forest――there's no better thing to use as a delay than this."

Jaleya Gashea is assigned to Keith and the First Corps in the rear along with the engineering squad.

If the pursuit was severe, they were to spread it and destroy the pursuing force.

The problem was that they couldn't be recovered after being scattered in the forest with poor visibility, but they can think about that after the war.

――It's not bad, she nodded.

She came to this conclusion after thinking so much that it gave her a headache.

Selene did not believe that her abilities were superior.

Her inexperienced brain didn't have any kind of instantaneous power, and there was no guarantee that she would be able to come up with a decent answer if it came to a spur-of-the-moment decision.

However, if she examines all possibilities one by one and accumulates them, she would be able to issue perfect instructions as a general.

No matter what the situation is, if she could assumes everything in advance and comes to a conclusion, she could make choice without thinking.

This was the only technique that Selene, who was inexperienced, could use to fight on an equal footing with others.

At least with an army this large, she could fight a battle that they would never lose.

And in this battle, as long as Selene didn’t loses, it would directly lead to victory.

In front, where the forest narrowed, Toluca, who had been leading the way with the second corps, appeared with a column, and then, after a short while, the silver tiger armor――Kolkis.

"Bagil, I'll send the second corps first. You will be the rear."

"Yes, as planned--"

――And when Bagir was about to nod, a voice like a scream came from behind him.

He turned around immediately, but his eyes did not catch the cause.


It landed from above, behind Selene and the others who turned around.


“The situation is?”

In front was an eight shaku two jou Suiko with two large bags strapped to his waist, an intimidating large figure.

Sitting on top of it was a silver-haired girl.

Her long hair swings like two tails, and under her cloak was a dress. ƒгeewebnovёl.com

Armguards, leg guards, and two curved swords at her waist.

Her fairy-like beauty was endlessly cold, and there was no emotion in her purple eyes.

"……Why are you here?"

"Krische heard from Kreschenta that Selene seems to be facing a dangerous opponent...Krische'll end this right away. How is the situation."

Selene widens her eyes for a moment, bites her lip and clenches her fist.

She then lowered her eyes and said as she suppressed all her emotions.

"The enemy number is between 40,000 and 60,000, and now we've dealt blows to thwart the enemy's initial move as they invade from the Sea of Trees. We plan to retreat from now on."

"Really? The enemy is over there?"

"Yes, Kolkis said he saw what looks like an enemy general."

Hearing those words, Krische stared ahead.

Kolkis, who seemed to recognize Krische and quickened his pace, was already nearby.


“Is the commander in chief from over there?”

"Most likely."

"Then, there is a change of plans. Selene, we will continue to formation here."

"W-wait a minute!"

Selene shook her head and looked up at her.

"We’re not prepared to meet the enemy here. No matter what you do, it's absurd..."


Krische said and jumped off from above Midoriya.

He then approached Selene and stroked her cheek.

"Krische, just want to get this stupid thing over with and go home. Krische doesn’t care about preparations or anything like that. Krische will prepare it, and Krische will finish it all."

Her purple eyes showed that she wouldn’t take a no.

And yet, those words sounded like a busy mother trying to soothe an upset child.

If the other person wasn't Selene, it probably would have been a much more high-handed statement.

She was here, leaving Bery behind, which was Krische’s priority.

Selene could understand her emotions better than anyone else.

"...Selene, you don't have to worry about anything. As long as Selene leave everything to Krische like always, that's fine."

That's why her words gouged Selene's heart.

Her body freezes, her vision blurring and she closed her eyes to keep it from spilling over as she looked down.


After saying this, Krische who did not even notice her sister's state, turned to Kolkis.

Kolkis looked at Selene and Krische with eyes that looked like they were seeing something painful.

"The Second and Third Corps will stand side by side here. What we're doing is disposing of the remaining enemies, so it's not a big job."

“…disposal of remaining enemies?”


Krische touched the bag on the Suiko’s waist.

When it landed, a hard, high pitched tone rang out.

"Krische will kill most of them, so please deal with the rest."

――It was the sound of a large amount of magic crystal packed in a bag.

