A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.271: Moonlit Legacy - The End

A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic

C.271: Moonlit Legacy - The End

***Chapter 271 Moonlight Legacy - The End***

There was a place attached to the side of the mansion called Selene's workshop.

Numerous swords, knives, and kitchen knives were laid out, and Selene, wiping her sweat with a hand towel, proudly showed her work to Krische.

In Krische’s hand was a slender long kitchen knife――a fish knife used in an island nation to the east of the continent.

It has a single edge rather than a double edge, and is apparently used for cutting raw fish.

"Fufun, how is it? This time it's pretty good."

"W-well...the shape looks pretty good."

Krische handed it to Bery, who was also looking at it.

Bery brought it close to her face, scrutinizing the blade and holding it up to the light.

She squinted for a moment but soon smiled and nodded.

“Yes, it’s usable. It’s good enough.”

“You seem to have some complaints,”

"Um, no..."

"Tell me the truth."

“It’s not really a complaint, but…”

Bery looked at Krische and smiled bitterly, looking a little troubled.

“It... just can’t be considered a top quality knife. The surface is a bit rough.”


Bery showed the side without the blade and pointed with her finger.

On closer inspection, the very fine particles were uneven.

Likely from correcting some slight distortions.

Noticing this, Selene frowned and glared at Bery, who held the knife with a smile.

"Of course, it's not a bad knife. There won’t be any problems when using――"



"That one’s no good. I'll remake it."

Selene snatched the knife from Bery's hand and placed it on the workbench, comparing it with the purchased reference knife.

"O-Ojou-sama... I think it’s more than sufficient...”

"Don’t say anything more. I want to make a perfect knife that you won’t be able to complain about. ‘It's a handmade knife made by Ojou-sama’, I don't want you to just use it only because of that reason."


“We have way more than enough time. I will make the perfect knife, until then. You should also look at it like you were paying a high price to choose your own knife. Understand?''


Bery laughed troublingly, and Krische groaned a little.

After coming here, Selene seemed to be addicted to making things, and she made various tools such as swords, spears, chests of drawers, huts, and fishing tools.

Recently, they had seen a knife on a trip and thought it looked good, so she bought it. However, Selene decided to confiscate it as a reference, saying ‘I will make it’.

The knife ended up being imprisoned in Selene's Prison.’.

In port cities and island countries, there were many dishes that used raw fish, and it was five years ago that they talked about trying to make dishes using raw fish by themself.

Before they knew it, a tacit understanding had been reached that cooking with raw fish had to be done with the knife that Selene made, and in the end, Krische ended up experiencing a mysterious ‘wait’ order.

How many years would it take to clear Bery's standards?

Just imagining it was overwhelming.

Selene was meticulous but she.also has a haphazard and clumsy temperament.

She could make passable items, but Krische couldn't imagine Selene perfectly crafting such a delicate knife.

"Ah, uh... Selene, today let’s try out that knife..."

"No. I can't let you use something like this."

"K-Krische-sama... Shall we grill that fish? Look, it's covered in oil, so it will be delicious even when grilled."


Selene said last night that this time was perfect, so today they bought some good fish in the port city, but――her fears were correct.

Over the course of a year, she went from 60 points to 65 points.

Bery's standard for a ‘good knife’ is 90 points.

It seemed like it would take decades before they could eat raw fish in this mansion.

Selene Christand was the kind of person who would take on more jobs when there was no work.

It was as if she could only survive if there was work for her.

In the end, Krische once again realized that the assessment that Selene likes troublesome things was correct.

"Bery, I'll be back at the mansion in the evening."

"Understood. ...Krische-sama, shall we go and wake up Kreschenta-sama?"

"...Yes. Sashimi..."

Krische let out a small whimper, then suddenly looked up, her eyebrows furrowed.


"Someone come."

“Come...to this world?"

"Yes. Please wait a moment."

After saying that Krische trotted out.

‘Krische will be out for a minute’, and she opened the door and went out.

“…Oh, you were there, Elgainst?”

"Yeah, how are you feeling?"

“I feel like I’m going to die.”

The old man lying in bed opened his eyes and smiled.

When magic possessors lose their ability to control magic, their health declines rapidly.

Waltza was nearing the end of his lifespan.

One hundred and thirty years old――he had lived a fairly long life even for a magic possessor, similar to his grandfather.

Supporting his body, Elgainst poured him some tea.

Since collapsing a few days ago, Waltza had been bedridden.

Though his health was deteriorating day by day, he remained the same as before.

He remained cheerful, reminiscing about the past with a smile. Elgainst listened with a wry smile.

Elgainst went along with him with a wry smile.

When he realized that his friend’s time was limited, even trivial and silly conversations became precious.

The seemingly fleeting time held countless memories, making Elgainst understand that he too had aged.

“You never seem to age, Elgainst.”

"...Not really. I'm starting to get old, albeit a little. I'll probably die in a few decades."

“Even if you age, you won’t look different. You’ve always looked like a corpse.”


Waltza laughed but then started coughing, prompting Elgainst to quickly pat his back.

He then laid him back on the bed.

“...My bad, Elgainst.”

“What are you apologizing for?”

“For putting you in a difficult position. Though you were suitable, it wasn’t something I should force you to.”

“Don’t say things that don’t suit you. We did what was necessary, both of us.”

‘Right’ Elgainst laughed.

"But I don't think you're really convinced. I said some really cruel things."

"You worked more than hard enough in exchange. ...In the first place, this is also my wish. It is my wish entrusted by Alberinea."

"What do you think?"

Waltza said, laughing and coughing again.

"You're a hopeless, gloomy, recluse and stubborn person. There's no way you would be interested in becoming emperor and ruling the country. ...You like to say things that sound good, but in the end, all of it is just you parroting someone else words.''


"...What is your own wish, Elgainst. This peace is something you dedicated to Alberinea, right?”

Elgainst fell silent and then looked down.

“You did an excellent job. Kleinmeer is stable. In this peaceful world, what do you want to do now?”

‘It's your life’, Waltza continued.

"As you can see, I've had a fairly enjoyable life, but...I suddenly thought about it. I wonder what it will be like when you die someday. ...The only thing I regret is seeing your end as you kill yourself to rule as the emperor of a peaceful world."

Then he looked at Elgainst.

"...Recently, your already gloomy face has become even more gloomy. I'm sure you won't die laughing like me if you keep going like this."

"...I don't mind that――"

"I'm saying, I don't like it, Elgainst. I don’t want my life to be stained by the thought that I achieved peace at the expense of my friend’s life.”

“...You’re really selfish.”

Despite saying this, Elgainst found himself smiling and closed his eyes.

“A dying friend’s last request should be allowed, even if it’s a bit selfish.”

"That argument is cowardly. It's much better to die first."

"Well, try living your life a little more relaxedly, Elgainst. You've done your job well enough. You deserve at least one reward. ...Even if you do as you please, there is no one who will blame you.''

‘Is that really so?’ Elgainst murmured, to which Waltz replied with a strong affirmation.

"...What is your wish, Elgainst?"

Elgainst closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head.

"...It's a wish that won't come true."

"Say it. We've had a rotten relationship since we were a kid, and what's more, I’m someone who could die tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. What should you be ashamed of?"

Waltza said and looked at the ceiling as if waiting for him to say something.

Elgainst looked at his face for a while, thinking.

He paused for a while before speaking.

When Waltza heard his wish, he laughed happily and asked, ‘Are you a kid?’


“And it’s just like you, to wish for that”

‘――I'm sure you can do it, Elgainst.’

Waltza said without any basis.

Elgainst had no idea where Alberinea had disappeared.

He used his free time not to do research but to conduct interviews.

Visiting nobles like Argand and Verreich, who were close to her, or the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of members of the Black Flag Special Forces, he gathered information in person, hiding his identity.

Some had met her and spoken with her directly, but no one knew why she had disappeared.

He walked around Albeneria with his own feet, then arrived at the Black Flag Swordsmanship Instruction Center where former members of the Black Flag Special Forces Squadron taught swordsmanship. From there, he was introduced to a restaurant called ‘Crescent Moon of Dawn’.

It was closing time, but as soon as he handed me a silver coin, the man who owned the store laughed and opened his mouth while pouring me a drink at the counter, saying that he had no choice.

"My great-grandfather lived a long life, his name was Koza... He was also an archer commander in the Black Flag Special Force. So, after the Unification War ended..."

The man started with a brief history of the shop.

He explains that the store was started by Koza and Beltz, members of the Black Flag Special Forces Company, and said that Alberinea was also a frequent visitor at the time.

Elgainst had researched everything he could find in records and books.

Of course he knew that name too.

Both of them were members of the Black Century, led by Alberinea in its early days, the predecessor of Black Flag Special Forces.

It would be surprising that a great noble would visit a restaurant, but if it was Alberinea, then it was no surprise.

He didn't think it was particularly strange.

Apparently, even Her Majesty the Queen came to eat incognito.

"You're a magician, aren't you? You might know something about it, but the commotion back then was so great that my grandfather and father rushed to see my great-grandfather. As I said, Alberinea and the Christand house favored him, so they thought my great-grandfather might know something about it.''

The shopkeeper pointed upwards with his finger.

"The sky was bright as midday, tower reaching the clouds turned into a giant tree with rainbow-colored petals falling everywhere. It was a huge commotion... But I heard that my great-grandfather just laughed joyfully, not surprised at all. He said, 'It would be nice if they would still come to the shop even a hundred years from now’."

Then the shopkeeper wet his tongue with the liquor.

"My great-grandfather was old, and my grandfather and father thought he was senile... Well, that's the end of that story, but there's something a bit strange."

"Something strange?"

"Well, this place doesn't get many female customers. Lovers, maybe, but not groups of women."

‘Crescent Moon of Dawn’ was an inn with meals for common people located in the castle town.

They serve alcohol, and the customer base was mostly guards and caravan guards, so it was not that classy.

As expected of a store that was allowed to use the simplified Christand crest. The food was certainly delicious, but it was not a restaurant that was easy for women to enter.

"But after the last war settled, the waiters said a group of women, accompanied by several servants, came here. They were clearly nobles. Normally, I'd greet such guests, but I was too busy, so we just served the food... Later, when I asked the waiters, no one could remember what they looked like.”


"It was quite strange, I thought. But then I suddenly remembered what my parents had said, and I thought, oh, maybe it was Alberinea’s party… Well, it's just a silly story."

The man took the silver coin that Elgainst had given him, looked at it, and said.

"...It's not like we sell expensive food. We have cheap alcohol and good ingredients, but it's not a luxury item. Unless you're from a very large household, there aren't many people who pay for their meals in silver coins, but...that day, silver coins were mixed in with the sales. The customer said they didn't need any change and that it was as delicious as ever, then they left.''

‘It’s quite curious right?’ The man laughed and took a swig.

"I’ve never had such a guest, as far as I know. So, I just assumed it was Alberinea who had visited... Well, sorry, even though you gave me a silver coin, but that's all I can tell you.”

"...No. Thank you. I got what I wanted."

That was the trigger.

‘Alberinea had gone far away’――That was what Elgainst thought, but had she really?

Alberinea had no need to go far. Perhaps she had just left society to live a peaceful life, free from any constraints.

"――The Holy Spirit is no longer here."

" no longer here……?"

"I don't know the reason. ... It was a long time ago, around the year when Queen Alberan's absence was reported. Since then, no one has seen the Holy Spirit."

These were the words he was told when he visited Kreisharana himself for diplomatic purposes and asked for an audience with the dragon.

`”..As you said, I heard that Alberinea was allowed Yagernaus-sama’s Mana (true name), and that Yagernaus-sama was also close friends with Her Majesty Queen Alberan. If we were granted an audience, we might have been able to hear something from Yagernaus-sama, but... we haven't even seen Yagernaus-sama for many years. It would be better to give up.”

"…I see "

"I'm telling this to you not because you are the Emperor of Kleinmeer, but because I trust you as an individual. Please, do not speak of this to anyone."

Elgainst nodded and asked,

“There’s really no reason or any clue?”

"...It is impossible for someone like me to guess the will of the Holy Spirit. However, Elgainst-dono do you know of the Holy Spirit Priestess of Kreisharana?"

The last Holy Spirit Priestess, Lira Sharana.

She lived in the Forbidden Realm until her death in the middle of the Unification Era.

She made herself the last Holy Spirit Priestess, and it was said that she was on a journey to serve the Holy Spirit forever in the future.

Why did she end the Holy Spirit Priestess that had lasted for hundreds of years?

It was speculated that there might be a reason the Holy Spirit disappeared a few decades after her death.

The real reason was not told to him, and he only heard that she had dedicated herself to the Holy Spirit, but he was told the following.

"Once, when Yagernaus-sama was still around, a child wandered deep into the forest. The child claimed to have been helped and guided by a beautiful woman... Perhaps the Holy Spirit and the Priestess are still watching over us from somewhere."

As far as legends and traditions go, it was quite recent.

Elgainst was now convinced.

Elgainst also knew formula related to spatial teleportation.

The installation formula――from Elgainst's point of view, it was a low-quality formula that had not yet been streamlined, but there was no theoretical error. fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm

The question still remained about the formulas surrounding Elginest that day.

――Alberinea's engraved formula that seems to cover the whole world.

That was clearly different from things like spatial teleportation.

If that were the case, there would be no reason to engrave formulas over such a wide area. It could be done on a smaller scale.

At the very least, Alberinea was a person who avoided any waste when it came to engraving formulas.

Could Alberinea still be in this world?

It was mere speculation, but strangely, it seemed plausible.

Regardless of the principle of that tower, it was definitely meant to fill the world with magic power.

It was prepared later for the sake of ‘casting magic on the world itself’.

It was an absurd story.

There were logical leaps.

However, Elgainst, who viewed Alberinea as the truth and equal to God, was convinced.

A child-like innocence that never change.

The descendant of an eternally young god.

If it's Alberinea, it wouldn’t be surprising at all.

To rewrite the world itself for one's own desires.

‘――Krische wants to meet her soon’, Elgainst recalled her smiling face as she talked about her servant.

What she desires was surely an eternal paradise that continues even after death.

It was no coincidence that it happened right after Selene Christand passed away.

That's what it was, he repeated.

He trembled when he realized.

Or perhaps he had lost his mind.

Elgainst’s behavior was something that could be called madness.

To determine the destination with impulsive reasoning.

Still, Elgainst decided to move forward.

What is time, he wondered.

It seemed like an endless stretch of time, or perhaps it felt short, seeming like a living creature that changes its length each time.

For an ordinary human life, perhaps three or four times.

Even for a magic possessor’s life, maybe twice.

Even after spending that much time, he still found it mysterious.

There were those who looked at Elgainst, who became emperor without indulging in luxury and continued his research diligently for decades, with a strange look.

Some revered him as a magician among magicians who never lost his inquisitive spirit.

Perhaps they were spending and experiencing a lot more time than Elgainst.

For Elgainst, the decades since he became emperor――since he pursued Alberinea, passed in the blink of an eye.

It was strange, even though they spend the same amount of time.

Before he knew it, Elgainst had aged, and even Waltza's great-grandchild already had a grandchild.

Considering the time of his 200 years of life, the time he spent with Alberinea was a very small amount of time.

Once every few months, just for a short amount of time.

The total amount of time he met her face to face was less than a day.

Even if he considers the thirty years she was there, it was just a fraction of two hundred years.

Yet, that little time felt like an immense amount of time, and had even felt like it had been the majority of his life.

Why was he so obsessed with her?

That was what he thought every time he questioned himself.

Perhaps the truth was not about the physical length, but the perceived time.

Alberinea was still at the center of Elgainst's life.

He attempted to learn about space and tried to encompass everything that made up the world.

He tried to understand everything that made up matter and space, and yet the answers he got were just numerous variations of ‘this is not it’.

The gap between Elgainst and her was probably not physical distance.

His body aged day by day, yet there remains one unknown that he couldn’t unravel.

Even his ability to manipulate magic power was starting to wane, and half-given up, he murmured, ‘This is not it’.

Something that was close and something that was not close.

Something that was said to exist in humans, but could never be seen.

Elgainst thought that it must be something like that.

The place she was in was surely an eternal paradise that would continue even after death.

Like a blind and ignorant crowd, like those who offer prayers to the formless.

Elgainst, who tried to solve the unknown using the theories he had accumulated, decided to entrust his life to the mystery at the end of his life.

He gives away the countless piles of personal books he has written, or burns them to get rid of them.

Everything that Elgainst had accumulated disappeared in the blink of an eye, and all that comes to mind was something that exists after death and abandoning the body.

He decided to bet everything on it and wore nothing but his robe and a single ‘Frying Pan’.

She was a perfect magician and a great teacher.

She does not create something that could be found by piling up theories, something that others could solve.

The magic crystal that was given to him for study brought him this realization.

She gave him a way to find answers by changing his perspective.

Therefore, he discarded it, everything that was based on reason and logic.

Thinking of the magic he engraved on the world and he closed his eyes.

‘――You can do it, Elgainst.’

The magic crystals placed around him began to shine, disintegrating his body.

What he felt was a moment of pain.

He simply visualized her figure, burned the pain with the power of his will, enduring it, gritting his teeth.

And then――

A pleasant breeze caressed his body.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a brilliant sky.

He tried to lift himself up, but the feeling in his limbs was uncertain.

Even the robe he wore seemed to blur and shake.

――It just felt pleasant.

The smell of flowers tickling his nose.

Warm sunlight and cool breeze.

It felt like every part of his body was melting, being drawn somewhere, yet there was no pain or fear.

He felt no anxiety at all about surrendering himself to it, and even thought it was okay.

The only reason he didn't was because he saw a figure in the sky.

A figure with wings, soaring, like dancing in the breeze, flying down.

Black and white apron dress, silver hair sparkling in the sun.

――Purple, jewel-like eyes.

The girl landed beside him, looking curious as she gazed at him, waving her hand in front of Elgainst’s eyes.

"Um... Are you alive?"

Despite having his eyes open, she didn't seem to notice that.

She poked his cheek with her fingertip, and suddenly something seemed to well up in his eyes, and he forced himself to smile.


Alberinea tilted her head at his voice, gazing at Elgainst’s thoughtfully for a while.

Then, she suddenly looked at Elgainst's chest and seemed to notice the magic crystal ‘Frying Pan’.


She clapped her hand.

"I thought you were someone else. It's been a while, Nemu-Nemu."."

She said to Elgainst with a smile on her face.

How should he express it?

Inside Elgainst, emotions that couldn’t even be described were overflowing.

Been a while――given the time that was probably true. One hundred and fifty years have passed.

But Alberinea remained as she was in his memory, as if they had met just the other day.

“...I see you remember.”

"Ehehe, of course, Krische remembered. ...But more importantly, is Nemu-Nemu okay? Nemu-Nemu seems like about to die."

Reminded of his body when asked, he slightly turned his gaze down.

It felt like her body was collapsing, but the strangely pleasant feeling hadn't gone away.

He must be on the cusp of life and death right now.

And that was why he reached here.

"Please wait a moment, Krische will fix Nemu-Nemu’s body――?"

Touching the hand extended towards him,

‘It's fine’, Elgainst said with a smile.

"...I just wanted to see Alberinea for the last time."

Anything more than that was too much.

It's not like he had solved the magic that Alberinea casted on the world.

This was the time he was given because he had entrusted everything to something that could be called heaven.

It would be greedy to expect too much from something that was given to him through a prayer that relied on God.

He was here because he accepted the unknown as unknown.

Alberinea thought for a moment, traced her lips with her fingertips, and groaned.

After a while, she sat down next to him.

"It's a beautiful view... have you been here since then?"

This chapter is updat𝓮d by freēnovelkiss.com.

Elgainst smiled, looking up at the sky with eyes that seemed as if asleep, and looking at the trees.

Perhaps because this world was filled with abundant magic it seemed to shine brightly.

In any case, strangely enough, his academic doubts quickly disappeared.

He smiled, simply admiring the beauty.

――This world filled with mysteries must surely exist for her.

"Yes. We all moved in together. Krische heard that Nemu-Nemu founded a country called Kleinmeer and became the emperor...Ehehe, Krische heard that Nemu-Nemu is the second Alberinea."

Alberinea said as if a matter of course, and Elgainst felt his cheeks burn and shook his head.

Will she know the path Elgainst had taken.

Perhaps she had no interest in him at all.

Or maybe she didn't even remember him.

He had thought so, and was ashamed of himself.

"...How embarrassing. Please forgive me."

"It's fine, Krische doesn't really care about names like that, so Nemu-Nemu doesn't have to worry about it. Kreschenta made up that name at random...Krische just used it because it was a good way to name Krische."

‘Krische doesn't use it anymore’, Alberinea said casually.

‘Alberinea is still the same’, Elgainst said with a smile.

"...Hmm, well, it's true that Cliche hasn't grown taller or aged, but..."

“That’s not what I mean but…fufu, it’s that part of you.”

"...? Um...?"

Alberinea twisted her head in puzzlement, and Elgainst shrugged in response.

She was exactly as he knew her, unchanged from what he remembered of her.

It's been nearly 200 years since he first met her, and she was still the same as she was then.

The Alberinea that Elgainst had always imagined in his head was, after all, Alberinea.

A symbol of the unknown that could not be unraveled.

But Elgainst knew her well.

‘Well, whatever’ Alberinea said resignedly, pinching Elgainst's beard with her fingers.

"Nemu-Nemu has changed a lot. Not just the hair, but also growing a beard like this... Is it a rule for men to grow a beard?"

"That's... well, I guess it's like making a wish."

“…You say things like Bery.”

She indicated how much smaller he used to be with her hands, saying ‘even though Nemu-Nemu was so small’.

He laughed even more when he recalled just from how far back that was.

Alberinea, who spoke as if it were yesterday, was still Alberinea.

"Still, Krische’s a little surprised. Normally, even dead people can't come in here, but..."

"...I've been wanting to meet you for a long time."

“Meeting Krische?”


Krische tilted her head curiously.

"Hmm...I wonder if the influence of that kind of will is holding the soul."


“Nemu-Nemu is almost fully in soul state right now.”

Then she held up her finger like in the old times.

Even though she was a great noble, even though she was the sister of the Queen, she was like a village girl.

Her tone was that of an older sister next door, and yet she was unashamedly dignified.

That was probably why so many people admired her.

“...Normally, when that happens, you travel to a place called the Origin, which is like a huge mass of magical power, and you dissolve there and are reborn.”

After saying that, she said that ‘Krische also doesn’t really understand’.

“Even Alberinea doesn’t understand?”

"Hmm...or rather, Krische hasn't looked into it. Krische thought about looking into it once, but Bery said it would be more fun if we didn't know, because then we could imagine all kinds of things."

Elgainst's narrow eyes widened slightly.

Then he laughed and closed his eyes.

"...That's a wonderful way of thinking. Indeed, the joy of knowing isn't everything."

"Ehehe, Bery said the same thing."

Elgainst smiles bitterly.

“Though I only understood it a moment ago…”

It seemed he took quite a detour.

However that detour led Elgainst here and gave him the answer.

Alberinea looked exactly as he remembered, with the smile he knew.

There was not a single unknown, or perhaps everything was unknown.

She was like the moon floating in the night sky.

If he had been in the void, he surely would have been at a loss.

But because there was land, because there were trees, because there were mountains, because there were clouds, only then could he find his place, only then could he know the height of the sky――and she was the guidepost.

Clear and visible, yet in a place out of reach, but always there, shining and illuminating him.

There was no point in unraveling that.

He didn't even think about trying to unravel it.

"...Humans are creatures who can be happy while still being foolish."

Everyone praised Elgainst as Alberinea's successor.

Calling him the greatest magician, even rivaling Her Majesty the Queen in governance.

But Elgainst hasn't changed one bit since those days when he wasn't even ten.

And Alberinea hadn't changed at all either, calling Elgainst Nemu-Nemu.

Even now, she smiled at him like this.

It was not that Happiness is beyond great intelligence.

In the first place, he probably wasn't looking to uncover the unknown.

Knowing he could never understand, he just wanted to look at it from a closer distance.

The most beautiful mystery in an apron dress.

The old man, who had grown hair and beard, smiled again with satisfaction.

He watched the silver hair sway in the wind, then looked into his purple eyes.

The old man just smiled with gentle eyes, with a smile as if he were fulfilled.

A pleasant sensation as if his body were melting away.

The mysterious force pulling his body strengthened, and he lost the will to resist.

Alberinea watched it and asked.

"...Why did you come here, Nemu-Nemu? Nemu-Nemu said you always wanted to meet Krische."

"That's all. ――Ah... no, that's not true."

Elgainst looked up at the sky and said.

“I was able to unravel your magic crystal and hear your message.”

He remembers Waltza laughing at him, saying ‘Are you a kid’.

"...If Alberinea was still around, she would praise the person who solved it."

In fact, he was a child.

He thought so without any embarrassment, and felt that that was okay.

He knew she wouldn't laugh at him for that.

"Oh, right, Krische did say something like that."

Alberinea clapped her hand, she nodded as she recalled it.

Elgainst just smiled bitterly and continued.

"As you said, I used magic for peace...The world is as peaceful now as it was back then....and as I promised in the past, I lived a long life."

After saying that, he paused.

‘――Would you please praise me?’ asked the old man.

The girl looked at the old man, smiled, and stroked his forehead.

"Ehehe... Nemu-Nemu, good, good, good job. Did you come all the way to get your praise?"

"...Yes. Fufu, that's right... I've come this far to receive my praise."

"No matter how much time passes, Nemu-Nemu is still Nemu-Nemu huh. Krische was a little surprised when Krische heard that Nemu-Nemu had founded a country, but...I see, Krische can't believe Nemu-Nemu turned out to be such a good child."

‘Krische is proud’, said the girl, smiling like a flower bursting forth.

The old man looked at the girl, and laughed like a boy and closed his eyes.

Her proud voice was endlessly endearing.

"...Is Alberinea, happy, even now?"

When asked, the girl nodded.

"Yes, very much. Now that Krische thinks about it, it's thanks to Nemu-Nemu that Krische could go shopping here and there without worrying. Krische has to thank Nemu-Nemu properly."

Hearing the girl's words, the boy's eyes softened.

“...I have already received enough.”

Then he let himself go, and disappeared as if melting, as if blurring into the surroundings.

‘Well then,’ only his voice echoed.

‘Good night’, the girl replied.

The girl looked at the ground where he was for a while, and then turned her attention to the magic crystal ‘Frying Pan’ that was left behind.

After pondering for a moment, she picked it up and smiled.

And so, next to the mansion, there was a small grave made of magic crystal.

A pedestal was placed in front of the grave, and a small ‘Frying Pan’ was placed on it.

‘Here sleep, Nemu-Nemu’

The tomb was beautifully engraved with those words engraved on the inside.

Time passes and years pass, but by her side, it never decayed and was without end.

The mark engraved on the boy's grave remains unclouded just like her.

――Shining unchangingly in the never-ending moonlight of everyday life.

