A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - C.230: Weave


***Arc 10 One Who Doesn't Acknowledge, Chapter 230 Weave***

Two years have passed since a new life was born in Duke Remin's household.

“――You've all learned a fair amount of knowledge so far, but as you can see, the results are quite disastrous. In military chess exercises, the pieces move as you intend to, but standing there and implementing tactics with consideration for the battlefield requires considerable effort and hardship, as you've come to understand.”

A simple pedestal was placed, and the kingdom flag was placed on either side.

There were over 30 young nobles gathered on the plain.

The nobles gathered at this military school basically undergo military education over a period of two years.

Those with civilian backgrounds who held the rank of corporal or higher and were recognized as having sufficient qualifications were also eligible for admission, but those with military experience only have a one-year education period.

They were training elsewhere with the nobles who enrolled last year.

Depending on their performance here, they would be able to rise to the position of a staff officer, at least equivalent to the battalion commander's adjutant――and due to the disastrous results of the actual combat style command training that was held this time, everyone was listening to the girl's instructions with serious faces.

She wore a cloak and a dress, and her silver hair hung down like two tails.

Some were puzzled by the beautiful and dainty girl's appearance, but not many.

Nowadays, no one in the kingdom was unaware of Alberinea's fame, and the respect shown by the principal, Eluga, and the instructors was evident to all.

It was even more so when they saw a Suiko yawning by her side.

The eight shaku tall and two jou long body, making it look intimidating even from a distance.

Those who saw it for the first time were chilled by the pressure of the magical power emanating from its body.

Magic beasts could never be tamed.

Even the warriors renowned as heroes risk their lives to face this Suiko――and no one would have thought that the girl who could calmly tame the beast was a normal girl.

“The important thing is to understand the location and situation of all soldiers. It is important to know where the formation is disordered, whether it is sticking out, lagging behind, or not being given enough orders. The most important thing for a commander is to understand the situation."

The girl held up her finger.

“From the performance today, there were quite a few people who took action in a hurry, but instead when you're troubled you should maintain the status quo. It's better to create a momentary stalemate and try to understand the situation. Please remember that all tactics depend on correct situational judgment."

‘That’s no good’, she said with an angry face.

Then next to her――Eluga turned his gaze.

Eluga nodded with a gentle smile that distorted his evil appearance, and Krische also smiled.

“That's all from Krische. What we're doing here is training after all, and even if we fail, no one will die, and there's nothing irreversible here. This is your chance to overcome the part you’re not good at, so take this opportunity to learn a lot."

Krische jumped onto the Suiko, and with a command, they aligned their heels and saluted.

This year too, new buds were growing out at Alberan.

In the case of young nobles with no military experience, a two-year education period was basically provided.

Military school education begins with classroom lessons, followed by repeated military chess exercises to build a tactical brain.

Basically, prioritizing cramming them with knowledge.

This was a matter of effort, and there were no failures, however, it was the training using actual soldiers that took them down to the ground after they had acquired a certain degree of tactical vision.

Especially for many nobles who had no military experience, it was difficult for them to even make 100 people march orderly, and the purpose was to make them experience such setbacks.

Even if they understand the optimal solution in their head, whether or not they could implement it was a completely different matter.

They were intentionally made to have big heads, and they spent a whole month undergoing rigorous training in the form of actual combat, making them understand how difficult it is to control a group――after that was over, they would teach them basic training such as marching and changing formations.

No one likes to go through basic training like an uninteresting march, but the idea was that once they were given a setback, they would understand the importance of it.

In the first year, they had given them a careful and orderly education, but they were still humans.

Moreover, there were many young nobles born into aristocracy who did not know hardships.

It was only natural that they become tired of repeating simple tasks, and their dissatisfaction only grew as they wished they could start actual combat-style training as soon as possible――this policy change was caused by such circumstances.

In particular, Eluga was the only school that believed that basic military operation was the secret of tactics, and the training here emphasizes the basics above all else.

Their evaluations also placed emphasis on such fundamentals.

The first year of basic education was like that.

Applied education in the second year was also classroom lecture.

This was where people with military experience start, and the first lecture was almost like a review of basic education.

Of course, command training was also provided, but the major difference from basic education was that the emphasis was placed on education about strategy.

Through discussions on strategy, students cultivate the ability to see the battlefield from a broader perspective, and only those who demonstrate their abilities would be given the chance to become staff officers after graduation.

If basic education was literally a period of military education, then the second year was, in a sense, the examination for recruitment into the general staff.

Once they become a staff officer, they would go through an additional training period and become a military officer at a position equivalent to at least the adjutant of a battalion commander.

Regardless of their achievements on the battlefield or whether they were a noble or a commoner, the position of a staff officer was extremely attractive, and those who took the second year of applied education were different in their seriousness.

There was no need to do any tricks like the first year, and everyone was doing their best.

"Looks like it's going well."

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The principal's office on the second floor of the second military school building outside the walls of the royal capital.

Krische said while looking out the window at Gertz Wiring, who was raising his voice and giving enthusiastic guidance at the training field, and Eluga, who was next to her, nodded.

"Yes, we have some excellent instructors, and the basic system has been completed for the time being. However, it will probably be decades before this school actually bears any tangible results.”

“…many decades”

"Haha, that's how change is supposed to be. Though to Krische-sama, who has achieved hundreds of years' worth of results in just a few years, it must seem really slow."

‘What I sowed was the seed’, said Eluga.

“Humans who lived like beasts created a society, created laws, created a country, and created an army. We are here today because many of our ancestors’ planted seeds, and those seeds have sprouted. In the same way, I will sow seeds for those who will live in the future. I hope that someday it will sprout and be of benefit to them.”

Taking a sip of Krische’s brewed tea, his mouth curved into a smile.

"That way, even if I'm gone from now on, what I left behind won't disappear."

"...Skeleton, you shouldn't say things like that. General Keithriton, who is much older than Skeleton, is still on active duty, so it will be a long time before Skeleton can really become a skeleton."

Krische brought her face closer to Eluga and glared at him.

Quinez, who was working on paperwork in the corner of the room, pretended not to be listening and went about his work.

"Kuku, right. Lately, I've been missing people close to my age, so maybe I'm becoming more timid."

Starting with Gallen, there were many people who passed away in the past few years.

Last year, Tekrea's adjutant, Milcarz, also departed.

Just as new children were born, so did the old ones depart.

With the end of the great war against the three countries, it must have been the perfect time for their tension to relax.

Every one of them facing the end is satisfied.

And Eluga was similarly convinced somewhere in his heart.

The country calmed down, and the military school and general staff structure that Bogan had hoped for were in place.

――He suddenly thought.

He had done what he was supposed to do.

He had a feeling of wishing for the future if he could, but there was a sense of acceptance somewhere.

That's why he thought about such a thing.

“That said...Krische-sama might scold me for saying this, but death is not something I despise. ...Birth and death are two sides of the same coin, and as long as we are alive, everyone will die someday.”

Eluga looked at the girl's face and said.

She had no signs of aging and was full of youthful beauty.

Overflowing with vitality, as if saying this was what it means to be full of life.

An infinite future was reflected in the girl's face.

"What's important is accepting it...what you accomplished in that limited time. I don't think the ending of living your life to the fullest can be called a tragedy.”


He patted the girl who tried to argue.

“Was Gallen-dono’s death really a tragedy?”


"It was a regrettable event. There's no doubt it was sad. However, calling it a tragedy might not be accurate. Gallen-dono accepted everything, was satisfied, and that's why he left with a smile. Having done what he needed to do."

Eluga recalled Gallen's face that he saw at the funeral.

His expression softened as he accepted his death.

He had what could only be described as a nice face.

"...Selene said the same thing. Ojii-sama was able to meet his end with happiness.”

"……Is that so?"

"But Krische still doesn't really understand it. If Ojii-sama hadn't died, Ojii-sama would still be alive and well, and Krische would have been able to spend time with him...we would have been happy for much longer."

He nodded at Krische, who sadly lowered her eyes, and replied, “Maybe”, and continued.

"Old trees wither and become fertilizer someday. The world is a strange thing. I heard that the burnt Mirskronia is already showing greenery?"

"……? Yes"

Young trees have already appeared in Mirskronia, the mountain that was burnt during the battle against Gildanstein.

Of course, although it was not as much as before, greenery was beginning to cover the burnt mountainside.

“Many large trees perished in that fire, but the soil became fertile with nutrients, and new young trees grew...The same goes for people. In the same way, old people pass on the knowledge and experiences they have gained and the things they have created to young people, and these young people to the future young people.”

He looked at his wrinkled hands, the bones standing out like dead wood.

“When I imagine that what I have given and created will be woven and developed by many hands in the future, after all, I am happy.”

It was the opposite of the girl's pure white, firm skin.

"Maybe someone in the future will think of something that I haven't thought of before. Just like Krische-sama’s favorite dish, I guess you could call it a collaboration with young people I haven't met yet."



Eluga said as he recalled the taste of honey.

“Just like the candy Krische-sama gave me, that was made by Bery-kun, in the past. And Berry-kun didn't make it from scratch either, she probably learned it from books or something. Something that has been spun by someone from a long time ago, whom I have never met――without it, I would not be here today, and in a sense, that person is still alive in the form of the candy.”

And he looked at the purple color of the girl.

“The reason Krische-sama grew up so kind is probably because of the love Krische-sama received from your late parents. Gallen-dono's teachings still exist in Krische-sama, and in Commander Argand and General Verreich. ...If you look at it from that perspective, death as a living being is trivial."

Krische met Eluga's gaze and lowered her eyes.

“It’s too hard for Krische”, she muttered.

“Krische wanted Skeleton to always live a long life. Not just a long life, but forever…”

“Hahaha, Krische-sama is quite a greedy one.”

“...Is it greedy?”

"Yes. ....But I'm more than happy to hear Krische-sama say that."

Eluga pats Krische’s on the head, and the girl pouted her lips.

“It’s not just Krische. Selene and Bery think so, and even Kreschenta said she wanted Skeleton to live longer. So do other people. Adjutant Kaza thinks so too, right?”


Quinez was suddenly asked a question that is extremely difficult to answer, and although he was stiff, he responded.

Eluga lifted his cheeks as he looked happy.

"Wow, that's surprising, Quinez. I thought you were the one who wanted this annoying old man dead more than anyone else."


"Huh! No, I would never...I-I would like to receive your continued guidance and support from now on!"

Quinez, who was suddenly in a predicament, answered while breaking into a cold sweat.

Krische stared at Quinez, and Eluga nodded.

"I see, I was wrong. I thought I was putting a lot on you because I had high expectations but..."

"Ha! I'm more than honored, Assistant Marshal Faren.”

"If that's the case, then I’m relieved. I wanted to leave you in charge of what happened after me. You'll have to put more effort into it from now on."

"I-I appreciate your words..."

Krische smiled as she watched Eluga looking really happy.

"Ehehe, then Skeleton still has a lot of work to do. It will be a long time before Kaza's adjutant becomes like Skeleton. He’s fat after all.”

"That's right. Even though he's my direct subordinate, he doesn't have the body shape of a military man...I might have made it too easy for him."

The two said as they looked at Quinez's sturdy body.

Quinez's face twitched at the sudden misfortune that befell him.

When Krische interacts with Eluga, misfortune usually befalls him.

Today was no exception.

The heuristic military education that had previously been left in the hands of individual nobles was changed to a systematic one, improving the abilities of commanders, while at the same time training staff to assist them and improving their information processing abilities.

The military school and staff department established in Alberan were extremely advanced.

Although it had undergone many changes over time, it had had a great influence on subsequent history, and many countries still use this system today.

――The first principal's name was Eluga Faren.

It was only a few years after its establishment that he, who together with Kingdom Marshal Selene Christand and Alberinea――Krische Christand, built the foundation for it, passed away due to old age.

