A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.274: Varkas III


***Chapter 274 Varkas III***

"...Kolkis, what did the battalion commander say?"

Gallen asked, leaning his back against a tree, sharpening his small sword.

Everyone around them made grim faces and looked at the large man who had returned from behind.

The man who came back as a messenger also wrinkled his eyebrows in displeasure.

"No change in the order. 3rd Squad is to remain on guard and standby until further instructions. As for the captured bandits, we're to keep watch over them for now."

Kolkis reported, seeming fed up.

The next morning after capturing the bandits, a messenger with a battalion came running from the rear and informed Gallen of the change in mission.

Gallen had Kolkis accompany the messenger to report their success and request permission to return and hand over the bandits. But the response was just as they feared.

"...I have had enough of that man. We should have let him die”.

"Stop it, Nozan."

Bogan reprimanded Nozan's, however his face was also grim.


“We can't disobey orders. We'll stay here and scout the area for security,"

Gallen said, also with a stern voice.

And he sighed.

"...Sorry for the trouble, everyone."

"It's not your fault, Captain. ...Though it's certainly frustrating,"

Bogan sighed as well, reflecting on the strained relationship with their battalion commander.

Gallen had always completed his assigned missions, racked up military accomplishments, and returned alive from deadly battle many times.

There was no one in the First Corps who didn’t know the name of Centurion Gallen.

Despite his commoner status, the previous battalion commander had considered him as a successor. However, after the previous battalion commander died in the Battle of Elderant――the centurion who served as his escort took over command of the battalion.

Toxlenia Argia, a centurion from a noble family.

In the midst of a fierce battle, no one was in a position to complain, and it was only as a temporary substitute.

Considering the military achievement, there was no doubt that Gallen would later be chosen as the official battalion commander.

Even during the middle stage of the retreat, Gallen gathered together the remaining soldiers and took the head of the enemy battalion commander, and that was the second one.

From it was a centurion who achieved that, Gallen's achievements in battle was more than enough for him to be chosen as battalion commander.

However, Toxlenia, who was also a centurion, was jealous of him, and in his desperation to achieve success, he used their battalion as a decoy to be crushed, aiming for the enemy commander's head with a reckless attack.

If left unchecked, the enemy would have turned the table.

Despite Garen's efforts to save him from certain death, Toxlenia took all the credit and secured his position as battalion commander.

Though he was an ordinary man, his family was somewhat well known in the north.

His status as a noble also influenced the personnel decisions. No matter how powerful and prestigious he was, Gallen was a commoner and had no backing.

Gallen had no power in military politics outside of the battlefield, and if the previous battalion commander and his adjutant, who's who valued more than anyone else, were killed in action, the outcome would be inevitable.

The other centurions expressed dissatisfaction with Toxlenia, who had no great ability, being made the battalion commander instead of Garen, but that didn't mean they could do anything.

Toxlenia did not try to hide his malice toward Garen in this battle, assigning him to less prestigious tasks like bandit hunting.

And despite accomplishing the mission, their current orders left them in a frustrating standstill.

If even after all that someone wasn’t fed up with it, then they’re not human.

"Guess we should just be glad we weren't forced to play the same role as before."

"Indeed... Kolkis, how was it over there?"

“From what I saw, there seemed to be some chaos. There was also talk that the center was being pushed in. There is a good chance that the front line will retreat further.”

"We must avoid isolation in enemy territory. Following the battalion commander's orders too blindly could lead to that”

Bogan nodded.

Gallen's virtue was the flexibility of his thinking.

Although a serious soldier, he valued effective methods as long as they didn't conflict with orders.

Nozan spoke up.

"The main force should be placed as far back as possible. According to the bandit, they were making a hiding place for the recovered supplies nearby."

"Let's take advantage of that. We'll take the carriage over there first. Nozan, your squad will continue to guard the surrounding area. Bogan, transport the carriage and bandits there. We will consider that this will be a long-term battle and plan our future course of action."


Normally, bandits like Grunmeld and his group would be taken to the main camp or somewhere, tortured or interrogated, and if they were lucky, they would have been used alive as labor in some mine or something.

Grunmeld hadn't completely given up, but unless there was a great chance, that centurion wouldn't let him and the others escape.

All of them, including the squad members, were excellent soldiers.

However, the situation had changed the next day.

Instead of being taken to the rear, Grunmeld and the others were asked about the hiding place, and were taken there.

He didn't know what was going on at the time, but he thought he had a chance.

No matter how good the soldiers were, there was still fatigue.

If it's a long-term battle, chances would eventually come.

Surveillance was a nerve-wracking task in its own right――a hundred people were too few to handle in parallel while doing other things.

And as long as they were tied up, they needed to take care of the non-magic possessors’ feces and urine.

It was no small amount of stress.

――Stay quiet until I give the signal.

When Grunmeld instructed this, his subordinates also nodded.

Although it was a surprise attack, they were defeated one-sidedly. He was fully aware of their strength.

It would be difficult to escape if they did not take advantage of an opportunity.

While Grunmeld and the others made light comments and complaints, they behaved as obedient prisoners.

Even if we are tied down, we still have some leeway――if they show that, the other party would become even more exhausted.

At the very least, the fact that they left Grunmeld and the others with them meant that they were given more important orders than about the bandits.

Depending on the situation, there was a possibility that they would release him, not having room to deal with Grunmeld’s group.

After that, it’s a matter of endurance.

Who would break first, that’s all.

Grunmeld was used to a rather inconvenient life, and the other things were also not that different.

They had similar origins and upbringings.

Even when he was tied up, he didn't give up and just kept looking for an opening.

They had taken care to prevent them from eavesdropping, but it was impossible for it to be flawless.

When you piece together small murmurs and fragmented information heard from the wind, it becomes a form.

It was two days later that they were isolated in the midst of the enemy, without instructions or support, due to the retreat of the main camp.

Apparently they were on bad terms with the battalion commander.

They say the nail that sticks out gets hammered down――but the highly skilled commander and his century squad effortlessly captured Grunmeld and his group.

This would surely irk some people.

‘Jealousy among men sure is frightening’, Grunmeld remarked with a laugh, Fagran and the others as the opportunity presented itself.

Within a few days, wounded soldiers began to appear, some cried, it seemed someone had died.

――It was about a week later that a full-scale battle broke out.

"Kolkis! Finish off the leftovers from Borgan!"

"Yes! Finally, my turn! Let's go!"

“Nozan, take ten steps back and let the enemy come!”

"You heard him, don't overextend! The main assault is led by Christand!"

The area chosen as their hideout was relatively sparse in trees.

Some trees have been cut down, creating a space with a good view.

Even though he was tied up, he could see the situation clearly.

It wasn't that their hiding place had been discovered; rather, they had lured the enemy in because they could no longer hide.

The enemy consisted of at least two centuries――yet the battle was in Gallen’s favor.

Three magic-possessors were particularly noticeable.

Two men who appeared to be captains――Borgan and Nozan, held the flanks.

Borgan on the right wing cut through enemies, armor and all, with his powerful arms――advancing like a storm, changing his body into swords as if it were disposable.

He even smiled, precisely a beast.

Despite usually appearing stern and composed, he now seemed like a different person

He gleefully slaughtered the enemy, causing them to recoil in fear.

He probably left it there as a reserve.

A magic possessor who was waiting by Gallen's side――a large man called Kolkis shot his throwing spear and began to devour the enemy even more.

On the opposite left wing, Nozan was also the same.

Cutting the enemy's life with brilliant swordsmanship, aiming for gaps in their armor, luring in enemies and turning the table on them.

Decapitating them, dismembering them, his beautiful face taking on a beastly look.

He was a man with no sense of humor, but there was a certain beauty in his swordsmanship.

The complete opposite of Grunmeld――whatever it is, that strength of his that belied his face couldn’t be denied.

He calmly lured the opponent sword and spear, counterattack, and pushed the bodies to the side.

He would take the first move against opponents who showed an opening and pierce their necks.

He knew that this century, composed of light infantry, was the most elite of the kingdom.

However, they were a fighting group that even Grunmeld was overwhelmed by.

They were probably one of the best centuries in the kingdom. Although they were a small force of 100 men, their military power directly overwhelmed a force more than twice their size.

In the center――the commander Gallen appeared unguarded, yet no enemy could approach him.

By intentionally making him defenseless, they were probably trying to secure the field of view for the archer, Gallen. Anyone who tried to approach it, even the enemy's magic possessors, could not get close and was shot through and died miserably.

Only two squad besides him.

Grunmeld threw the abundant spears and swords found in the stolen carriage, and the frightened opponent was shot and died.

They killed over a hundred enemies easily, with only minor injuries and no deaths on their side.

By the time the battle was over, he could feel his own body heating up.

Colliding with each other, overwhelming the other and destroying each other.

His body trembled as he looked at the scene.

"Combat over. Report your casualties"

Gallen ordered.

The soldiers, without a single roar, reported their casualties as the commander's words extinguished their ferocity.

Discipline and control――what was here was not a group of roughnecks, but an organization called the military.

The subordinates he led were the same beasts as Grunmeld, but there was one major difference.

Gallan’s squad existed solely for the purpose of fighting, never letting down their guard or slacking off.

“I was hoping that the main force would push back, but it seems like we can’t afford to wait.…There are enemies on all sides, and it will be a brute force to break out.”

"...It’s the usual place of death, commander."

The man named Bogan answers while laughing.

Everyone nodded at that, and even though some of them looked scared, every single one of them smiled.

Gallen nods and approached grunmeld.

"You sure are lucky. As expected, when the situation deteriorated to this point, we couldn't afford to take you as prisoners of war."

“I’m grateful for that, but…”

Grunmeld looked at the bodies of the Elsren soldiers.

Even if they were freed now, they'd likely be killed by the surrounding Elsren soldiers before escaping.

No soldier would release bandits with a smile.

"But you must understand, this place is a place of death for you as well. You'll need some force to get out.”

"...Are you asking us to act as decoys?"

" Exactly. Whether you run away or fight, or use us as a decoy, it's fine as long as you spread the enemy's attention. Fortunately, your equipment belongs to the kingdom――whether you like it or not, they will see you as one of our allies.''

Gallen smiled, the corners of his mouth lifting up.

Grunmeld also laughed.

"...I don't think we have a choice."

"Yes. But if you survive, I won't pursue you. After that, you can do whatever you want."

Garen asked if he agreed, and Grunmeld replied ‘you don’t need to be asked’.

"I’m tired of being tied up. I’m in."

Grunmeld looked at Fagran and the others.

They also laugh and nod. People who are crazy to begin with――it's much better to be able to go wild and find out how to survive than to die while tied up.

“Okay, it’s decided.…We move east from here and decapitate the commander of the enemy battalion. Nozan, you and Colchis should take these guys and go out to the front from the left wing and go wild. Bogan, you go behind me with me.”


Aim for the head of the enemy battalion commander with one hundred men.

The words he said calmly were absurd, but his subordinates who naturally responded to those words were also crazy.

They must be a bunch of lunatics.

Even Grunmeld, knew the basic military principle of top-down command, but here it was more like blind faith or worship——they accepted the words of their superiors as if they were divine revelations, without a hint of doubt.

Gallen began giving instructions, and Nozan approached with his soldiers.

"I'm sorry, but I don't want you to make any fuss unnecessarily. ...Gag him. And put a cloth on his armor to make it obvious. We can’t afford to get bitten.”

"Hah, you can do whatever you want. Doesn’t matter now,."

Grunmeld said, and Nozan replied with a cold look.

"It's a nuisance to me too when you wander around. Once the rope is untied, do your best to run away."

“You’re quite talkative. ...While you’re at it, it’d be helpful if you could bring my personal weapon from the carriage.”

“..Personal weapon?”

“A long iron club. I’ll need to cause a bit of havoc to escape. If you give me that, I can go wild as much as I want. I don’t feel like going wild while tied up... but I won’t insist if you’re afraid I might bash your face in.”

Nozan appeared to think it over for a moment, narrowing his eyes.

“...I have no obligation to grant your wish”

‘but alright’, he said with a faint smile.

There was something distinctly unpleasant about his face.

After slaughtering two hundred people, they immediately counterattacked.

Judging by the smooth flow, they must have already known where the enemy battalion commander was.

The commander had called it a death place, but it seemed like this was just one of the scenarios they foreseen.

Perhaps that was also the reason for the lack of confusion among the soldiers.

They moved with precision, never falling behind, always holding a hidden strategy even when cornered.

Even in the forest, the soldiers moved like beasts.

Paying attention to their surroundings without unnecessary sound.

This was what an army is, what soldiers are.

They were not individuals but a collective. Each soldier understands their role and position within the group.

Soldiers form small units called squads, and those squads come together to form a single unit.

Every soldier acts with the objective shown by their centurion in mind, sacrificing themselves for the group.

In some ways, it was similar to the group Grunmeld had created in his own way, except there were no scum.

A fighting group with high purity――this was the completed form.

Enemy sentries die silently.

The ones killing them silently were Nozan and Kolkis, skilled magic possessors.

Gallen and Bogan were probably doing the same on the other side.

They moved with the minimum number of people, focused solely on efficiency.

Everything moved efficiently.

It was kill or be killed, with no reckless gambles.

Everyone solely pursued efficiency to win.

The forest was quiet until they reached their position.

And by that time, the sun had set and it was night.

“From here on, you’re free to do as you wish,”

An enemy battalion has set up camp, directly in front.

When they got there, the rope around Granmeld’s arm was finally cut.

As he sat down, he stretched out his stiff arms, removed the gag, and finally took a breather.

The soldiers were wary of Grunmeld and the others, but Nozan remained calm.

He understood that Grunmeld and his men wouldn’t attack now.

That’s why he brought them along, knowing they at least had that level of intelligence.

Just as Grunmeld was observing them, they were also observing Grunmeld.

"What's the strategy?"

“Oh, planning to work together?”

Nozan laughed, and the large man Kolkis spoke up in his place.

"Just kill the enemy battalion commander. Either we or the captain first. Isn't it simple and clear? Even you can understand it."

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"I see. That's true."

“You go first, we’ll follow. In the chaos, run wherever you like,”

Kolkis said, crouching in front of Grunmeld with a grin.

There weren't many men bigger than Grunmeld.

The reason Kolkis felt so big was probably because he could feel the fighting spirit overflowing from Kolkis’ body.

Kolkis rolled the iron club in front of Grunmeld and said.

"Well, if you still want to swing that big thing around and go wild, use it to the left. If you want that big prey, go to Verreich, not me."

"Call me Corporal, I'm your superior, Argand."

"Ah, my bad. I totally forgot."

Kolkis spoke without a hint of remorse and lightly tapped Nozan's chest with his gauntlet.

"I'm sorry, but I'll be taking the commander's head, Corporal-dono."

"...While you're desperately playing with the small fry, I or the captains will finish them off. There's no need to apologize."

"Ha. Just you see"

Kolkis then led half of the men to the right.

Dividing the fifty soldiers further――at that point he understood that the battle would be over in an instant, regardless of how it went.

A single century squad launched a surprise attack on the enemy main force, estimated at 300 people, from all sides.

Either they'd be annihilated swiftly or they manage to take the enemy commander's head amidst the chaos.

It was a bold plan, but he didn't sense any possibility of failure.

He couldn't envision this unit being easily wiped out.

"Alright, let's get going too. As I said, do as you like once we're in front of the enemy."

“...I’ll do just that.”

When he looked back at Fagran and the others, he saw them stretching their bodies and smiling.

Grunmeld took the iron club and crouched as he passed through the bushes, and the group quickly followed behind him.

"Luck has come our way. What now, boss?"

"Just as usual."

Think about it after going wild.

When Grunmeld told him, Fagran laughed and looked next to him.

"...Certainly, it's a good way to vent your frustrations. Karlis, no matter how much you mess with your nose, your ugly face won't change."

"I'm going to kill you, Fagran. Oh shit... I still can't get over the discomfort."

Grunmeld stepped forward, laughing at Karlis who was playing with his nose, which was as big as his face.

He could sense without looking that the gentlemanly youth was right behind him.

“Let’s go, you bastards!!”

Then, as they closed the distance, they started dancing all at once.

They didn’t really think much about tactics.

Simple and straightforward—charge and kill. Finish it while the enemy is in disarray.

That was the ‘tactic’ that allowed each member to fully utilize their abilities.

A campsite built in the forest.

It's not strong, but it's not weak either.

There were two watchtowers on each side and one at each corner.

A few archers stood guard on them, acting as lookouts..

The camp was surrounded by a simple fence, and although it was not strong by any means, it would take effort to break through.

Magic possessor could easily jump over it, but most soldiers can't.

If they wanted to pour in troops, they had to enter through the entrance with the turret.

Grunmeld has 17 subordinates. There aren't that many.

I was able to get inside by slightly breaking down the fence, but the problem was behind me.

Just Grunmeld and his pawns were not enough. He needs to get that handsome soldier who would be the main force inside unharmed.

“Fagran, Karlis, Temera, to the left!”

"Got it!"

Shouting, Grunmeld charged towards the right watchtower.

Arrows flew, but unless the archers were experts, it was difficult to hit a magic possessor attacker charging suddenly.

And if the enemy aimed at Grunmeld or Fagran, the slower one would follow behind without being targeted.

He sprints forward from the bushes, swinging his iron club.

With the weight of his body, he struck the pillar at the base of the watchtower. It tipped over immediately, sending the soldiers on top crashing to the ground.

The club was just under six shaku long, with a steel shaft and head.

It was a personal weapon used by some bandit, but it fit well in his hand.

Above all, the power was good.

Smashing the enemy’s fortifications felt satisfying.

“Enemy att, ck――!?”

Whether leather or plate, armor didn’t matter when hit by the club.

His arms and spine were crushed, and when he slammed into his skull, his head was blown off from the neck up.

The sight of their comrades being slaughtered sapped the enemy's will to fight.

The archers who fell from the tower were finished off by Granmeld's men, and Fagran and Karlis destroyed the watchtower on the left.

Meanwhile, the good looking soldier led his troops through the chaos.

His slight look of impressed was irritating.

While clearing the area around the watchtower, the invading soldiers slashed at the confused enemy, the enemy soldiers were screaming and repeating that they were attacking the enemy.

Panicked voices shouting the enemy come from the southeast, south, and north, the commanders shouting asking and demanding accurate information.

They would never have thought that a single century squad would split and encircled them.

Some shouted that they were being surrounded by multiple enemy units.

A calm assessment would reveal their numbers were limited.

But still, with Granmeld's group included, there were six magic possessors.

A force that seemed disproportionate to their size――it was no wonder the enemy was confused.

“Boss, it’s a storage room!”

“Sprinkle oil and set it on fire, make it grand!”

As thieves, they have a good nose.

He has his men search for oil among the countless tents and quickly set the area on fire.

Even if you set fire after a commotion, there will be no damage to the enemy, but flames have a great psychological effect.

That is because it was easy to understand that they were being attacked and were in a predicament.

The brightness of the flames was dazzling at night, making it more difficult for enemies to see.

Unlike Grunmeld and the others who were aware of the enemy's numbers and attack, the enemies were still in the process of understanding the situation.

This prolongs the confusion――and in the meantime, they clean it up, and the century outside would also flee seeing that the main force was burning.


There is no agreement about how each other should move.

When they got to the back of the tent, he bumped into the effeminate man, who was slashing the enemy, and both of them instinctively raised their weapons. ƒгeeweɓn૦vel.com

Several bodies lay around.

He must have killed some people, but other than the sword, he was in good condition.

A brief moment of tension, then they both moved, taking down enemies behind each other.

They exchanged glances, then the gentleman gestured towards the fence with his eyes, signaling Grunmeld to leave.

But Grunmeld ignored him, continuing to kill any enemy in sight.

Crushing skulls, breaking spines, stomping.

He wasn’t thinking about anything beyond killing.

Perhaps he was avoiding the question of why he was still fighting.

――As he did so, he wondered why he was still trying to fight.

They had achieved enough and he could retreat with his men.

The gentleman wanted it, and Grunmeld didn’t want to get more involved than necessary.

Yet he kept fighting, swinging his club.

His men, intoxicated by blood, rampaged, and without a word, Grunmeld kept fighting until the end.

It was over in less than half a koku.

A voice rang out saying that the enemy battalion commander was dead. Z

After they killed the century’s leader who still resisted, the situation settled.

As expected, the numerical disadvantage remains the same.

Some of Granmeld's henchmen had died, but he had killed dozens of times more.

The result could be called a big win.


"Go, I have something to do."

As Fagran was about to suggest retreating, Grunmeld walked towards the gentleman.

The soldiers tensed at the sight of the blood-soaked Grunmeld, but the gentleman just looked at him with disdain.

"What is it, bandit? Want praise for a job well done?"

"I haven’t paid you back for that kick yet."

That was why he stayed. Deciding on his vague feelings, Grunmeld spoke.

"...You said to do as I please once we’re in front of the enemy. I’ll leave after repaying that."

If he killed the man now, the gentleman’s troops wouldn’t have the luxury to pursue Grunmeld.

They’d need to flee immediately.

The situation was advantageous.

Carrying his bloody sword on his shoulder, the gentleman——Nozan smiled.

"Such petty pride. Until recently, I would have said the same."

‘It's a shame’, he continued.

"You have such skill, and the things you say and do are like those of a small thug. ... Is your life a life where you just bite at what catches your eye without thinking?"

"Who knows. I just do as I please. Kill those who irritate me, and those who get in my way. ...You're one of them."

He restrained the soldier who called out with his hand and looked straight at Grunmeld.

Grunmeld also takes another step forward.

"Kuku, What a cramped and suffocating freedom...But bad habits can't be broken."

‘Guess Captain will scold me again’, Nozan said as he held his left hand in front and the sword in his right hand behind his back.

Half-body stance with left side facing forward.

Lorca style――a soldier's sword born on the battlefield.

"My name is Nozan Verreich. I'm sure even a thief has a name, so tell me your name."


"Okay, Grunnmeld...I'll be your opponent. I'll give you the chance to crush my head."

However, Nozan grinned, baring his teeth.

Despite his handsome features, his expression was thoroughly savage.

"If you lose, stop being such a lowly thief and become my subordinate from today. We've lost quite a few men, but you would be a suitable addition."

"Ha, you talk big."

"It's a compliment... It means I believe you have the skill to face me and survive."

Grunnmeld also readied himself.

Shouldering his iron staff, he grasped it with both hands, raising it high.

The difference in reach――the distance is overwhelming.

If he struck down with maximum speed, his opponent would have no choice but to dodge.

If he stepped in too close, he'd end up flattened like a squashed frog.

Lorca's style disrupts the opponents sense of distance with the left hand, pulls his arm, and uses centrifugal force to unleash a flash of right-hand strike.

He had faced many opponents. The Lorca Style was simple. If measured correctly, a downward strike from a high position would be faster.

However, there was no sign of pressure, and he just lifted his cheeks.

"Come on then... It's time to discipline you."


Grunnmeld took a large step forward, accepting Nozan’s invitation.

