A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.278: Kreschenta and the Annoying Decoration, First Half

A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

C.278: Kreschenta and the Annoying Decoration, First Half

***Chapter 278 Kreschenta and the Annoying Decoration, First Half***

Kreschenta was furious.

She resolved herself to get rid of the vile redhead no matter what.

Kreschenta didn’t care about the circumstances.

She was lord of the mansion and had spent her days being pampered and living in laziness.

She was the king, the aloof king, the one and only one who reigns over this world, one who should be called a god.

She had the power to twist the very laws of the universe if she wished and could literally reach out and take anything she desired――however, she was extremely sensitive to being left out.

Waking up alone at noon, Kreschenta changed clothes with great difficulty and went down the hallway, descending the stairs and stepping out into the fields.

——Dragging her drowsy and lethargic body along.

Kreschenta, the lord of the mansion, the world, was left alone.

Was it right for her to endure such suffering?

No, it should not be allowed.

She was the most important being in the world, and it was unacceptable for anyone to indulge in pleasures without her.

When Kreschenta spotted a black-haired servant on the way, she asked her a question in a loud voice. With her black hair cut close to her shoulders, the servant looked at Kreschenta and answered the question with a wry smile.

"Bery-sama is with Krische-sama in the orchard over there."

“...Leaving me alone?”

"They said Kreschenta-sama wouldn’t wake up, so..."

Kreschenta searched her memory.

She remembered that they had visited about an hour ago. She recalled saying she would sleep a little longer, but that didn’t justify her waking up alone.

"Unbelievable. Did they think that made it okay not to wake me up?"

"My apologies. I just...they said something about harvesting Nirkana today, so..."

Hearing this, Kreschenta became furious.

"What an insolent servant. I won't forgive this today for sure...!"

Kreschenta was a simple girl.

As soon as she heard that, she stormed into the orchard in a fit of anger.

The Nirkana trees, averaging 1.2 Kreschenta in height――formed a maze-like orchard. Relying on her hearing, Kreschenta made her way inward.

As soon as she heard the redhead's voice, she began to run, and in an instant she was captured by her sister, who was near her.

Kreschenta, protesting that she wouldn't forgive this, was lifted up and brought before the redhead.

"My... Kreschenta-sama. What's the matter?"

The redhead smiled serenely, with an air of calm confidence.

Her face, always gentle, was as usual.

“I came to fix the lax discipline in the mansion.”

Kreschenta raised her eyebrows and answered.

"Finally, the day has come for you to understand your place! To think you would leave me behind and monopolize Onee-sama...!"


The redhead smirked.

"Having been discovered, I suppose there’s no helping it. Here, say ‘ahh’."


As the small fruit was pushed into her mouth and she chewed it, it burst with a sweetness concentrated like sugar, Nirkana's flavor.

Yet, the aftertaste didn’t cloy and linger, it melted away like snow.

The mansion had long been using refined sugar.

Nirkana sugar, one of the sugars refined in the mansion――used in cooking, sweets, and desserts, the freshly harvested Nirkana itself was the epitome of supreme sweetness.

Its sweetness was almost violent, yet it wasn’t overwhelming, nurtured by the rich magic and the paradisiacal climate in which it was grown. Nirkana fruit was almost like a drug.

"Fufu, how is it? I think this year’s Nirkana has turned out very well..."

"How presumptuous... Do you think something like this can calm my anger? Don’t be so full of yourself, my anger won’t be soothed by this alo――"

Tightening her inadvertently loosening cheeks, Kreschenta glared at the redhead, then,

"Here, one more."

The Nirkana fruit was again forced into Kreschenta’s mouth, as if prying her lips open.

The snowy sweetness of the Nirkana flooded her senses, and all she could see were the redhead’s large, unnecessarily bountiful flesh, and the basket filled with Nirkana fruits beneath them.

As the redhead’s flesh jiggled, she showed the Nirkana with a contrived look of concern.

"This is troubling. Kreschenta-sama seems quite angry... Nirkana alone might not appease Kreschenta-sama. It might be like pouring oil on the fire..."

Picking up a Nirkana fruit, she waved it in front of Kreschenta’s eyes, then popped it into her own mouth.

‘So sweet, isn’t it’, she said, smiling.

"As you said, it's the shallow wit of a cunning servant. Kreschenta-sama would never calm her anger with just a mere sweet. Unless, of course, she were a spoiled little puppy who loves to be pampered by her servants."


"I'm in trouble. ...This disqualifies me as a servant. If Kreschenta-sama is so angry, I suppose I can’t show my face to Kreschenta-sama for a while. No more sitting on the lap for tea, no more baths together, no more sleeping together... what a pity."

While Kreschenta savored the Nirkana, the redhead stroked her lips with her thumb, caressing her cheek.

‘How troubling’, the redhead repeated, her eyes narrowing.

Kreschenta’s eyes swam around.

"This is very troubling. I planned to make up for neglecting Crescenta-sama the past few days by showering her with attention today but――"

"W-words are cheap. I...I can see through you, I know what you’re really think――"

"――But then again, maybe it’s a misunderstanding. Perhaps a lonely puppy just sulked because she wasn’t woken up..."

"W-what are you talking about..."

"...If that's the case, then surely, she’ll soon crave the Nirkana and start begging for it."

The redhead waved the Nirkana fruit before Kreschenta’s eyes.

Her gaze followed the fruit, and the redhead’s face was filled with mischievous delight.

‘We have plenty more, you know’, she said, shaking the basket under her bosom, filled to the brim with Nirkana fruit.

"How about another one, Kreschenta-sama? Here, have some Nirkana fruit..."

――Humiliation and shame.

Kreschenta was bitterly upset, wanting to stomp her feet, but she was held up by her sister.

Her noble goal of correcting the despicable redhead.

Her plan was being thwarted by this wicked servant using her sister, who had now imprisoned Kreschenta and forced more Nirkana into her mouth.

‘So sweet and delicious’, she said once more――she was at the limit of her patience.




When she let out a small bark, the redhead happily gave her Nirkana and patted her head with an indescribably triumphant look on her face.

Filled with humiliation and bliss, Kreschenta rubbed her head against the hand, any sign of resistance vanished.

Her sister, who had been holding her the whole time, sighed in exasperation at her eternally foolish little sister.

She hopped up and down and opened her mouth begging to Bery.

"Bery, Krische too...ahh..."

"Alright, ahh..."

Of course, she didn’t consider herself at all.

‘Kreschenta and the Annoying Decoration’

——In reality Kreschenta was very busy.

Why was she the ruler of this mansion and this world?

In order to protect the order of this world, which should be called a paradise, there is no such thing as a constant time to rest.

She needed to be constantly on the lookout for signs of deterioration.

Part of this was that she woke up later than others and went to sleep earlier than others.

In order to detect corruption, she must first assess the corruption that begins at the moment when they think they have escaped surveillance.

It also gave the slow, incompetent servants time to do their jobs.

She was giving them time to do perfect work.

"Good job. It’s spotless."


Showing the polished vase, Kreschenta rubbed her head against the redhead and let her stroke her head――no, she let her do it on purpose.

Kreschenta knew how to balance reward and punishment.

Direct guidance from Kreschenta to the servants.

Even in a stressful situation, letting the redhead pet her head was a way to ease the pressure, allowing the servant to perform her duties as usual.

Something that was normally done by a person of higher rank to a person of lower rank.

It was not normally permissible for this redhead to pet Kreschenta’s head, but by allowing the servant to stroke her, the ruler’s, head, she temporarily reversed their roles.

Giving the redhead some mental space.

As in the military, it is important to clarify who is the most senior person in the situation.

For example, in the strategy meeting, Queen Crescenta appoints the marshal or general as the highest ranking person, and by showing that the redhead is the highest ranking person in the servant business, the redhead can go about her usual work without worrying about anything.

A good leader spares no effort in helping their subordinates demonstrate their best abilities.

Even if it meant enduring humiliating acts like pretending to be a dog, if it was necessary, they wouldn’t hesitate.

Staring up at the redhead’s face, she let her stroke her cheek and press her lips gently against her own.

This was also part of the reward.

Given that her work wasn’t bad, Kreschenta reluctantly pressed her lips back a few times, and the redhead smiled awkwardly, covering her lips with her thumb and stroking them.

"...That's it. Fufu, let's go to the next place."

Despite the precious reward, the redhead was still insolent.

Pouting, Crescenta wrapped her arms around the redhead’s neck, whimpering softly, and jumped up and down.

The redhead smiled bitterly and picked up Kreschenta.

Demanding to be picked up――no, it was different.

This was part of the discipline to make the position clear.

In order for the incompetent redhead to demonstrate her usual abilities, she purposely let her take the initiative here, however, she shouldn't allow her to become conceited.

It's important to clearly establish who is in charge, reinforcing that Kreschenta is the true master. Therefore, she needs to mount dominance (physically) from time to time.

There are many aspects of the redhead that need improvement, one being her attitude of looking down on Kreschenta.

To demonstrate who's superior to this redhead, it's beneficial to make her repeatedly lift Kreschenta, physically placing her above the redhead.

It might seem like an animalistic display of dominance, but for a dim-witted redhead, a discipline needs to at least be this straightforward.


"My, you're very needy today, aren't you?"

Showing affection by rubbing cheeks and giving rewards was also important.

When the redhead behaves appropriately, a proper reward should be given.

The carrot and stick approach―the most crucial thing in discipline is the reward.

If you make it a habit to reward discipline, even dogs and animals will learn at least how to do ‘hand’.

Despite being as trainable as a useless mutt, it's Kreschenta’s duty to train her. That's what it means to be a capable owner.

The redhead's attitude these days (note: the last two days) has been intolerable.

She had the audacity to spend time on trivial tasks, neglecting Kreschenta.

Yesterday, he even forgot his duty to serve Kreschenta, forcing her to demand service, only to be met with excuses about being busy and doing it later――a situation that called for strict discipline while the her own foolish sister, who was brainwashed into always siding with her, was away at Selene's side.

"My apologies. ...I was busy loading goods onto carts yesterday, so...I will make up for it today."

"It's okay if you understand”, Kreschenta hugged the redhead's neck tightly.

Fortunately, there were two pieces of unnecessary fat on the chest, so the redhead's cushioning and riding comfort are not bad.

This was one of the few merits of the redhead.

After letting out a small yawn, the redhead suggested taking a nap once they were done.

Not a bad idea.

Waking up and dressing alone in the morning (note: actually noon) was quite a hardship.

Having overexerted herself mentally and physically to reach the orchard, Kreschenta was in need of rest after the nerve-wracking task of disciplining the redhead.

It would be nice to be able to do it right now――but when the redhead caught her dissatisfied look, she smiled and asked to stay with her a bit longer.

There were things she wanted to say about his attitude of taking advantage of her (note: very small) patience, but a good redhead isn't trained in a day (note: it takes time to develop the incompetent).

Although she was resigned to the fact that it couldn't be helped, she tightened her grip on her arm urging her to hurry up.

They arrived at the mansion entrance.

Many useless items were displayed here as furniture.

Ever since Selene started making vases and such, these items had increased, filling the storage as well. Occasionally, Anne would helpfully destroy and dispose of them during cleaning (this was an area where she was competent), but she seems to be slacking off on those tasks lately.

The number of vases was on the rise.

“Fufu, then, can I leave Kilik-sama’s sword to Kreschenta-sama?”

Getting off the redhead, she naturally handed Kreschenta a cloth, despite wanting to say something about her attitude, she knew that setting an example was sometimes necessary.

She reluctantly picked up the sword displayed on the shelf in the entrance and looked at it.

For now, it belonged to Kreschenta.

She checked if Anne had mistakenly tried to dispose of it, seeing nothing was wrong she nodded, and started polishing it with the cloth.

A very annoying decoration that took up a lot of space.

The silver ornament was needlessly detailed, something she remembered and regretted every time she looked at it.

In the royal office, ten men were present.

They were the members of the escort unit.

After being upgraded to a mid-sized unit, their numbers had increased, and they were now responsible for Kreschenta’s personal security.

"Your Majesty, what would you like to discuss...?"

The captain of the Black Flag Special Forces, Kilik, who had lost an eye in battle, looked at Kreschenta curiously.

"To express my gratitude for your daily loyalty, I want to give you all a reward. While other members of the Black Flag Special Force have received many rewards for their achievements in battle alongside my sister...However those of here did not accompanying her, being my escorts.''

Inviting them into the royal office, Kreschenta continued.

"Your daily work is demanding but lacks the glory seen by those who engage in spectacular feats. So, this time, I decided to give you a personal gift. ...Anne."


Anne brought one of the wrapped cloth bundles from the desk to Kreschenta.

"King Dollza three generations ago was quite the sword collector, and this is one of them. The treasured sword Liberis――its blade is as clear as the calm surface of a lake and is said to be named after the lake northeast of the royal capital. ...I think it's quite usable as an actual sword."

She gently pulls the sword out of the sheath.

The grip, which was a little damaged, has been replaced with new anti-slip leather.

The hilt and pommel were decorated with a poem from the legend of the Maiden of Liberis.

Though not overly ornate, the craftsmanship was exquisite, and the scabbard made from Argana wood also featured silver decorations. The scabbard itself depicted the lake and the maiden from the Liberis legend.

The surface of the blade peeking out from the sheath was uniform and fine-grained.

It is made from Cuiris steel, a steel from Arna that was long ago unable to be mined, and the blade contained slight magic and was blue-tinged.

While the magic did not confer any special powers, it was still a relatively rare metal.

As a sword, it was an excellent piece, recognizable to any at a glance.

Selling it could fetch at least fifty gold coins, but with the continental unification war over, there were no significant opportunities to reward soldiers, and the treasure vault kept growing with tributes and other items.

She chose this sword as a means of disposal, thinking it wouldn't hurt to give it away.

Personally, she would prefer to sell everything to a merchant, but royal treasures couldn't be sold so easily.

Opening a clearance sale without a good reason would cause an uproar from those who valued history.

The treasure vault was like a prison, once things went in, they never came out.

Items with no practical use had no value, so giving them away to buy loyalty was a good choice.

Especially to maintain control over her personal escorts.

"...Your Majesty wishes to give me something like this?"

"Yes. I'd be happy if you could accept it."

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Kilik, apparently pleased, widened his single eye in disbelief and asked again.

His skill was decent, not exceptional, but good enough.

He was excellent, but nothing outstanding, Kreschenta could easily turn any attacker into dust before they could even swing their sword.

She didn't need an escort in the first place, and all she wanted from the escort was a simple appearance.

Kilik was a serious man, with a dignified air when he stood silently, and the scar on his left eye added a touch of a warrior.

Since becoming a guard, he had taken great care with his appearance, with neatly pressed shirts and pants, and a well-shaven face.

He was not overly stiff, showing a knack for reading the room, understanding his role well.

Even without an audience, he knew he was a 'decorative escort for Kreschenta, appearing only when needed and disappearing when not.

He was the ideal escort in Kreschenta’s eyes, and he seemed to be training his subordinates well in this regard.

He was a man deserving of a somewhat extravagant reward.

"Considering your past loyalty, this is insufficient as a reward."

Kreschenta smiled.

"I tried to choose something that suits you, Kilik-sama. What do you think?"

"...I humbly accept this undeserved honor."

Kilik knelt, and Kreschenta, smiling wryly, asked him to raise his hands.

Kilik, on his knees, raised his hands, and Kreschenta spoke.

"Like the hero who protects the maiden, continue to guard me. ...I will be counting on you, Kilik-sama."

"...I swear on this name and sword, my lifelong loyalty. As long as I can fulfill my duty, I will stay by your side."

Hearing his words, she nodded and placed the sword in his hands, telling him to stand up.

"I would have preferred to give it to you in a splendid audience room but"

"...No. Your kindness is an even greater honor than that, Your Majesty. For a commoner like me――"

"Not a commoner, but a citizen of my kingdom. The distinction between nobles and commoners is trivial――nothing more than a distinction of roles, Kilik-sama."

Kreschenta smiled again.

"Please do not say things like ‘someone like me’. ...I trust you."

Kilik, surprised once again, opened his eyes wide and bowed deeply.

Seeing this, she nodded and looked at the others.

They looked at Kirik with pride, envy, and respect, making Kreschenta feel satisfied as she spoke.

"Please, wear it."


Kilik removed the long sword he had been wearing and attached the gifted sword to his belt.

Perhaps he was trying to be simple and strong. The ruggedness was not bad, but it was too simple.

Compared to the long sword worn in its black lacquered scabbard, the silver-decorated sword stood out as a point of splendor.

Crescenta smiled at how it looked just as she had imagined it, and clapped her hands.

"Fufu, as I thought, it suits you. I chose something with minimal decoration, knowing you don't like flashy things."

‘Silver really does suit you, Kilik-sama’, she said with a smile, and Kilik looked at the Liberis hanging from the sword belt, closed his eyes, and bowed deeply.

"I will treasure this sword for life, Your Majesty."

"Then I must take pride in being served by such escorts for the rest of my life.. Please raise your head. As I said, this is insufficient considering your past loyalty."

"...Your words are too kind."

Kilik looked up, and a smile appeared on his grim face, while Kreschenta looked next to him with a wry smile.

Of course, there were rewards prepared for everyone, so that there would be no dissatisfaction.

She opened her mouth to hand them over quickly,

"Next is Seltos-sama. We couldn't all have a long sword... but Anne-sama, the one on the far left plea――"

She turned around to see Anne bursting into tears.

Anne spoke to Kreschenta, who was stunned with her mouth open.

“M-my apologize… I was so overwhelmed by the scene that I couldn’t stop my tears…”

“...Why are you the one who is crying?”

Kreschenta looked at Anne with an exasperated look on her face, holding a handkerchief over her eyes, and laughter quietly echoed through the room.

Kilik also laughed quietly, touching the sword at his waist and narrowing his eyes.

‘Kilik, Krische will have you continue working as Kreschenta’s escort.’

‘That would be too much... Krische-sama, I'm a commoner. If it was only temporary, that would be one thing, but as an escort for Her Majesty the Queen――'

‘Just do it appropriately. Kreschenta, like Krische, doesn't really care about that sort of thing... and she said Bery was doing a great job too.’

‘E-even if you say that...’

When he thought about it, they had known each other for a long time now――he knew what kind of person Queen Kreschenta was.

――There was perhaps no falsehood in her words, but they were not to be taken literally either.

It might have just been one of those little, trivial whims.

Queen Crescenta was the polar opposite of Krische, who was too straightforward.

Unlike her, who opened up and revealed her heart to everyone she saw without hesitation, Kreschenta was the kind of person who shut herself away in her own small world.

She was always the perfect queen, perfect, as if cast into that role.

As a queen, she was always the way a queen should be, and only played the role that a queen should.

That's why it seemed surprising to him that he was bestowed with the sword like this.

His salary was more than enough that he didn't need any special rewards, and it wasn't really necessary.

Nonetheless, he couldn’t deny that he was exceedingly happy—to the point of being overjoyed.

It was a gift far too excessive for a son of a woodworker to receive.

If his dead father had heard about it, his eyes would have popped out of his head.

Being bestowed something directly by the Queen would be unbelievable for someone of his upbringing.

"――This is the sword bestowed by Her Majesty the Queen... “

"Yes, Commander. It's a magnificent sword.”

Crescent Moon of Dawn――the store that Koza and Beltz started was the hangout spot for the Black Flag Special Forces.

However, Kilik, who was the head of the escorts, was busy with various things and didn’t show up very often, and it was three months after receiving the sword that he finally showed up.

It was only when the Queen was spending three days at the mansion that he had some free time.

As an escort, he refrained from drinking alcohol, so now he only does it a few times a year.

He slowly sips his drink only on such occasions.

"Kilik, I told you I'm no longer a commander nor a soldier."

“Haha, but you’ll always be the commander to me. It doesn’t feel right to call you Dagra-san now.”

The men gathered around the table laughed, saying he was right.

Dagra, dressed in a shirt and trousers, an unfamiliar sight of him in civilian clothes, rubbed the corners of his eyes and sighed, rubbing his aquiline nose.

‘Good grief’ he said, looking at the sheath and drawing out the sword.

‘Wow,’ everyone exclaimed in admiration.

Those in the Black Flag Special Forces who had fought on the front lines could immediately recognize its quality.

It wasn’t a decorative or ceremonial sword but one forged for actual combat.

"...Cuiris steel, huh?"

“It seems so. Although it doesn’t possess the mysterious powers of legend...it’s delicately crafted and robust.”

Dagra held up the drawn sword and narrowed his eyes.

The blade looked weak at first glance due to its blue color, but it was slender yet thick, and would not break even if it was handled roughly. It was a sword for actual combat, with a shape suitable for both slashing and stabbing, forged to withstand the strong arms of magic possessors.

“...Truly a masterpiece. An ornamental swordsmith couldn’t forge this. It would feel too grand to wear at my side.”

"It took me a while to get used to it... I have to be careful not to bump into anything when walking down narrow streets."

"Kilik, let me see it."

"Sure, that's what I brought it for."

Koza came out of the kitchen and took it from Dagra, then headed towards Beltz.

The other men also headed in that direction, their eyes sparkling.

He said with a wry smile that it was peaceful here.

The war is over and it's peaceful――that said the Black Flag Special Forces were still busy.

There were only about twenty people here, and the faces change every time they come.

Most of them were scattered all over the continent.

They were still working in various places to maintain peace.

Kilik, the guard, hadn't heard the details, but as he was by the queen's side, he understood the situation to some extent.

They ruled the continent.

Not all countries change their flags so quickly.

To maintain peace, someone who protects it from the shadows is necessary.

“It seems Her Majesty the Queen has taken quite a liking to you, Kilik.”

"...She seems to think I'm a good escort. Even now, I wonder if I'm really the right person to be Her Majesty’s escort... After all, I went from escorting a caravan to guarding the queen herself.”

“There’s no one more suitable than you. …Even Krische-sama didn’t appoint you as a guard without any thought… probably.”

Dagra hesitating to affirm it for sure, and gave a bitter smile, and Kilik laughed as well.

To be honest, it's unclear why Krische gave Kilik the task of personal guarding as part of the escort team.

He didn't do much as an escort during the civil war, so there was nothing special about it.

"...If there is a reason, it must be because Argan-sama asked. Krische-sama is that kind of person."

"Guess that’s not impossible."

It seems like just the other day, but it also seems like a long time ago.

A beautiful, childlike, red-haired servant.

It could be said that she was someone he met many times.

She was quite a mysterious person.

Although she was just a servant, perhaps the country revolved around her.

The reason for this was that the two princesses always spoke of her.

The kingdom's hero openly put her first, and while she cursed the servant, Her Majesty acted like a child toward her.

Linking arm, sat on her lap, smiling mischievously, and occasionally raised her eyebrows.

Whenever she was present, the queen’s mask would come off.

She always treated the two like children and seemed happy.

She wasn’t involved in politics or military affairs.

In fact, she seemed to keep her distance from those things, but in the Black Flag Special Force, it was secretly said that it was the servants who controlled the kingdom from behind the scenes.

Half jokingly, half seriously.

When you see the way the two of them treated her, it was hard to believe it was just a joke.

She appeared somewhat mature yet as delicate as a young girl.

The atmosphere would brighten just by her presence.

――She passed away before showing any signs of aging, remaining beautiful.

“Her Majesty the Queen is the greatest monarch ever to grace us… just like Krische-sama, the perfect leader and commander.”


“...But since her passing, the queen has become even more flawless and unyielding… That’s the only thing that concerns me.”

She used to mention her frequently.

Whenever something happened, he'd say things like ‘Even Argan-sama’, lecturing Anne.

She wasn’t a very honest person――Kilik knew how much she loved that maid.

The reason she couldn’t bring herself to say her name was probably because she was still carrying that memory with her.

Queen Crescenta was a perfect queen in every sense.

Like a flawless jewel, shining and illuminating those around her, yet he occasionally wondered, how about her inner self.

It was presumptuous for someone like Kilik to worry about her state of mind, but he still hoped she wouldn’t suffer unnecessary stress.

“Of course, my concerns don’t really matter… but like you, Commander, I wish to dedicate my life to fulfilling my duty as long as I can. …so that I won't be ashamed of the sword I've been given."

Dagra smiled and nodded.

His manly face is showing signs of age, but he's still strong.

"I'm sure that your feelings are conveyed to Her Majesty the Queen... after all, Her Majesty is also Krische-sama's younger sister."

Dagra said, as if remembering the face of the master to whom he swore his lifelong loyalty.

Then he turns his attention to the sword on the counter, which the men were gazing at with admiration.

"... that sword is a sign of your pure loyalty. It is fitting for you, the Queen's sword. It was because Her Majesty thought so that she bestowed it upon you."

――Otherwise, there's no way she would have been given such a magnificent sword.

The retired veteran continued,

"I'm sure she will continue to watch over you sincerely, even as you work unseen,"

He smiled with the face of a commander.

