I Became The Villain The Hero Is Obsessed With - C.390: President


Chapter 390: President

~International Association of Heroes headquarters, Office of the President~


There, a tired-looking woman with her hair tied up sat down with a deep sigh.

Her identity was none other than the President of the International Hero Association.

She sat there, flipping through a stack of papers with tired eyes.

She was the representative of the entire Hero Association, with branches all over the world, and was practically the president of the association.

Currently, she could only sigh in frustration at the lack of answers.

“…So much for the Association.”

She put the papers down and muttered that bitterly.

The current state of affairs of the World Hero Association was very bad.

What was already creaking at the seams has been completely shattered by the inflation of the powers and the rise of the Villainous Alliance, Cathedral.

Now she was being contacted by branches of the Association all over the world, asking for help, but there was only so much she could do.

The international organization had no resources or power.

‘…Too many villains.’


The problem was that there were too many villains.

If there was one more hero a year, there were a hundred more villains.

The number of villains a hero has to deal with now is dozens of times that in a year.

‘…Are the powers of the powerful mostly reserved for evil?’

The number of villains was growing dozens of times faster than the number of heroes, enough to make her wonder.

When Cathedral, a group of villains who banded together, came into existence, they couldn’t hold out any longer.


With that, the President pulled out a cigarette from the papers and lit up.

With a cheerful expression on her face, she held the cigarette in her hand and reminisced about the past.

In truth, she hadn’t always been the head of the Association.

As events continued to unfold around the world, she was forced to step down in the middle, taking on all the responsibilities.

…She thought her successor would do a good job, but in the end, he didn’t. After that, well, she was rushed back into the fold by the Board of Directors when the Association was on the verge of total collapse after Cathedral’s arrival.

Anyway, the board is pretty much disbanded now.

Furthermore, the head of the International Association of Heroes, has been forced to flee from her home base in the United States to Europe after numerous threats.

Naturally, with the headquarters in this state, the chain of command has been shattered, and the national organizations are practically on their own.

With some of the branches already falling completely to Cathedral, she could only hope to do what she could today…


She flicked her cigarette into the ashtray and sighed.

This was no time for lamentation. Her next appointment was just around the corner.

“…Let’s see.”

The next appointment. A meeting with the president of the Korean Hero Association.

…She had heard of him. He was appointed by himself. The first generation…Anyway.

‘Why did he want to see me? I thought Korea was holding its own.’

When she’s thinking about it.


Just then, there was a knock on the door, so she told him to come in without thinking.

She looked up, papers in hand, and what she saw was.

“Ha ha. Hello.”

…was a figure she hadn’t expected at all.

A black hat, a black cloak, and a white half-mask, he was a distinctive figure that even she recognized.

Korea’s S-class villain, Egostic, appeared before her.


“Hmmm. This place is getting old.”

She looked at the villain sitting nonchalantly in front of her, her face cold.

“…Egostic, S-class villain of Korea, and the de facto vice-president of Cathedral. Why did you come to see me?”

“Hmph. You knew that much. I see the reputation of the President of the Hero Association isn’t going anywhere, after all.”

Watching him raise an eyebrow at her, the President silently thought to herself that Egotistic already knew her.

Once an A-list villain in the Republic of Korea, the only A-list to participate in what was then a simple conference, Cathedral.

From what she had since learned, he was now the de facto leader next to Celeste, and wielded a great deal of power over Cathedral.

‘You never know what he’s thinking.’

Egotistical, actually I’m embarrassed to call him a villain based on his behavior in South Korea.

His terrorist acts have always resulted in zero casualties. In fact, the number of times he has saved the country is almost equal to his terrorist acts. That’s why he’s so popular among Koreans despite being a villain.

‘…That doesn’t explain it.’

His connections were too tightly woven with other villains for him to not be a villain. From Atlas, one of the top three villains, to Celeste, who is said to be a firm believer in him.

He’s definitely a villain, especially since he’s working on world domination as the chief of staff in Cathedral but in terms of his own country, he was more of a hero.

That’s why she concludes that he’s a character she doesn’t know what he’s thinking.

But he was clearly a key figure of immense power….He was untouchable because the Association was practically in obscurity.

And yet, here he was, looking for her.

…She was nervous to have a villain in front of her, but as President of the Association, it was important to keep her cool.

The fact that he had come to see her at all was a good thing, since the Association was already in a bad light.

‘What if he betrayed Celeste and joined this side…’

“Anyway, this will speed things up, it’s not like it’s a betrayal or anything, so don’t get any ideas.”

He smiled at how he had read her mind just when she was thinking such thoughts.

“…Hmph. Anyway, so why did you come to see me, impersonating the head of the Korean Association?”

At her question, Egostic smiled brightly.

Then he met her eyes and spoke in a low voice.

“Because, President. I have come to warn you of something.”

“A warning? Take note. No matter what you threaten, we will never give in, we will fight you to the death…”

“Hahaha. No, no, no, that’s not what I meant….It’s something more fundamental.”

Saying that, Egostic waved his hand to stop her from raging.

Then, with a stern look on his face, he opens his mouth.

“…I’m talking about the end of the world.”


…What the hell is this villain talking about?

When the President frowned, Egostik smirked and opened his mouth.

“First of all, how much do you know about gods?”



After he finished talking the head of the association grabbed her hair, which was even stickier than before, and spoke.

“…The God of Light, the Sun God, is about to destroy this world. And soon, he will warn everyone. Is that what you heard?”

“Yes. You understand exactly.”

“…That’s ridiculous, so what’s the point of telling me this? We’re all going to die, and you want us to wait in suspense?”

I looked at the president with a cigarette in her mouth and an annoyed voice.

I smirked and replied.

“What’s the point of waiting? We should fight back.”


~Building 2 of the Hero Society headquarters, on the outskirts of Europe~

I was sitting in the president’s office, facing her.

“…Your leader, Celeste. Isn’t she a fanatical devotee of the Sun God, and what, you want to fight back?”

“Well. If god goes crazy and tries to kill us all, should we just go along with it and die? I’d rather fight.”

“…You. Does Celeste know you’re here?”

“Of course she does.”


Watching her take another drag on her cigarette with a frustrated look on her face, I smirked.

“Don’t worry, Celeste’s going to follow me anyway, and I’ve thought of all the ways to stop her, so it’s none of your business.”

“…Then why did you come to see me?”


Because after God’s declaration of destruction, the world will be in chaos and if we don’t stop it, the world will destroy itself.

“So, let us declare an alliance between the Association and Cathedral. Together, we will stand against the gods.”

That was my thought.

I plan to make the announcement quickly, before the people could even comprehend the situation. A psychotic alien calling himself a god is attacking Earth. The Association and Cathedral are teaming up for once to fight back.

The plan is to reassure the people and keep society together.

The plan was to say, “Everyone, Earth is safe, and you can go about your lives in peace.”

That’s what I meant when I said that heroes and villains would unite to stop the destruction of God.

The President looked at me suspiciously.

“Am I supposed to believe this?”

“This isn’t a trap. You don’t think that we’ll create a being called God and attack him as soon as we form an alliance then stab you in the back, right?”

“Hmm. Do you have a mind of your own? I thought such a thing didn’t exist yet.”


I sighed at the Association President’s words, then stood up from my seat and opened my mouth to speak.

It was time to leave before my tail grew long and I got stepped on.

“Well. You’ll see who’s right when that day comes anyway, so I hope you’ll accept our request for alliance right away. Oh, and call a press conference right away.”

No one would ever hear the sound of God’s voice echoing around the world and think it was theater.

Gods are like that.

“Well… I’ll think about it. Just.”

Before I left the president hesitated a moment, then looked up at me and said.

“…Assuming you’re right. How many days do you think are left before he unleashes his destruction?”

She asked.

With my back to her, I said, not meeting her eyes.

“Six months.”

Exactly half a year after God’s warning, the world would end.

