A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.239: Form of Love


***Arc 10 One Who Doesn't Acknowledge, Chapter 239 Form of Love***

Wrapped in a coat,

Her long hair tied into two tails with a pale pink flower-shaped hair ornament.

Krische quietly hugged the servant who was sitting on her bed.

These days, it was more unusual to see her wearing an apron dress like this.

Most of the time, she spent the day in negligee.

Wearing the apron dress didn't necessarily mean she was in good health16.

"My. Krische-sama, you don't have to make that kind of face, I’m fine. I'll be waiting for your return”


The face she showed was pale, lacking color.

It was chronic anemia.

Without assistance from liquefied magic, she would have died long ago.

Magic is the source of all and all is magic.

In theory, magic had adaptability to change into everything there was in the world.

If you liquefy dense magical power and give it to someone who is familiar with it, even a dying person could be revived.

And without any doubt, it was fully demonstrating its effectiveness.

Every time she was about to die, she was pulled back.

Every day, Bery paced back and forth between the other shore and this one, barely holding her live.

Still, she wore the apron dress as usual and greeted Cliche as a servant.

Her hand gently caressed Cliché's hair――trembling slightly.

She quickly let go and tightens his hold, killing the tremors.

As if to hide it, as if ashamed of it.

Krische didn't point it out even though she knew.

Pointing it out wouldn't make any difference.

At least, Bery was that kind of person.

Stubborn and obstinate.

Krische now understood the words Selene used to tell her.

She never broke the rules she set for herself.

She was more faithful to the self she desired more than anyone else.

Perhaps that was something one could call pride.

Even Krische couldn't touch that pride, and Bery, understanding that, displayed that pride.

It felt unavoidably unfair.

But Krische still loved that part of her too.

"Wait a little longer; it's really just a bit more."


"This time, it's really, really true. This time, Krische won't disappoint Berry."

Bery chuckled as Krische said that, shaking her shoulder and laughing.

"If there's one thing that's difficult for Krische-sama, who can do anything to do, it's probably to disappoint me."

It was a gentle voice.

“Being hated by me or me being disappointed in Krische-sama. Fufu, such a promise is not even a promise. It would be impossible for Krische-sama to disappoint me even if Krische-sama devote all your life to it.”

This chapter is updat𝙚d by freeweɓnovel.cøm.

“That’s not it.”

‘Since Krische found it’, Krische tilted her head and pressed her face into Berry's chest.

Then Krische continued.

"It's the soul."


"Yes. Humans do have souls."

Krische said and looked up.

"It's just as Oba-san and Bery said. Krische found it."

Then she narrowed her eyes and caressed her cheek.

“Bery doesn't have to feel any pain anymore. All that's left to do is to safely extract it and find a method to stabilize it, and that'll solve everything――now that Krische is able to observe it, Krische won’t fail, and it won't be long before Krische establish the method.''

‘So please wait just a little while’, Krische said.

‘Soul’, Bery repeated with a wry smile.

She didn't believe it from the bottom of her heart.

It seemed far-fetched to her, but she didn't doubt Krische.

"I'm intrigued. I'd like to hear more about it..."

She took a small bag out of her pocket and hung the string around Krische’s neck.

"First of all, let's make sure Krische-sama and Ojou-sama return home safely. Fufu, for now, let's have some fun with this candy later."

Carefully, she pulled two long silver tails from the cord.

She then traced her hair ornament, checking for any tears.

She narrowed her eyes at Krische’s appearance and kissed her slowly.

It was only a touch, but silence filled the time.

Once she pulled away, she traced the girl's cherry lips and smiled as usual.

“I am looking forward to your return, Krische-sama.”

"Yes. ...Krische’ll be back soon, so, uh, definitely――"

“Yes, I swear on my name. Hehe, did I ever break my promise to Krische-sama?”


Krische answered and kissed her.

"Then, Krische'll go."

"Yes, please be careful."

Krische nodded and leaves Berry, leaving the room without looking back.

All sorts of emotions prevented her from looking at Bery any longer.

After closing the door, she clenched her fist and bit her lip.

――At that moment, her purple eyes were filled with a chilling cold.

"It might look a bit timid, but as I said, I don't want to push too hard in the current situation. My idea is that if we're going to at least make a move, we'll wait until General Remin comes. Do you have any objections?"

The next contact with the enemy would be tomorrow at the earliest.

The tent was located a short distance away from the sea of trees to the west, where the enemy was invading.

Inside the tent, Selene pointed to the map with her finger.

Keith, Kolkis, Bagil, Aleha.

And Western General Toluca Carnarius joined her.

The general and the four army commanders looked at the map with serious faces and listened to Selene's words.

"...Even if we include the militia, it's 30,000 at best. It's a little dangerous to step into that sea of trees against an enemy army that could number 40,000 to 60,000."

Keith remarked and Selene nodded.

The enemy had the advantage in numbers, and the conditions of the forest――the danger of jumping into it was clear.

Soldiers from Eldrandt were like hunters in every aspect.

Facing them, who were used to the terrain of the forest, there was no doubt that even with the same number, they would be at a disadvantage.

On the other hand, if it was on flat ground with good visibility, they wouldn't lose even if they were in a little dis advantage.

It was simple logic.

That was the first thing anyone would think, and it was a reasonable strategy.

The problem was that they were in a situation where they had no choice but to make that choice.

Currently, the enemy were in control.

They were not choosing the battlefield, they were being forced to choose.

That was the concern.

"We're stuck here――that's what worries me."

Aleha brushes his brown-gold hair and pressed his forehead, opening his mouth.

"The Sea of Trees is wide. If the enemy wishes, it will be possible for them to ignore us from the northeast or southeast and advance into the vicinity of the royal capital. If the enemy chooses to do so, then we will not be able to move at all."

‘We should not lose information and mobility’, Aleha continued.

"We are acting immediately based on highly accurate information. We are not without leeway. Even though our opponent is skilled in the forest, there are limits. We should continue to enter the sea of trees to the east and prepare for an ambush attack. ”

Bagil nodded at these words and continued.

"I agree. There is certainly some risk of a head-on encounter, but in that case the opponent will also be forced to march considerably. If you just collide with the snake's head, our superiority in numbers will only depend on whether or not more enemies will follow. If the opponent is outnumbered, then we should be happy about the encounter."


“You may be feeling uneasy about Krische-sama absence, but this army is not one that would be defeated in a head-on encounter. Even if we were to run into an unexpected situation, we would be able to retreat to this point and start over.”

Selene and Keith were defensive.

While Aleha and Bagil were aggressive.

Their words were not wrong either.

If the opponent had a numerical advantage, it made sense to prioritize reducing the width of their battle front.

If the two sides collide while marching, only the front one will fight, even if the army was a million strong.

As they said, numerical superiority become only a factor of how many follow up enemies there were.

Western General Toluca continued to investigate the enemy's movements even while retreating.

Even with the forced march, there was still a little time to reach the eastern end of this western sea of trees.

"What about General Carnarius?"

"Emotionally, I'd like to break through with the determination for a direct confrontation, as the other two said. I can't endure any more damage to our country."

He was a slender old general.

A face with noticeable wounds, a high nose, and stern eyes.

A cleanly shaved cheek and white hair combed back.

A man with a quiet pressure, displaying a serious demeanor.

As the adjutant of Felworth, he had run through numerous battlefields and remained calm even though he was defeated.

"However, it would be best to keep in mind that the enemies are not going to be an easy opponent. There is a certain air to them."


"Yes. Your father, the previous Margrave of Christand, and other people who were called heroes who leave their names behind in history... I have seen many of them in their youth, including friends and foes, along with Felworth-sama. ”

‘It smells’, he told them and looked at Selene.

“This time, the commander-in-chief――Ledo Rani, when I saw him in the previous war, he led a small army to our headquarters. When he escaped, I thought that he would one day become a famous general. Right now, he has grown in strength over the last ten years and is once again pointing his sword at us as the supreme commander of the army."

"...General Ramin mentioned having a familiar feeling too."

Toluca nodded and drank the black bean tea in one breath.

“Even though we were outnumbered, if the opponent was an average general, we would have been able to hold out for a while longer. However, in the end, we had no choice but to have Felworth-sama become the rear.”

He clenched his fist to suppress his regret and continued.

"..., if Alberinea-sama were here, this would have been a needless concern. But when it comes to a direct confrontation between armies, careful consideration is necessary. I agree with the two corps commanders about entering the forest, but it should be done with the premise of retreat. At the very least, they don't seem like a lukewarm opponent who can be destroyed easily.”

Selene lowered her eyes a little at those words and nodded.

"I understand. Even if I have excellent subordinates, I am not Krische. I think I know my own strength. ... Kolkis has the same opinion, right?"

"Well, it's better to run into the enemies knowing the risk than to have them pass by without engaging."

Kolkis laughed and said,

“It's better to keep battles simple. When it's hard to understand how things will move, it's better to just fire one shot without thinking and retreat. I'll go first.”

"Yes. General Carnarius, could you please go ahead with Kolkis army?"


Kolkis and his second Corp were the most powerful in frontal combat.

Although there was some anxiety about the situation where the tactics of the forest are becoming stronger, there was no shortage as long as Toluca, who had more experience than anyone else, was there.

It was certain that these two would be at the forefront.

There was also a proposal to deploy Aleha, who excelled in intelligence and resourcefulness, but this time, retreat was the premise.

She wanted to use him replacing the 2 that would retreat after inflicting a big blow.

Selene understands caution and cowardice, boldness and recklessness clearly, and always thinks about how to made her excellent subordinates able to exert their maximum potential.

Selene did not possess the qualities of a brave hero, but instead had the qualities to lead brave heroes.

What she seek was not honor or fame, but the bare minimum that her immature self was capable of.

Selene didn’t have the confidence, pride, or even expectations for her own abilities.

Everything around her, which was too excellent, had even taken away the feelings that should have naturally come ti her.

――There is no value in herself who cannot even handle this much.

Her obsessive thoughts were similar to those of her sister, and as such, she was more dedicated to her role than anyone else.

Selene sipped the black bean tea and said.

"We're going into the forest. Keith, you'll be at the rear and planning the retreat. Aleha will support Kolkis and his army in retreat, and Bagil with me. Above are the basic roles. Let's work out the march route and detailed placement. General Carnarius, what did you see in the Sea of Trees during your retreat?”

"Ha. Well then――"

The sky was thinly clouded, and the waning moon was reflected in a hazy image.

A small hill in the plains――Behind the tent there, she sat on a wooden box and look up at the sky.

"Well, it's quite picturesque."

A deep voice called out to Selene, who was wearing riding pants and a cloak, looking unsexy.

When she looked, Kolkis in armor was smiling, holding a cup in both hands.

There was steam coming from the cup and the faint smell of sweet milk.

Selene smiled wryly and accepted it. It was warm milk.

"While saying that, you still bring me warm milk. You’re still treating me like a child."

"Haha, isn’t it fine once in a while. Unlike alcohol, it helps you fall asleep easily."

Kolkis easily moved a barrel of water to the side.

He looked up at the moon, squinted his eyes, and laughed.

"You had a troubled look. I became worried."

"You’re being too frank. Isn’t there a more roundabout way to say it."

"Well, it seems like I left all those clever lines in my mother's womb."

"Seems like it."

Selene chuckled and said to Kolkis.

"...Krische, Bery, and even Kreschenta are pushing themself. I'm the only one who can't help with anything. ...That's why I just want to at least give them some reassurance."

‘Please leave the outside things to me’, Selene said lonely.

“I have no intention of crossing this dangerous bridge, and as I said, our main purpose is to hold this place until General Remin comes and General Garka and the others come around. I'm not looking for any credit or anything. I'm here with the intention of staying for two or three months, so I feel a bit bad for Colchis and the others.”

"It's normal that Krische-sama is weird. There's no need to worry about her. Bogan-sama probably won't rush in this situation either."

Kolkis said in, tipping his cup.

"Don't be so condescending to yourself. Objectively speaking, Selene-sama doesn't even need to be compared to any ordinary general, and although I'm worried about the lack of experience, I'm not dissatisfied with the command thus far. Though it’s not like I don’t understand how Selene-sama feel..."

And he says it shyly.

“I was also able to work hard because Verreich was that, and that was because even a higher-ranking opponent was within my reach. If I had had Krische-sama by my side when I was young, I would have felt the same way."

Seeing Kolkis like that, Selene smiled bitterly and said while wrapping the cup with both hands.

"...It's not just that. It's not just about that kind of thing. It's more simple."

She thought about it for a while and then let out a sigh.

Kolkis tilted his head.


"I wonder if you’re surprised?...I love Krische."

Kolkis widens his eyes and Selene smiled bitterly.

"I think it's a very natural feeling to want to be helpful to someone you love. That's all I think about. ...If I can't do anything about Bery, I want to at least help her focus on that.''

"I don't like being a hindrance to her," she muttered.

The words that echoed quietly were filled with various emotions.

"I...I want the meaning of being by that child's side. So, at least I need to do the bare minimum that I have to do, or I can’t forgive myself."

Kolkis stared at Selene and gave her the same wry smile.

After a while, he looked up at the moon in the sky and said,

"I see. It's a complicated yet simple situation...It seems my concern was misplaced."

He drank the contents of the cup, scratches his head shyly, and stood up.

"It’s true that 'm grateful, you know? I feel a little refreshed."

“Please don’t comfort me like that.…Unlike that Verreich bastard, I’m don’t know anything about things like this at all.”

‘Bogan-sama will surely be surprised if he heard it’, Kolkis said.

‘Guess Father will have to give up on seeing grandchild's face’, Selene laughed.

"However, if that's the case, I'll have to work even harder."


"As a man whose master has confided such a maiden's secret to him, I must cooperate with all my might. Striving for the beyond the best.”

With the usual hearty smile, he offered his firm right hand.

Selene laughed and grabbed his hand, standing up as if being pulled up.

"Yes, I'm counting on you. But please don't do anything unreasonable. Like I said, only within your capability――I'm not looking for any credit or anything."

"...‘All I want are words from the ones I love’. Kuku, When a beautiful woman like Selene-sama says that, it's like I’m watching a play."

"...please don't make fun of me."

Selene said shyly, drank the milk and handed it to Kolkis.

"I'm sorry for making you worry. Thanks to you, I think I can rest well."

"There's no need to thank me....It's going to be a harsh battlefield starting tomorrow. Please take a good rest today."

"Yes, you should take your time too. Get some sleep."

Kolkis walked away waving a cup, and Selene saw him off at the tent.

Then she sat down on the simple bed and took a deep breath.

"...Please don't worry, Krische. I'll be fine."

Drawing the sword from her waist, she prayed.

She pressed her forehead against the sword.

“Did Onee-sama leave?”

"Yes, just a while ago."

After seeing off Krische, Bery finished changing into her nightgown.

Bery, who was looking at the cooking diary, straightened up and looked at the adorable visitor.

Kreschenta sat on the bed as usual and placed a small bottle on the side table.

Bery smiled when she saw that.

“Thank you as always.…Hehe, I can’t express my gratitude enough to Kreschenta-sama.”

"That's right, I'd appreciate it if you would thank me."

Kreschenta said and she smiled.

"I tried to improve the medicine a little."


As usual, mix it with liquefaction magic, pour it into a cup, and pour it into Bery's mouth.

And Bery drank it, as usual.

Then Crescenta said

"I've always thought that someday I'll kill you."


“Now that that has come true, I feel refreshed.”

Kreschenta smiled at her and stroked Bery's cheek.

Endlessly affectionate and tender, as if pitying her.

"Don't worry. There's no pain."

The usual smile had a stiffness to it.

There was a tremor in her eyes, as if filled with fear.

"...Argan-sama will die just like falling asleep."

Kreschenta stared at Bery with purple eyes that were different from usual.

Bery understood the meaning and slowly opened her eyes.

